90 Miles From Tyranny

infinite scrolling

Thursday, July 3, 2014

What Happens When You Look At 3.14 in the Mirror?

Pi is truly circular as is Pie.

I Am An Accessory To A Crime...

Socialism Leads To Communism, Communism Is Death..


Do Not Reward Crime..

Anaconda Snake Vs. Electric Fence...

Looks like he came in, found dinner, and dinner got him killed....

Putting Asia's Population In Perspective...

That said, we could fit the entire world's population in Texas with the population density of NYC. Apparently Obama's immigration policy is trying to do just that... 

Raising The Minimum Wage For Dummies...

Not to mention, the price of everything just went up and we have to raise taxes to pay for all the unemployed. 

ummm... yay..

Morning Mistress

This Alligator Is About To Get The Surprise Of His Life...

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Girls With Guns