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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

I Need Feminism Because..

Fundamentally Changing America..

The Most Dangerous Chart in the World..

Last month Toby Connor warned about the bubble in the stock market, and what was going to happen when it popped. Make no mistake the chart of the S&P is the most dangerous chart in the world. When this parabolic structure collapses, it is going to bring down the global economy.
... He expects the Fed and the plunge protection team to go into full panic mode this weekend, come out Monday morning with guns blazing, and try to stop the...  READ MORE

What Is Your Tea Party Name?

This was sent to me from some far leftists, it is their formula to uniquely identify people who want smaller government and less Marxism..

A Moment Of Serenity...


A Tyrannical Dicktator..

How To Avoid Facial Recognition Software..

Why Can’t We Walk Straight?

Gun Control Advocates - Wrong Again...

Benjamin Franklin On Money Manipulators

More Benjamin Franklin:

By Failing To Prepare, You Are Preparing To Fail...

In 1961, Soviet Surgeon Leonid Ivanovich Rogozov Removed His Own Appendix In A Blizzard!

This is truly amazing, I’m sure similar things have and will happen, but this took place in 1961, in the middle of a blizzard!

In 1961, Rogozov was stationed at a newly constructed Russian base in Antarctica. The 12 men inside were cut off from the outside world by the polar winter by March of that year. In April, the 27-year-old Rogozov began to feel ill, very ill. His symptoms were classic: he had acute appendicitis. “He knew that if he was to survive he had to undergo an operation — But he was in the frontier conditions of a newly founded Antarctic colony on the brink of the polar night. Transportation was impossible. Flying was out of the question, because of the snowstorms. And there was one further problem: he was the only physician on the base.”

He recorded in his journal that there was only one option, he had to operate on myself or he would die!

I did not sleep at all last night. It hurts like the devil! A snowstorm whipping through my soul, wailing like a hundred jackals. Still no obvious symptoms that perforation is imminent, but an oppressive feeling of foreboding hangs over me… This is it… I have to think through the only possible way out: to operate on myself… It’s almost impossible… but I can’t just fold my arms and give up.

Amazingly he operated mostly by feeling around, resting every 5 minuets to recompose himself before continuing. He recorded the whole thing in his journal.

I worked without gloves. It was hard to see. The mirror helps, but it also hinders — after all, it’s showing things backwards. I work mainly by touch. The bleeding is quite heavy, but I take my time — I try to work surely. Opening the peritoneum, I injured the blind gut and had to sew it up. Suddenly it flashed through my mind: there are more injuries here and I didn’t notice them … I grow weaker and weaker, my head starts to spin. Every 4-5 minutes I rest for 20-25 seconds. Finally, here it is, the cursed appendage! With horror I notice the dark stain at its base. That means just a day longer and it would have burst and…

At the worst moment of removing the appendix I flagged: my heart seized up and noticeably slowed; my hands felt like rubber. Well, I thought, it’s going to end badly. And all that was left was removing the appendix… And then I realised that, basically, I was already saved.

Remarkably, two weeks later he was back at work, and lived until 2000, when he died aged 66.

NC: Storm troopers' terrorize citizens

Operation “Something Bruin” was run by the North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission (NCWRC), in conjunction with the United States Forest Service (USFS). This four-year, $2 million undercover operation was conducted to uncover bear poaching rings in our state. However, it has instead raised serious questions about the officers and agents involved in the operation. 

Rather than pursuing legitimate poaching arrests, “Something Bruin” reportedly exposed 81 hunters and their families to terrible abuses at the hands of the undercover agents and officers. Hunters caught up in the operation report entrapment, killing of bears by the agents themselves, and the use of storm trooper tactics against hunters and their families. Ms. Linda Crisp and her daughter, Michelle, describe having their homes invaded, and family heirlooms seized by agents wearing body armor and carrying fully automatic weapons. As this occurred, parents were detained outside while small children were left screaming, scared and alone inside homes. 

Scores of arrests yielded very few convictions. State charges against most of the hunters have reportedly been dismissed, while only a few were later rearrested on federal charges. These are not the statistics you would expect to see from a legitimate undercover operation.  

Valone demands answers
Now GRNC President F. Paul Valone is demanding answers—and action. Pursuant to a conversation about the travesty between Valone and Congressman Mark Meadows (R-11, GRNC ****), Meadows sent letters to Inspectors General at the Department of Interior and Department of Agriculture demanding an investigation.

Valone has already delivered letters to Governor McCrory and Senator Burr, calling for both state and federal investigations and, if illegal entrapment occurred, for criminal prosecution of the agents responsible. Said Valone: "If it can be proven that USFS or NCWRC officers committed wildlife violations or illegally entrapped hunters, the citizens victimized by their actions deserve to see appropriate criminal charges filed," Valone further demanded that the Attorney General Roy Cooper conduct an investigation of the NCWRC officers involved. 

Action, please

Reposted From: http://freenorthcarolina.blogspot.com/2014/02/nc-storm-troopers-terrorize-citizens.html