90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, March 4, 2013

What Will Obama Cut? (1 of 3)

Perspective As Virtue

Girls With Guns

Google Nigeria

Speaking Truth To Power...

When you run the country as a disgruntled community organizer, your only options are to foment discontent and to pit one group against another.  You cannot unite a country, you cannot bring people together and get things done, you cannot lead.  We need a leader.  Step down now Mr. President, just step down.

A Moment Of Serenity...

Won't Lead, Won't Follow And Won't Stay Out Of The Way...

The False Prophet

The Economic Achievements Of Our Messiah...

Remove All Obstacles...

The Constitution tells government what it cannot do.  It is also based on the rights of individuals.  To some, this is an obstacle.

Is Obama Gone Yet?

Uh Oh...