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Thursday, November 8, 2018

UN Says All US Whites Have to Pay Reparations for Slavery

A United Nations panel wants white people in the United States to pay reparations for slavery and mass incarceration, according to The Washington Post.

The history of slavery in the United States justifies reparations for African Americans, argues a recent report by a U.N.-affiliated group based in Geneva.

They want people who enslaved no one to pay reparations to people who were never enslaved, based on the color of their skin. They insist on it while ignoring the slavery throughout the world today.

The U.N. preys on would-be victims to sucker them into their leftist ideology. They work in cahoots with the communist NAACP who continuously goes to them with complaints of victimhood.

This conclusion was part of a study by the United Nations’ Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent, a body that reports to the international organization’s High Commissioner on Human Rights.

Barbary Pirates, Muslim Slave Trade And White Slave Girls 

These so-called experts, which includes far-left human rights lawyers from around the world, said the past links up to present injustices.

If they are talking about mass incarcerations, they need to discuss it with the Clintons who launched a policy of mass incarcerations in the 1990s. They also need to take it up with the criminals who land in jail by their own misdeeds.

The past is long gone and we can never make it up to the dead nor are we responsible for any of it.

The U.N. came up with their usual list of grievances.

“In particular, the legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the United States remains a serious challenge, as there has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent,” the report stated. “Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching.”

They cited police officers killing unarmed Black men although almost all these cases were accidental or warranted.

Finally, they had the gall to call it a “human rights crisis”. It “must be addressed as a matter of urgency.”

What is really ridiculous is that the U.S. gives the U.N. more than 22 percent of...


  • The media fawned over a recent global warming study that had a major math error, researchers found.
  • It turns out, the math error made it appear as if oceans warmed more than previously thought.
  • Major media outlets uncritically covered the study, sounding the alarm on global warming.
The recent headline-grabbing study that claimed global warming was heating the oceans up faster than expected suffers from a major math error, according to two researchers.

The study, which was published in a prestigious scientific journal at the end of October, put forward results suggesting global warming was much worse than previously believed. The media ate the results up.

Independent scientist Nic Lewis found the study had “apparently serious (but surely inadvertent) errors in the underlying calculations.” Lewis’ findings were quickly corroborated by another researcher.

Numerous media outlets uncritically highlighted the study’s findings. The Washington Post, for example, reported the work suggested “Earth could be set to warm even faster than predicted.”

The Post’s coverage of the “startling” climate study was echoed by The New York Times, which claimed the study suggested global warming “has been more closely in line with scientists’ worst-case scenarios.”

The BBC warned “[t]his could make it much more difficult to keep global warming within safe levels this century.”

The Atlantic Ocean is pictured, during an unusually warm autumn day, from the coastline at sunset in Biarritz, France October 24, 2017. REUTERS/Regis Duvignau.

However, Lewis found the new paper’s findings stemmed from a math error. Lewis said “a quick review of the first page of the paper was sufficient to raise doubts as to the accuracy of its results.”

“Just a few hours of analysis and calculations, based only on published information, was sufficient to uncover apparently serious (but surely inadvertent) errors in the underlying calculations,” Lewis wrote in a blog post published on climate scientist Judith Curry’s website.

Lewis found the study’s authors, led by Princeton University scientist Laure Resplandy, erred in calculating the linear trend of estimated ocean warming between 1991 and 2016. Lewis has also criticized climate model predictions, which generally over-predict warming.

Resplandy and her colleagues estimated ocean heat by measuring the volume of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the atmosphere. The results: the oceans took up 60 percent more heat than previously thought. The study only sent alarm bells ringing, especially in the wake of the United Nations’ latest climate assessment.

“The planet warmed more than we thought. It was hidden from us just because we didn’t sample it right. But it was there. It was in the ocean already,” Resplandy told The Post at the end of October.

After correcting for the error, however, Lewis found the paper’s ocean warming rate “is about average compared with the other estimates they showed, and below the average for...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #434

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Biggest takeaway from the midterms

A woman choked out a bouncer after wrongly thinking he slapped her bottom.

A woman choked out a bouncer after wrongly thinking he grabbed her bottom.

Club CCTV caught the moment Kierah LaGrave, 22, had her behind pinched by a female friend - but she wrongly assumed it was the security man and grabbed him in a choke hold.

In the surveillance video, the college student is clearly seen yanking his neck back and slamming him to the ground during the incident in Five1Eight nightclub in Plattsburgh, N.Y., on October 20.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Non-Citizens Voting in Texas? "We got TONS of them" Says Election Official on Undercover Video Watch later Share

Girls With Guns

Watch This...

Muslim Bangladeshi immigrant convicted of terrorism charges in NYC subway bombing

NEW YORK -- Akayed Ullah, a Bangladeshi immigrant who set off a pipe bombin New York City's busiest subway station at rush hour, was convicted Tuesday of terrorism charges. After the verdict was announced and the jury left the room, Ullah spoke out, telling the judge: "I was angry with Donald Trump because he says he will bomb the Middle East and then he will protect his nation."

Judge Richard Sullivan told him: "Right now is not the time for a statement."

The verdict capped a weeklong trial that featured surveillance video of Ullah on the morning when his pipe bomb sputtered, seriously burning him in a subway corridor beneath Times Square and the Port Authority bus terminal on December 11, 2017. The defense maintained that he intended to kill only himself. Nobody died and most of the injuries were not serious.

Prosecutors disputed the defense claim, saying Ullah would not have worn a bomb had he wanted to kill only himself. They said he wanted to maim or kill commuters as part of a "lone wolf" terrorist attack on behalf of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

They also cited social media postings by Ullah as well as comments he made after his arrest to investigators. He taunted President Trump on Facebook before the attack.

Authorities said Ullah's radicalization began in 2014 when he started viewing materials online, including a video instructing ISIS supporters to carry out attacks in their homelands.
In closing arguments Monday, Assistant U.S. Attorney George Turner said Ullah told investigators after his arrest that he wanted to avenge U.S. aggression toward ISIS and had chosen a busy weekday morning to attack so he could terrorize as many people as possible.

The prosecutor said Ullah, 28, of Brooklyn, followed the propaganda of ISIS online and wanted to follow its instructions to carry out a "lone wolf" terror attack on Americans. "His goal was to injure and kill innocent civilians, to terrorize," Turner said.

The prosecutor said Ullah told an investigator after his arrest: "I did it for the Islamic State."

Gallicchio, though, said Ullah purposefully chose an isolated corridor to set off his bomb because he only wanted to commit suicide. "This is not a terrorist attack," she argued.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Shawn Crowley disputed the claim. "It was about martyrdom, not suicide," she said.

Ullah was indicted on five counts in the attack, including...