90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Girls With Guns

Morning Mistress

Late Night Ladies

A Little Flir Footage For The Evening...

Hot Pick Of The Evening

Lingerie Ladies

Late Night Ladies

More Hot Ladies:

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Enemy Attacks in Florida

Mayor Bloomberg's shock troops, the group of lawyers and agitators that have invaded and occupied Colorado, have opened a front and begun the attack in Florida.

H/T and kudos to Miguel at Gunfree Zone, first the Assault Weapons Ban, SB1670. At first glance, it looks like the New York bill (what a surprise!) with a single feature test, but a 10 round magazine limit (Colorado is currently at 15, New York at 8). It also outlaws any semiautomatic shotgun that can easily accommodate more than five rounds. No mention of revolvers at all. Full text of the bill here in html. It considers semiautomatic pistols as assault weapons if the magazine is not in the hand grip, making things like your 1896 "Broom Handle" Mauser an assault weapon.

Article at: The Silicon Graybeard:

The Liberal Mindset Is A Disease

As a child I role played The Rifleman, Wyatt Earp, Daniel Boone, Gunsmoke, all those great classics with my friends, we ran around chasing each other with our cap guns or sometimes just a stick held like a gun.  This was healthy socializing play with my friends, only a sick, twisted mindset could make this into something unhealthy or less than normal.  We must cure this terrible disease called liberalism.

Philosophy From A Ford - Very Compelling And Straightforward...

Gun Porn

May I Suggest The First 535 Layoffs?

I'll raise you the entire executive branch also....