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Thursday, July 21, 2016

Why jihadists laugh at gun control

The “attack minister” and spokesman of ISIS, Abu Mohammed al-Adnani, is not worried by Democrat calls for gun control laws. Here are instructions he issued two years ago.

If you cannot (detonate) a bomb or (fire) a bullet, arrange to meet alone with a French or an American infidel and bash his skull in with a rock, slaughter him with a knife, run him over with your car, throw him off a cliff, strangle him, or inject him with poison,” he said.

Al-Adnani said there was no need to “consult anyone” as all unbelievers are fair game: “It is immaterial if the infidel is a combatant or a civilian… They are both enemies. The blood of...

It Came From the Depths Of HELL!!!

I Shamelessly Lifted This Image from HERE

FLASHBACK: Ted Cruz PROMISES to Endorse Donald Trump on National TV (VIDEO)

On March 3, 2016 Senator Ted Cruz told the FOX News debate audience he would support Donald Trump if he was the Republican nominee.

Bret Baier: Senator Cruz will you support Donald Trump if he is the nominee?

Senator Ted Cruz: Yes, because I gave my word I would. And what I have endeavored to do every day in the senate is do what I said I would do.

But that was all a lie.

Cruz reneged on his promise to endorse the Republican nominee Donald Trump.


Melania Trump’s Speech Destroys Anti-Immigrant Narrative

by: Javier Manjarres

If you speak to many Hispanics around the country like I have, most, if not all who follow politics will tell you that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is a racist that hates all “Brown People.”

But according to these same Hispanics and the entire Democratic Party, Trump doesn’t just hate Hispanics, Trump hates all immigrants.

This could not be any further from the truth.

Many of you will remember when I dissected Trump’s controversial comments regarding Mexico, outlining all of the crime and violence that the Mexican government allows to spill over in the U.S, right?

I backed up his completely accurate remarks, saying that they just not delivered in the most politically correct way.

But now that Trump’s wife Melania introduced herself to the American electorate when...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night - Coca Cola Edition...

China planning an economic zone near North Korea border to access Korean slave labor...

SEOUL, July 20 (UPI) -- China is planning an economic cooperation zone between the border city of Dandong and Tonghua, another city facing North Korea.

The project is being launched less than two months after Chinese President Xi Jinping met with North Korean envoy Ri Su Yong, who previously served as Pyongyang's foreign minister.

During the meeting Xi had said China "highly values" friendly cooperation with North Korea.

While the new economic zone does not involve North Korea directly, the project known as the "Tongdan Economic Belt" is being inaugurated in an area of China that has been actively engaged in trade with North Korea.

The two Chinese cities signed...

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Girls With Guns

Obama:The Deceitful Liar...

Today's Muslim Horoscopes

Cancer It's a good day to martyr yourself. Your 72 virgins are getting impatient waiting for you, and they are feeling very lonely today. They need to feel to touch of a hero who knows his way around a suicide belt.

Leo Take time to celebrate the deaths in Benghazi and support legislation restricting access to Benghazi documents. Tonight: go out in large groups and harass the locals, infidels never defend themselves.

Virgo A good day to lawyer up. Not that you did anything wrong! Still, a very, very good day to lawyer up with a free CAIR Lawyer. Tonight: practice saying "I was targeted because I belong to the religion of peace" in the mirror.

Libra Accuse your opponents of playing the blame game. When they accuse you of playing the blame game by accusing them of playing the blame game, feign chest pains until they apologize. Then start playing the blame-them-for-your-chest-pains game.

Scorpio Take the bus, bring a plastic axe and a plastic knife, then stare down passengers while slowly touching your neck. If the police harass you, tell them you are going to a comic con. When the police leave, explain to the nearest female what they do to women who dress like her in Islamic countries.

Sagittarius Rent a box truck today. If they harass you, call CAIR and claim discrimination and harassment because of your religion. Accuse conservative TV personality of saying things you disagree with, and insisting that he shut up! Add a P.S. suggesting he knows nothing of sharia and has no right to discuss sharia.

Capricorn Today you'll get the urge to express your opposition to legal immigration by accusing anyone opposing illegal immigration of racism. If someone voices skepticism, call them a racist, an islamophobe, an infidel and an apostate.

Aquarius Count your blessings as an Islamist, such as unfettered love and adoration from the media, newspapers, periodicals and supporting Hollywood movies that allows you to get away with lies, murder and building your caliphate. Tonight: Spray paint hate messages on your mosque and blame it on the locals just for fun.

Pisces Don’t take no for an answer. Give no for an answer. The 5th amendment is your and your friends friend.

Aries Sad thoughts may bedevil you today. Clear them out of your head by thinking of destroying western society. Tonight: party like a Barbary Pirate.

Taurus Beat your wife today, any excuse will do: maybe she did not bring you goat curry fast enough, or pehaps she did not submit to your carnal desire with enough enthusiasm, be creative if you have to, she needs to know her place and be humbled and humiliated.

Gemini Practice saying into a mirror: "I'm smart enough, I'm good enough and dog gone it, I'm really good at killing infidels". Then check on the progress of your bomb building crew.



June Democrat Politician Horoscopes

Fixed That For You Kenqueca...

Justice Is America Is Now A Two-Tiered System...

And we are on the bottom.