90 Miles From Tyranny

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Saturday, November 16, 2013

A drive-in plays The Ten Commandments in Utah USA 1958

More Interesting Pictures are HERE

The Architects Of Tyranny...

Is ObamaCare Racist?

YOU Move

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Vintage Sci-FI

Friday, November 15, 2013

Girls With Guns

The Perils Of Breaking Urinal Etiquette...

Disagreeing With A Tyrant...

Capital One Supports Homophobic Slurs And Child Abusers

From Popwatch:
Again with a homophobic slur?
Once again, Alec Baldwin had a profane public outburst. This time he was chasing and threatening a photographer outside his Manhattan apartment on Thursday. The actor had a few hours earlier won his court battle against accused stalker Genevieve Sabourin (so, naturally, he was in a foul mood). Then a photographer got close to Baldwin’s family, as paparazzi tend to do. Baldwin allegedly called him a “c–ksucking f-g.”
After TMZ posted a video of the incident, Baldwin vehemently insisted on Twitter that he actually called the photographer a “fathead” — which sounds like one of those words that gets swapped into a TV version of an R-movie that nobody says in real life. TMZ’s enhanced audio doesn’t clear things up, but “c–ksucking fathead” doesn’t really leap to mind.

What's In Your Wallet?  Hope It is not a child abusing, violent, out of control credit card.

If Government Breaks It...They Just Make Someone ELSE Buy It...