90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Hottie Mugshot of the Day

Because laughing at Liberals is our Patriotic duty!

Felons vote Democratic, see here:

Progressive Jokes #4

Because laughing at liberals is our patriotic duty!

Anime Girls With Guns

Women With Weapons

Anime Girls With Guns

Got gleaming chrome, reflecting steel, loaded, loaded

Alcohol Abuse

Some things are just too sad for words...

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wisdom From Planet Nugent

Snakeskin Cowboy, Who the hell you think you are?
Many, Many years ago, I went to a Ted Nugent Concert, he came out swinging on a vine, wearing nothing but a loin cloth, we went wild, he really knows how to get the adrenaline pumping! It was an awesome concert.

Free North Carolina: Democrats Stole the Election#c7501798268446511730

Excellent post from the Free North Carolina Blog that echos my own sentiments about the odd election results and the events leading up to the election, link below:


Prostitute Mugshot of the Evening

Lori Dix?  Really? Imagine if she worked at a British Truck Stop...Lorry Dix...

Women With Weapons

Anime Girls With Guns

Nice shot!

Wisdom From The Planet Vulcan

Live Long And Prosper My Fellow Second Amendment Patriots.