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Friday, November 9, 2018

Idiot Car Driver Vs. Speeding Motorcycle....

More Unbelievably Good Animated Gifs:

The Kid Lived But Who Died?

Until We Have A Wall And Proper Security....

Broward County Florida...

Home Of:

Rick Scott
Marco Rubio
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Sheriff Israel
Parkland High School Shooting 
Mike Miles
Roger Stone
The Rock

Rush Limbaugh Lives Just North In Palm Beach County With

Our President
The Kennedy Compound
Bill Clinton's Billionaire Friend Jeffrey Epstein, Owner of "Orgy" Or "Pedo" Island
Tiger Woods

Florida Man Is A Transient And Can Turn Up Anywhere! Stories Of His Demise Are Not True!

...I'm sure there is more...

Trump just announced a big change to immigration policy – and it will affect caravan migrants

The Trump administration ordered a key change in the immigration policies in relation to asylum seekers, and it will affect how migrants in the caravans heading to the U.S. could seek refugee status.

“Our asylum system is overwhelmed”

A statement released by Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker revealed the change in policy on Thursday.

“Our asylum system is overwhelmed with too many meritless asylum claims from aliens who place a tremendous burden on our resources, preventing us from being able to expeditiously grant asylum to those who truly deserve it,” said the joint statement.

“Today, we are using the authority granted to us by Congress to bar aliens who violate a Presidential suspension of entry or other restriction from asylum eligibility,” they explained.

The regulation would “channel inadmissible aliens to ports of entry, where they would be processed in a controlled, orderly, and lawful manner,” according to the statement.

The order would force migrants seeking to apply for asylum to do so only at ports of entry, and not after stepping onto U.S. soil illegally.

Officials speaking to the Wall Street Journal about the order said that it would be temporary in nature.

Trump is expected to sign the order on Friday before leaving on a trip to Paris.

Here’s a news report on the order from Trump:

She Has A Solution For Every Problem!

Socialism, Snake Oil Of The Socialists...

BREAKING RIGHT NOW | Four trucks have blocked the entrance to the Broward Elections Office. We are working to gather more information

Entire US Election System in Question: Fraudulent and Suspicious Activities Reported Nation-wide – And ALWAYS to Democrat’s Benefit

With voter fraud and integrity issues in Florida, Arizona and across the nation – the entire US election system requires review and repairs.

Yesterday we found out that voter ballots in Florida’s Democrat led Broward County were being transferred between vehicles and loaded on a rental van during the election. Every day new votes are added to Democrat candidates in close races nation wide.

Florida, Arizona and Montana all had tight senate races with Republicans holding the lead on election night and then just like that, days later, Democrats miraculously pull out victories.

Dan Bongino commented that in Florida there is early and now late voting. But only Democrats are allowed to vote in the after election ballots.

Acosta La Vista Baby!

Nine ‘political operatives’ arrested in Texas for alleged illegal voting scheme

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced Thursday that several individuals were arrested in the Lone Star state for allegedly orchestrating an illegal voting scheme in the city of Edinburg in the Rio Grande Valley.

The attorney general’s Election Fraud Unit arrested nine people following an ongoing probe into “a coordinated effort by political workers to recruit people who agree to fraudulently claim residential addresses so they could vote in specific city of Edinburg municipal races,” according to a statement from Paxton’s office.

“Illegal voting, particularly an organized illegal voting scheme orchestrated by political operatives, is an affront to democracy and results in corruption at the highest level,” said Paxton. “Each illegal vote silences the voice of a law-abiding registered voter.”

Paxton identified the nine individuals as Guadalupe Sanchez Garza, Araceli Gutierrez, Brenda Rodriguez, Rosendo Rodriguez, Cynthia Tamez, Ruby Tamez, Belinda Rodriguez, Felisha Yolanda Rodriguez and Jerry Gonzalez, Jr. He also asserted that more arrests are expected in the future and urged anyone with further information to come forward.

“My office will continue to do everything in its power to uncover illegal voting schemes and bring to justice those who try to manipulate the outcome of elections in Texas,” he continued.

