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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Repeat Until It Comes True..

Are We Evil?

No, Cultural Marxists Are Evil.

More On This:

The New Thought Police

Kayaker Finds 110-Year-Old Ghost Ship in the Ohio River

These kayakers came across an abandoned 110-year-old ghost ship in a tributary just off the Ohio River. The photos are cool, but what’s more incredible is the history of this ship, and the things it has seen before it’s current resting place! Scroll down to see for yourself…

One day, this kayaker and some friends came across what looked like an old ship-wreck in a tributary of the Ohio River…

Getting closer, they decided to get out and have a look around…

The ship turned out to be 110 years old, but still structurally sound enough to explore…

Plant life was growing up through the base of the ship…

There was some kind of engine machinery still on board…

Morning Mistress

Arkaim: Russia’s Stonehenge and a Puzzle of the Ancient World

Everyone’s heard of Stonehenge. You could probably venture into the Amazonian jungle and seek out an untouched tribe of hunter-gatherers, spend months gaining their trust and learning their language, fighting off dysentery while you’re at it, and when their chief finally makes you an honorary member of their society, against the emphatic advice of his shaman, you could ask them if they’ve heard of Stonehenge, and the answer would probably be: yes.

Some might say that’s overstating the matter a touch, but the point stands. The sarsen stone
s of Wiltshire are famous; they’ve made their way into popular culture the world over. Though, would it surprise you to know that Stonehenge isn’t the only megalithic stone circle in the world? Probably not, but most don’t realise that there are somewhere on the order of 5000 stone circles around the world. Some exist as collections of circles, like the Senegambian circles in Gambia, Senegal, which are counted as one circle in the global list, but which actually consists of more than 1000 individual monuments covering an area of 15,000 square miles.

Great Britain boasts a large number of these Neolithic sites, but they don’t have a monopoly on henges, as they’re called over there. One of their neighbours actually has quite a few as well.

Standing alongside such geological oddities as Russia’s Manpupuner stone pillars, or the Seven Sleeping Giants, some of the most interesting Neolithic monuments stand within the borders of the former Soviet Union.

Arkaim is one of those sites. Arkaim, or Аркаим in Russian, is considered by some to be the most important and enigmatic archaeological site in northern Europe. The site is wrapped in controversy and is sometimes referred to as Russia’s Stonehenge. It sits on the outskirts of the Chelyabinsk oblast in the southern Urals, just north of the Kazakhstan border. Though it’s not a stone circle in the way that Stonehenge is a stone circle.

Arkaim is the remnants of an ancient settlement, which is basically a village that was fortified by two large stone circular walls. The settlement covers an area of some 220,000sq-ft and consists of two circles of dwellings separated by a street, with a central community square in the center. The site was discovered (rediscovered?) in 1987 by a team of Russian archaeologists, and a wave of excitement washed through the world of archaeology. The site and associated artefacts have been dated to the 17th century BCE and it’s generally agreed that it was built somewhere between 4000-5000 years ago, which puts it in the same age bracket as Stonehenge.

Arkaim has another name, one that’s not exactly kosher. It’s called Swastika City, or alternately Mandala City. It has this name for a couple reasons, firstly, if one uses their imagination, the layout of the dwellings around the central square almost looks like it’s in the shape of a swastika. As we all know the swastika is the misappropriated sign of the Nazis and of the so-called Aryan race, and which has been adopted by modern white-supremacy groups. The second reason is that the settlement is thought to have been of the Sintashta culture, which is an Indo-Iranian race (actually a language identity) of the ancient Eurasian Steppe, or in common terms, the Aryan race. So, as you can see, there are those who would like to assert that Arkaim is in fact the birthplace of the superior white race of humans, though few in mainstream science see any value in that line of reasoning.

The site holds more interesting secrets than just its association to a politically incorrect aspect of our culture however.

It has been of great interest to archaeoastronomers, and therein lies the reason for its association with Stonehenge. It’s long been known that Stonehenge has and was built with astronomical observation in mind. In fact it’s technically called an observatory. Stonehenge allowed for, and possibly may still allow for observations of 10 astronomical phenomena using 22 elements, whereas some archaeoastronomers claim that Arkaim allows for observations of 18 phenomena using 30 elements. This essentially means that certain events in the sky could be observed and tracked by using the site in particular ways and from different positions, and that Arkaim offered more observable events than Stonehenge.

Arkaim as it exists today

It would seem that Arkaim is an even better astronomical observatory than its namesake. According to Russian archaeologist K.K. Bystrushkin Stonehenge offers an observational accuracy of 10-arc minutes to a degree, whereas Arkaim offers

Video: Home Ground

An interesting look into the arctic region around Iceland..

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Midnight Movies: The Weight Of Mountains..

Plate tectonics anyone? Both beautiful and informative. How mountains are formed...
Just watch it, it will calm and transform you and make you a little bit better.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Girls With Guns

Hillary Clinton Defended A Child Rapist And Demonized A 12 Year Old Girl....

The Titanic leaves port in 1912

More Awesome Photos HERE

Human Rights Advocates Blast Hillary Clinton

Tom Sizemore claims, “Bill And Hillary both have separate romantic lives"
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s record on human rights came under harsh criticism in Geneva, Switzerland, last week as political dissidents and pro-democracy activists gathered at a conference ahead of the United Nations Human Rights Council’s annual session.

Clinton has been praised for her role in negotiating U.S. asylum for Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng, and she received the Lantos Foundation Human Rights award for her proclamations on women’s rights and her “pioneering work on Internet freedom.”

However, activists at the Geneva Summit on Human Rights and Democracy, hosted last week by United Nations watchdog group UN Watch, gave a very different assessment of the former secretary of state, telling the Washington Free Beacon that she was silent and passive on some of the most pressing human rights issues during her tenure at the State Department.

Naghmeh Abedini, the wife of an American Christian pastor who has been imprisoned in Iran since the summer of 2012, said the State Department under Clinton all but ignored her husband’s case, and did not take an active role until Secretary of State John Kerry took over last year.

“For Hillary Clinton to have been completely silent, and not have done anything when