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Monday, June 30, 2014

Obama Chutzpah: “We Are Better Off Now Than When I Took Office”

by Jim Hoft
Yes, Barack Obama actually said this:

“We are better off now than when I took office.”

  • The Mideast is being taken over by ISIS Islamists.
  • The economy is shrinking at a historic 2.9% clip.
  • Jobless rates are still at record levels.
  • US debt is over $17 trillion.
  • There are more Americans on food stamps than the population of Spain.
  • Toddlers are making it across the open US border.
  • The IRS is targeting conservatives and lying about it to Congress.
  • Russia just stole Crimea from the Ukraine.
  • Taxpayers are buying underwear for illegals.
  • Obama wants more funding for rebel Islamist groups in Syria.

But, Obama thinks we are better off today.
Joseph Curl at The Washington Times reported:

“By every economic measure, we are better off now than we were when I took office. You wouldn’t know it, but we are,” the president said Friday.

That’s right, the president — the president of the United States, mind you — says Americans are better off, they just don’t know it.

That is the height to which the president has raised his level of mendacity. He has the sheer audacity to tell Americans that he has successfully turned the economy around, that things are all good, but that there are no real quantifiable indicators by which they could ever know that.

In fact, Mr. Obama says Americans have never had it so good.

“Over the past 51 months, our businesses have created 9.4 million new jobs,” he said at a feel-good stop in Minnesota. “Our housing market is rebounding. Our auto industry is booming. Our manufacturing sector is adding jobs for the first time since the 1990s. We’ve made our tax code fairer. We’ve cut our deficits by more than half. More than 8 million Americans have signed up for private insurance plans through the Affordable Care Act.”

Of course, as usual with the president, none of that is true. In 2007, there were 146.6 million Americans employed. Last month, there were 145.7 million people in the workforce. But it’s all worse than that. The labor force participation rate dropped more than 3 percentage points, which equals nearly 8 million people. Now, just 62.8 percent of working-age Americans hold jobs, a dismal number that’s the lowest in 35 years.    --more--

Obama’s Treason & the Disgraceful Intellectuals Obscuring his Anti-American Mission

By Kelly OConnell  
What exactly is it about socialism that attracts such illogical, undying, uncritical, and blind devotion—even in the face of overwhelming evidence this theory is utterly flawed? Or, is there some universal rule which dictates that intellectuals, Hollywood players and so-called journalists must be liberal, socialist, Marxist or communists?

And, why does America create such waves of revulsion in these same liberals? Finally, why must these progressives do everything in their powers to obscure the agenda and acts of other Marxists, even those in high office harming the traditional interests of the US?

In the absence of a better theory, one must deduct that in many important ways, leftism acts like a godless pseudo-religion, or cult. For it seems to have all of the burdens of a religious worldview, without any of the benefits. Most alarmingly, Marxism has been the single most destructive set of beliefs in world history.

America staggers from one contrived disaster to another, as Barack—god of chaos—cackles up his sleeve while pretending to be an icon of rectitude, restraint and moral probity. Meanwhile, the stable of mainstream journalists cheer as if Obama just cured cancer. The list of president-made debacles swells daily. Today it’s the sea of illegals surging across domestic borders, quickly whisked into the country, whereas overseas we’re informed the world’s first terror-state is being implemented between Iraq and Syria. Yesterday, it was the trading of 5 Taliban generals for an army deserter. Tomorrow it could be any number of currently unfathomable decisions by Barack, knowing full well the GOP does not have the stones to impeach him.

Judge Richard Posner, in Public Intellectuals, A Study in Decline, claims that a large problem in the failure of public intellectuals is their overspecialization at the university. But more important than this is Julien Benda’s claims that intellectuals must refrain from bias when disseminating information. Yet the most obvious aspect of most public intellectuals is their very obvious affection for Marx’s ideas.

What exactly was it that made America such a horrible place that Barack was sent by the dark lord to destroy us? The Emotivism of the intellectual class, the emotional decision making of progressives dressed up as the fruit of hard-minded analytic philosophy, is a key problem. Not just because Marxism can only be ...

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Archaeologists have found 50,000-year-old Neanderthal poop

A team of archaeologists in Spain have really stepped in it this time, but that’s a good thing. They’ve uncovered what is believed to be the oldest fossilized human poo. Five whole piles of it.

The Neanderthal coprolites (a generic but shapely specimen is pictured above) are around 50,000 years old, which lines up nicely with the age of the dig site at El Salt in southeastern Spain. It’s known to have been occupied by Neanderthals for thousands of years.

So why are scientists so excited about finding fossilized Neanderthal poo? Because it provides valuable insight into their daily diets. Geoarchaechaeologist Ainara Sistiaga identified chemical signatures in the coprolites discovered at El Salt. She wasn’t able to identify specific foods, but noted that there’s evidence of various berries, nuts, and tubers.

Scientists were already fairly certain that Neanderthals weren’t just carnivorous creatures. Fossilized plant remains have been found in several dig sites before, though their mere presence wasn’t enough to confirm that they were actually being eaten. Microscopic fossils of plant matter embedded in the calculus from ancient teeth seemed to indicate that Neanderthals ate plenty of vegetables, seeds, grains, and fruits.

But did they? Technically it was still possible that they were just chewing on those things, and that’s what some skeptics thought may have been going on. Like us, Neanderthals tended to use their teeth as tools — not always for just eating.

Now that evidence of plants from the other end of the system has been found , however, it’s pretty clear that our extinct ancestors were ingesting plant matter with some regularity. Their diets were similar to ours, they used tools, they even intentionally ...

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