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Monday, July 18, 2016

Reeling from Falling Polls, Paul Ryan Floods District with Mailers on Border Security After Funding Every Obama Open Borders Initiative

Following a new primary election poll showing that House Speaker Paul Ryan has plummeted to well below 50 percent in his home district, Ryan is out with new mailers assuring Wisconsin voters of his desire to secure the border, and urging them to support him in his contentious August 9th primary election.

The new mailers touting Ryan’s support for border security is interesting given that just last year, Ryan championed a spending bill that fully funded President Obama’s open borders agenda– including funding sanctuary cities, executive amnesty, and the release of criminal aliens. The mailers also come amid new reports indicating that, one month after his election, Ryan plans to bring up “criminal sentencing” measures that could release thousands of criminal illegal aliens from prison onto the streets.

EBL: Brigitte Bardot is right

EBL: Brigitte Bardot is right

Daytona police car firebombed outside Islamic Center and they left a note...

Terrorist, Racist, Hate Group Black Lives Matter Note Left Behind.

The Daytona Beach Police Department may have been the target of anti-police backlash early Sunday morning when someone firebombed an unoccupied squad car parked in front of a mosque and left a note near the destroyed vehicle attributing the act to Black Lives Matter.

According to Police Chief Mike Chitwood, the incident took place about 2 a.m. That’s when someone set fire to the cruiser parked outside the Islamic Center at 347 S. Keech St. The vehicle was engulfed in flames and destroyed.

Chitwood said police found a note at the scene that read “Black Lives Matter A. Sterling P. Castile (Expletive removed) the police.”

It was not yet clear exactly what was used to burn the vehicle, but Chitwood said he assumes the culprits used a Molotov cocktail. He said the firebombing caused more than $20,000 in damage to the vehicle.

Imam Belal Alzuhiry Shemman, the Islamic Center's religious leader, could not be reached.

One resident who lives in the area and asked not to be identified said via email that by the time fire units arrived the car was already in flames.

"We were in bed and I heard a 'boom' noise. It sounded like a window being broken and I thought it could be someone trying to break into my boyfriend's car. So I looked out the window and didn't see anyone near his car then I looked left and saw the police car was on fire," the person wrote. "The police car has been parked there since the Orlando shootings. They move it every now and then but it's always empty. My boyfriend called 911 and it took so long before they got there that...

Sweden has died. Do not allow your country to be next....

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Trump Has Invited Victims of Illegal Alien Crime To Speak At GOP

One of the things that convinces me of Donald Trump’s seriousness about making immigration legal again has been his attention to crime victims of illegal aliens. He has met with surviving family members, and now two parents — Jamiel Shaw and Sabine Durden — have been reported as being speakers at the Republican convention next week.

In April, Jamiel Shaw, standing at the podium, tells a Trump audience about the 2008 murder of his teenaged son who was shot and killed near his home by an exceptionally violent illegal alien gangster who nevertheless had been released onto Los Angeles streets instead of deported. Others on the stage are holding pictures of their relatives also killed by unlawful foreigners: one is Sabine Durden who is standing closest to Donald Trump.

Jamiel Shaw appeared on Fox News Sunday morning to discuss his upcoming talk in the convention: 


Sunday, July 17, 2016

Girls With Guns

Baton Rouge Shooter Gavin Eugene Long Was Nation Of Islam Member, Railed Against ‘Crackers’ On YouTube Channel [VIDEO]

A Youtube account operated by Gavin Eugene Long and discovered by The Daily Caller reveals key insight into what might have motivated the 29-year-old black man who killed three Baton Rouge police officers Sunday morning.

Videos on Long’s account show that he was a former Nation of Islam member. He also ranted against “crackers” and made references to Alton Sterling, the black man killed by police in Baton Rouge on July 5.
Other information about Long shows that the Kansas City native, who CBS reported was honorably discharged from the Marines in 2010, went by the name Cosmo Ausar Setepenra.

In one video filmed from Houston and posted to Long’s Youtube account on July 12, the suspected guman discusses being in...


Administration Defends Spending Tax-Payer Money On UN-Funded, Anti-Israel Textbooks for Palestinians

U.S. taxpayers provide nearly $400 million a year to a United Nations program that critics say sends anti-Semitic, anti-Israel textbooks to schools for Palestinian refugees.

An elementary school textbook calls the 1948 establishment of Israel a “disaster,” and a high school text tells of the “End of Days” when “Muslims fight the Jews,” among other examples in a report from the Center for Near East Policy, a pro-Israel research institute based in Jerusalem.

The agency—the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, or UNRWA—has come under scrutiny for years for supplying Palestinian schools with textbooks containing violent, anti-Israel references.

The Obama administration, however, defends the textbook program. A State Department spokesman...

The Path Of Self Destruction...

Beware the Soros zombies

Billionaire George Soros has funded liberal organizations intent on bringing confusion, disarray and trouble to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland next week.

And they’ve already had some victories.

Civil rights group Color of Change — which Mr. Soros gave $500,000 to in his Foundation’s latest tax return — collected more than 100,000 signatures on a petition to demand Coca-Cola and other companies withdraw their support from the convention. The petition that featured a Coke bottle with the label, “Share a Coke with the KKK.”

Color of Change was joined by UltraViolet, another Soros-backed women’s rights organization, in the petition, an effort to amplify their collective voice against the GOP.

And it worked.

Coca-Cola caved to the pressure and decided to give only $75,000 to the convention, compared to the about $660,000 it gave in 2012. Other corporate sponsors were scared off.

To demonstrate how extreme Color of Change’s political ideology is, it’s latest campaign is to defund America’s police forces that “don’t defend black lives.” Its social media feeds give no reference to the five men in uniform who lost their lives in Dallas.

But I digress. Let’s get back to the liberal mischief aimed at the Republican convention.Brave New Films, which received $250,000 from Mr. Soros‘ foundation, tried to make waves for Republicans by creating misinformation about their convention through...