90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, February 29, 2016

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

The Pirate's Cove has:

Proof Positive has:

The Woodsterman has:

The Other McCain has:

That Aint No Snowflake...

More Animated Gifs:

New NSA Anti Tea Party Weapon...

Wrong Wire Faisel

That's Gotta Hurt...

Can You Say, Adrenaline Rush?

I Know There Is A Sun Tzu Quote In Here Somewhere..

It's A Drive Thru Now..

Roof Surfing Fail..

..and don't miss:

Squirrel Launcher...

Animated Gif Collection #2 HERE 

This Is How You Win A War...

Sheriff Babeu – Biden And Obama Should Apologize To Americans, Not Mexico

Pinal County, AZ, Sheriff Paul Babeu gives his perspective on the profane language and the message of former Mexican president Vicente Fox regarding Donald Trump and the border wall. As the video shows Fox vehemently vows Mexico will not pay for the wall but that is not their decision to make.

He also offers his opinion on the continuing apology tour of the junior foreign nation toady, Joe Biden and his groveling before the current Mexican president.

Babeu asks, “Why don’t they stop right there and turn to the American people and apologize to us? Apologize to the thousands of Americans and families who have victims, their own sons and daughters, moms and dads who have been killed by some of these illegals, these criminals?”

He continues, “Never once have they talked to the parents of murdered children here in my state and yet they would gladly apologize in a second to the leaders of Mexico, to leaders in Europe. And finally we need...

Morning Mistress

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Girls With Guns

Only You Can Prevent Big Government

End The Department Of Education
Cut The EPA to Ten Percent Of Their Current Funding
Fire Most Of The IRS Leftist Activists
Rein In The BLM
De-Militarize all Non Military Departments
Abolish ALL Welfare For Illegal Immigrants

ALWAYS vote for the Tea Party Candidate In Primaries,
then prepare to vote them out if they are seduced by the establishment like this guy:

The Cancer Of Liberalism Infects Canada Also...

The Cancer That Is Justin Trudeau...

Canada Has Gone Completely Batshit Crazy With Their Cuckold Prime Minister Trudeau...

Morning Mistress

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Girls With Guns

An Armed Society Is A Safe Society...

Let's all Be Polite...

Bill Clinton Has Military Veteran Thrown Out Over Hillary's Lies About Benghazi - VIDEO

 The long hours and grueling pace of the presidential campaign may be finally catching up with a rapidly aging Bill Clinton.

During an appearance in Bluffton, South Carolina on Friday, a former Marine interrupted Clinton’s speech and asked him to address what Hillary was going to do about the VA.

“What do you think should be done with the VA?” Clinton said in a raspy voice, turning the question back on him and yielding the floor.

“The thing is, we had four lives in Benghazi killed and your wife tried to cover it up,” the Marine responded, eliciting boos and jeers from the crowd.

As the man continued to talk, audience members yelled at him to sit down. “Are you going to let me answer?” Clinton asked. “This is America. I get to answer,” he said. “You listen to me. I heard you,” Clinton snapped as the man turned around and began addressing the crowd.