90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Oh Really?

How Long Can She Stand?

Enjoy The Decline Author Gets Big Attention

Captain Capitalism, the Author of "Enjoy The Decline" is starting to get big attention on his new book.  One That I soon plan on reading.  Find out the future of America and what you can do about it here.

Girls With Guns

A Prediction About A Movie And the Consequences Of Being Evil

Why does Hollywood adore and celebrate evil people?  For some reason Communist Millionaires seem to want to promote their left wing agenda AND keep all their money.  Odd.

Anyways here is a graphic prediction of a move and the consequences of an evil life:

Getting The Shot....

A moment of Serenity..

Irony, Hypocrisy, Celebrity And Death.

Are You So Afraid That You Are Willing To Trade Your Freedom For Security??


Hat Tip: Right Wing News

Obama's Choice For Director Of The CIA...

OBAMA: License To Kill

Like Rand Paul?  Check These Out:

Morning Mistress Exercise Time...