90 Miles From Tyranny

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Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Culture Of Entitlement Begins Here...

Late Night Ladies

Friday, September 6, 2013

A boxing match on board the USS Oregon in 1897

KRAUTHAMMER: Left Mocked Bush For Going Into Iraq With 50 Allies But "Obama Can't Even Get One And A Half"

Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer blasts the liberal establishment for mocking the Bush administration at the time that the United States intervened in Iraq. He compared actions in that conflict to the Obama administration's inability to unite America's allies in the present Syria situation:

"I don't think it is a sudden embrace of the separation of powers or a renewed interest in constitutional action in which he brings in the Congress.

On domestic issues, he hasn't shown any interest in that, and all of a sudden he develops religion on the eve of the supposed strike. The reason is, he was alone and naked in the world.

He didn't have Russia, he didn't have the U.N., didn't have the Security Council, he didn't have the Arabs who....

Read the rest HERE

Obama Getting Elected Was A Bad Dream Right?...Right?!?

Think While We Still Have The Dwindling Right To Do So...

Sarah Speaks Truth To Tyranny

Counting Sheep = Forever Sleep

A Hypocrite And A Liar... America Mourns...

The Left.... Espousing The Views Of The Right...Enjoy It While It Lasts...

2A Pride...

Morning Mistress