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Friday, February 20, 2015

I Think I Found That Confounded Bridge...

Slap Happy..

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Discovering Cause And Effect...

Medical recycling and cutting down on crime the ISIS way

Prison officials and social workers, concerned about the failure of rehabilitation in prison and the high rate of recidivism, the return to crime and consequently prison for former inmates, might want to take some lessons from ISIS and Saudi Arabia. 

Imitating the success of Muslim Saudi Arabia, ISIS in northern Syria publicly chops off the hands of (alleged) thieves.

Islamic State henchmen recently chopped off the right hand of two men who were said to have committed theft in the Aleppo province, the Middle East Media Research Institute reported.

In pictures that were disseminated through social media, photographs show a crowd of people standing and watching as two blindfolded men are hauled into a gated area in the town of Dar al-Fath.

The photos then show what appear to be meat cleavers. Subsequent pictures show the amputated hands of the convicted men.

And just what happens to the amputated hands after their public display?  They might be tossed.  Or not.  A disturbing accusation from Iraq's ambassador to the UN,   asked the U.N. Security Council on Tuesday "to look at allegations that the Islamic State group is using organ harvesting as a way to finance its operations."

Media Circus Parade Featuring Grand Marshal Obama – Unanimous Reporting Of “Poor Pitiful Illegal Alien Victims” In Propaganda Outlets

Anyone who doubts that the mainstream media is controlled by the
same wealthy global government cabal that controls what used to be our government need only look at the pro-regime bias in the media reporting of the injunction against Hussein Obama’s criminal illegal amnesty. They are correctly not news organizations but propaganda for instruments promoting an agenda. That is why they are called the media, sharing that designation with Jon Stewart, Saturday Night Live and Barney.

Just as the Soviet Union had Pravda, we in America have our “free press.” It is a tool of even greater value to the controlling authority, given that the majority of those who sit and subject themselves to their daily programming are not even aware that it is happening.

Curtis Houck of Newsbusters surveyed the coverage given by the three major networks in reporting the events and found that a mere 18 seconds of coverage was given to those opposed to the illegal amnesty decree, while those who supported the dictatorial acts of the pseudo-president were given roughly six minutes to make their case.

The network “reporting” was delivered in the familiar sensationalist and pathetic victimization tones, intended to intensify the outrage among their audience members at the injustices of the heartless judge and the 26 state governments who were fighting against our imperial “president.”

The “poor innocent invaders’” hopes were dashed and “they only want to support their families,” or Republicans are “stealing children from their mother’s arms,” familiar excuses that completely ignore the facts that they could be supporting their families in their own country and that squatters have...

Morning Mistress

Bill Whittle On The Hot Seat..

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Girls With Guns

The Little Tyrant..

Leftist Media Is So Predictable...