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Molon Labe

Molon labe

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The phrase molon labe (Ancient Greek μολὼν λαβέ molṑn labé; reconstructed Ancient Greek pronunciation [molɔːn labé]Modern Greek pronunciation [moˈlon laˈve]) means "Come and take". It is a classical expression of defiance reportedly spoken by KingLeonidas I in response to the Persian army's demand that the Spartans surrender their weapons at the Battle of Thermopylae. It is an exemplary use of a laconic phrase.

The words ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ as they are inscribed on the marble of the 1955Leonidas Monument at Thermopylae.

In America, both the original Greek phrase and its English translation are often heard from pro-Second Amendment activists as a defense of the right to keep and bear arms. It began to appear on web sites in the late 1990s and early 2000s,[8] and when the government of New Orleans defied Federal court orders to return weapons that had been seized during Hurricane Katrina, a criminal violation by police and National Guard units under the 2nd and Fourth Amendments, as well as violating the Posse Comitatus clause of USC 18.[9] the phrase again gained popularity among supporters of the Second Amendment, as the phrase has connotation of a strong belief in the ideals of personal freedom and in the individual right to self-protection.[citation needed] In the Second Amendment or firearms freedom context, the phrase expresses the notion that the person uttering the phrase is a strong believer in these ideals and will not surrender their firearms to anyone, including governmental authority, without strong resistance.[10]

Molon labe has been recently used in the 2007 feature film 300 in which Leonidas speaks this famous line in English in response to "Spartans! Lay down your weapons!" as "Persians! Come and get them!" In the 1999 comic book of the same name, upon which the film is based, the phrase becomes "Come and get it", with no exchange concerning the laying down of arms.[11] In the earlier 1962 film The 300 Spartans Leonidas says the phrase both in Greek and English to the Persian general Hydarnes.

"Molon Labe" has also been used recently in 2012-2013 on pro-gun merchandise to convey a sense of pride about weapons and as a taunt to the government to "come and take them", in regards to weapons, meaning these people are willing to fight for their freedom and to keep their guns.

"Molon Labe" is the title of episode 7 of the second season of the TV show Falling Skies.

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