90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Archery Porn

How Much Money The US Just Sent Egypt....

Late Morning Serenity...

How To Use Your Watch As A Compass...

Popsicle Sticks And Potential Energy

Another Armed Citizen Thwarts A Criminal

The Media is Enthralled.
Free North Carolina
Go to free North Carolina to see the video here:

Finally, The Dalai Lama Weighs In On Self Defense...

Pictures of The Snow Storm In West Virginia

Checkout lagniappe's Lair for nice pics of the (apparently) ongoing snowstorm...

Lagniappe's Lair


The Constitution Can Be Looked At As A Restraining Order Against Tyranny...

Theo Spark: Gun Control Works................

Theo Spark: Gun Control Works................: H/T Shelly

Sidewalk Sicology [sic]

Your beliefs don't make you a better person, your behavior does....


Publications around the world with the name of "Forward" 

Avante! ("Forward!"), publication of the Portuguese Communist Party
Avanti! (Italian newspaper) ("Forward!"), publication of the Italian Socialist Party
Eteenpäin ("Forward"), Communist Party USA Finnish-language newspaper in the United States
Új Előre ("New Forward"), a Communist Hungarian-language newspaper in the United States
Vorwärts ("Forward"), publication of the Social Democratic Party of Germany
Vorwärts! ("Forward!"), a radical paper in German published from Paris in 1844, covering topics of art, science, theater, music, literature and social life
Vorwärts, newspaper of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia

There seems to be a common denominator here....