Paxton noted that 33 individuals in 2018 have been prosecuted for election fraud violations. In Texas, voting in an election illegally is a second-degree felony that is punishable by up to...

Lawyer Tied to Clinton Campaign, McCain & Crooked Fusion GPS’ Bogus Trump Dossier NOW Leads Democrat’s Florida VOTE Recount Efforts

Marc Elias, the attorney who infamously retained Fusion GPS to produce the largely discredited anti-Trump dossier on behalf of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, has been retained to represent Sen. Bill Nelson’s recount efforts in Florida.

The Florida Senate race is likely headed to a recount after late reporting from Broward County lowered Gov. Rick Scott’s lead to about 17,000 votes, meaning the election is within the .25% margin necessary to require a hand recount. The race has already reached the 0.5 percent threshold to require a machine recount.

In a conference call with reporters, Elias claimed that optical-scan machines may not have registered ballots that were poorly marked, and he contended that Nelson would emerge victorious from a recount, which has not yet been officially authorized.

“We believe that at the end of this process, Sen. Nelson is going to be declared the winner,” Elias said.

Elias added: “We’re doing this not just because it’s automatic, but we’re doing it to win. A significant number of ballots have not yet been counted and, because of the size of Florida, we believe the results of the election are unknown and require a recount.”

Elias is widely considered one of the most powerful attorneys associated with the Democratic Party. He is chair of the Political Law Group at the Perkins Coie law firm. Elias represented Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign as well as the...

CHAOS: Broward teacher finds box of ballots; Workers deliver others in personal vehicles to rental truck

As Florida appears to be gearing up for a recount in the state’s U.S. Senate race, video posted by a Congressional candidate is raising questions about election integrity in one Democrat stronghold.
Tim Canova tweeted a video from Joann Knox he says shows Broward County election workers transporting ballots from a black pickup truck and intro an Enterprise rental truck.

In the video, Knox says she asked the workers about the ballots they were carrying, and they said “the truck left them.”

“I’m not sure what the hell is going on here, but I don’t think it’s right,” Knox says.

At one point, Knox zooms in, showing the ballots in a large blue container sitting on the ground.

Moments later, a car pulls up.

“This lady is bringing ballots out of her car!” Knox says. The workers can be seen in orange vests.

Knox says Broward County allows election workers to transport the ballots by themselves.

“Concerned citizen sees ballots being transported in private vehicles & transferred to rented truck on Election night,” Canova tweeted.

“This violates all chain of custody requirements for paper ballots. Were the ballots destroyed & replaced by set of fake ballots?” he asks.

Canova ran as an independent candidate against Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Unless @FLGovScott steps in and orders law enforcement to Broward County, Brenda Snipes will do all she can to steal this election.

Broward’s Supervisor of Elections office is a corrupt stain on the entire state.

Enough is enough.
7,232 people are talking about this

Broward County Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes “will do all she can to steal this election,” Newsmax host and local resident John Cardillo tweeted, adding that the video captures vote “fraud”.

Broward County is a historically Democrat county, and a mishandling of ballots could jeopardize a recount.

Initial returns show Bill Nelson winning the county by more than 2-1 over Rick Scott, 466,321 to 208,895.

Something very strange happened in Broward County.
I've never seen a top-of-the-ticket U.S. Senate race get fewer votes than EVERY OTHER statewide election.

So more voters wanted to weigh in on governor AND attorney general AND state CFO AND agriculture commissioner?
3,454 people are talking about this
Marc Caputo also tweeted a pictures he says are provisional ballots left behind by election crews.

In Broward County, Miramar Elementary School teacher Lakeisha Sorey came across a box labeled “Provisional ballots” left behind at the school from Election Day & she’s concerned it might have votes. She didn’t look in the box because she didn’t want to tamper with it
12.3K people are talking about this
Showing a gray tub marked “Provisional Ballot Box,” Caputo reports, “In Broward County, Miramar Elementary School teacher Lakeisha Sorey came across a box labeled “Provisional ballots” left behind at the school from Election Day & she’s concerned it might have...