90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

College Educated Debt Slave Thinks She's Smarter Than Me

Monday, July 11, 2016

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:
The Other McCain has:
Proof Positive has:

The Woodsterman has:

Benghazi In Summary

How To Crash Into A Car With Your Motorcyle Like A BOSS..

More Amazing Animated Gifs:

Bet You've Never Had A Day This Bad...


Hillary Clinton Air Freshener - Eliminates That REEK Of Scandal!!

Now For Some Good News - Celebrities That Support Our 2nd Amendment...

Hillary Clintons Lies Have Caught Up To Her...

Can We Expect The Media To Do Their Job? Nope.
We Just Need To Repeat It As Often As Possible...

Donald Trump Was Not Wrong About Muslim Immigration

Islam is not just a religion, but a political movement like Communism. So why can’t we apply political restrictions to Muslims like we did to communists?

Events such as Brexit and increasing terrorist attacks continue to underscore that immigration from majority-Muslim countries will continue to be a dominant political question, yet pundits and politicians continue to treat this concern as impossible to resolve at best, and xenophobic at worst.

On “Special Report with Bret Baier” a couple of months ago, Steven Hayes was appalled and contemptuous at the idea that the United States could apply a religious test to immigrants.

Hayes was not alone. It seems to be a tenet of establishment conservatives that applying a religious test is beyond the pale, especially for Muslims. House Speaker Paul Ryan has said, as written up by Micky Kaus, “Ryan made a point of praising ‘Muslims, the vast, vast, vast, vast majority of whom are peaceful, who believe in pluralism and freedom and democracy and individual rights.’” The entire quote is available at the Washington Post.

Islam Is a Political Movement

This shows a stunning naiveté. Islam is far more than just a religion. It is also a political movement with strict rules for how society should be governed. In Islam, there is no separation of church and state, which has implications for our...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night