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Saturday, July 16, 2016

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

DEBUNKED: #BlackLivesMatter Propaganda Exposed Case-By-Case

Friday, July 15, 2016

Girls With Guns

Pirro On Political Correctness...

More Judge Jeanine:

Jeanine Pirro - My Hero

Judge Jeanine Pirro Excoriates Hillary Clinton...

Judge Jeanine: The Left Will ‘Stop at Nothing to Prevent Free Speech’

Did Her Head Hit The Concrete Stair? OUCH!

More Amazing Animated Gifs:

Video: The assassination of Japanese politician Inejiro Asanuma

More Amazing Animated Gifs HERE

Animated Gif Collection #2 HERE

Animated Gif Collection #4

Bernie Sanders: SOLD OUT!

 More Bernie Sanders!

Bernie Sanders Betrays His Base...

Bernie Sanders Is The Pied Piper Of The Mindless, Ignorant, Jobless, Self-entitled Youth Of Today...

You Are Probably A Bernie Sanders Fan If...

Leaving Mom's Basement To Yell At Capitalism...

Bernie Is Pretty Sure He Has A Winning Strategy Here...

The Problem With Bernie Sanders Supporters...

What Are Bernie Sanders Goals?

Taxation: how the sheep are shorn.

Old Man Yells At Capitalism...

Feel The Bern...

If Crooked Hillary Gets Elected, THIS Will Happen...

Just say no to starvation!

Just Say No To Becoming Venezuela...

Barack Obama's Ronald Reagan Moment...

..But Like...Opposite...

I Shamelessly Stole This Image HERE

SHOCK POLL: Rasmussen Shows Trump Making HUGE Jump Ahead of Crooked Hillary

If Hillary Clinton thought last week’s fallout from the FBI investigation into her private email server was bad, poll data for the presumptive Democrat nominee is so bad this week that one wonders what next week might hold for the Clinton campaign. Locusts, perhaps?

The latest bad news for Hillary came from a Rasmussen poll released late yesterday. It showed Donald Trump with a 44 percent to 37 percent lead over Hillary Clinton — the widest margin so far at 7 points. Other unnamed candidates, likely to be Green Party nominee Jill Stein and Libertarian Party nominee Gary Johnson, got 13 percent of the vote.

Trump’s lead in the last weekly survey done by Rasmussen was only 42 percent to 40 percent, which was statistically insignificant when the margin of error was factored in.

This survey, which was conducted on July 12 and July 13 with 1,000 likely voters, only had a 3 percent margin of error. That’s easily less than Trump’s 7 point lead.

The Rasmussen survey was the latest blow to Hillary’s campaign from pollsters. A CBS News/New York Times poll had...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Tracing Mexican meth to the Dallas cop killer

In all likelihood, Dallas police killer Micah Johnson was an amphetamine addict. On July 9, quoting Dallas police sources, Fox reported that meth had been found in a search of the home he shared with his mother. As Fox further noted, the effects of the C-4 explosion were such that we will never know with 100 percent certainty that he was on meth at the time of the killings but his behavior tracks with someone on meth.

Dallas Police Chief David Brown has said that Johnson was “delusional,” laughing, singing and scrawling cryptic messages on the wall in his own blood while he traded shots with police. In 2014 the National Institutes of Health published a useful paper, “Methamphetamine Alters Brain Structures, Impairs Mental Flexibility,” which notes that “methamphetamine alters brain structures involved in decision-making,” but any experienced law enforcement officer can tell you that. Johnson certainly fit the profile of a meth user.

So, if Johnson was a meth addict, who supplied him with dope?

On these pages in December 2015, I recounted how Chinese meth precursors come into Mexico through new Chinese-built ports on the West Coast of that county. The Mexican drug cartels then mass-produce the precursors in liquid form and smuggle it across the Mexico-Texas border. The Drug Enforcement Administration had reported that in 2014 meth seizures were up 90 percent in the Lower Rio Grande Valley near the Gulf of Mexico, 136 percent in...