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Friday, February 5, 2016

Obama proposes $10 tax per barrel on oil to pay for green transportation plan

President Obama will propose a $10-per-barrel fee on oil, paid by oil companies, to cover the costs of his $300 billion “clean” transportation programs in his new federal budget, the White House said Thursday.

While his budget has little chance of passing in the Republican-led Congress, the president is proposing a massive increase in spending on mass transit, high-speed rail and other options to reduce carbon emissions and gridlock. To pay for it, Mr. Obama will call for a $10 tax per barrel of oil.

“The new fee on oil will also encourage American innovation and leadership in clean technologies to help reshape our transportation landscape for the decades ahead,” the White House said in a statement.

Mr. Obama’s spending plan for fiscal 2017 will be submitted Tuesday to Congress.

Sen. John Barrasso, Wyoming Republican, said the tax would be passed on to consumers at the...

Hot Pick Of The Late Night...Banana Rama - Oh My...

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Girls With Guns

The Silver Series: World’s Growing Demand For Silver (Part 3 of 4)

Who Controls the World's Silver Supply?

The Silver Series: The Many Phases of Silver (Part 1 of 4)

The Silver Series: Making The Case For Silver (Part 4 of 4)

On Paying To Import Terror...

The Iranian Book Of Moron Shame...

Muslim Explains Obama’s TRUE Intentions Behind a Nuclear Iran…And It’s NOT WHAT YOU THINK!

Obama: Criticism of Muslim Americans ‘Has No Place In Our Country’

Hmmm. Thank you for treating women as second class citizens, and putting women in the back of the bus, and pushing homosexuals off of buildings? You get a mulligan for that one haha! Oh and you unclean menstruating women, no praying and sit in the back of the room where you belong.

On Wednesday, President Obama, who has become the executive branch equivalent of a professional Salon.com commenter troll, took his traveling roadshow of perverse failure to the Islamic Society of Baltimore.

There, he lectured Americans – as always – on our own intolerance, the glories of Islam, and how if we just gaze longingly into his eyes, our souls will be set free of the baser matter surrounding them.

First, a note: the Islamic Society of Baltimore has significant ties to terror supporters. Its former imam, Mohamed Adam el-Sheikh, presided over the mosque for 18 years and justified Palestinian suicide bombings in the pages of The Washington Post, as well as founding the radical Muslim Brotherhood-associated Muslim American Society.

Now, on to President Obama’s speech.

Obama began by stating that the ISB is as American as apple pie (minus the whole former imam who supported suicide bombing thing). He then said, “So the first thing I want to say is two words that Muslim Americans don’t hear often enough — and that is, thank you. Thank you for serving your community. Thank you for...

Morning Mistress

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Girls With Guns

The Silver Series: Who Controls The World’s Supply? (Part 2 of 4)

Who Controls the World's Silver Supply?

The Silver Series: The Many Phases of Silver (Part 1 of 4)

Self Defense Is A Human Right...

Modern Women Should Not Have Less Rights Than Her Historical Sisters...

CNN Reporter Asks Bernie Sanders Supporters to Define 'Socialism'