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Thursday, July 14, 2016

Girls With Guns - Bows, Bikinis And Boots

Don't Buy A Fire Extinguiser...That's What Firemen Are For...

The Logic Of The Totalitarian Left..

Do As We Say, Not As We Do...The New Emperors...

American Horror Story... The Clintons...

Empowerment Series: Women With Weapons #85

Say His Name Obama, You P O S

The Latest Polls Suggest That Crooked Hillary's Past Is Catching Up To Her...

While China Improves Its Military, US Funded World Bank “Climate Program” – Helping China put American Farmers Out of Work

The World Bank, to which the USA is by far the largest contributor, has launched a climate program in rural China, to help Chinese farmers improve infrastructure and productivity. This will in turn help the Chinese drive down the profits and job opportunities in rural America.

Project Helps Farmers Adapt to Climate Change in China

About 380,000 rural households in six Chinese provinces are benefiting from a project that helps build sustainable and climate-smart agriculture. The project is funded by the World Bank and the Government of China, with additional technical expertise from the Investment Centre of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations.

The $313.14 million Integrated Modern Agriculture Development (IMAD) Project, the largest World Bank- supported project of its kind in China, combines complementary investments in infrastructure, on-farm technologies, and institutional support by improving irrigation systems, boosting...

France Intel Chief: Migrant Sexual Assault Epidemic Could Spark Civil War

Europe is expecting another million third world migrants in 2016. Chief Directorate General of Internal Security in France says a civil war could be sparked by the epidemic of sexual assaults by migrants.

FRANCE is on the verge of civil war that could be sparked by the mass sexual assault of women by migrants, according to the country’s head of intelligence.

Patrick Calvar, chief of the Directorate General of Internal Security, told members of the French parliamentary commission: “We are on the brink of civil war.”

He said that the situation in France is on such a knife edge that it could just take one more major Islamist terror attack to lead to a huge right-wing backlash.

Speaking to the leading...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

"$2 Billion A Year" - Illegal Immigrants Get More Food Stamp Benefits Than Poor American Citizens

There’s a reason Americans are angered over illegal immigration and despite what liberal-leaning socialists like Hillary Clinton and the Huffington Post may suggest, it has absolutely nothing to do with racism.

It’s an economics issue, plain and simple.

 Illegal immigrant households tapping into the federal food stamp program are receiving $1.4 billion to $2.1 billion a year despite their ineligibility, according to a new analysis of the Agriculture Department program. 

And rules guiding who can get food stamps favor households with illegal immigrants over all-U.S. citizen homes, according to the detailed report from the Center for Immigration Studies released Monday morning.