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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right...

The Hypocrisy Of The Democrats...


What Is Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome? (556 Killed As Of June 30, 2016)

VDARE.com began tracking Immigrant Murder Syndrome in 2007, after the Virginia Tech Massacre (perp: a Koreanimmigrant, Seung-Hui Cho, above). We define Immigrant Mass Murder as
A murder committed in America, by an immigrant—or member of an immigrant community.
But in any case, it’s a murder that would never have happened in America, but for mass, non-traditional immigration.

Note that, with this definition, we are scrupulously trying to exclude mass murderers who are just visiting—like, most controversially, the 9/11 hijackers, most of whom were abusing tourist visas. (This caused the fantical immigration enthusiasts at the Wall Street Journal to crow that 9/11 wasn’t an immigration problem—ignoring that it was still a Border Security problem [Immigrants and Terrorists | So Atta got his visa. That’s no reason to kick out Mexican workers. WSJ,March 18, 2002]).

On the other hand, after some thought, we do include some American-born children of immigrants such as Major Nidal Hassan, born to Jordanian immigrant parents, perpetrator of the 2010 Fort Hood Massacre. This is a question of judgment, but in several cases, for example the 2015 San Bernardino Massacre, the perpetrators actually include both immigrants and...

Morning Mistress

Wet Teeshirts For Trump!

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Girls With Guns

George Soros, The Man Who Wants To Destroy America Bankrolls The Democrats...


(INTELLIHUB) — For years many in the alternative media, as well as those in more conspiracy oriented right-wing circles, have attempted to expose the fact that liberal billionaire George Soros has and is funding a vast network of left-wing media outlets, activists, and social justice organizations.

From providing early funding to hard left news outlets such as Salon.com tobankrolling many of the leftists activist groups that descended on Ferguson in the wake of the Michael Brown shooting all the way to literally paying Black Lives Matter to continue to stir up racial anger, Soros seems to have his hands (and money) in everything.

While some commentators have noted the ties between the ongoingEuropean refugee crisis and the Soros run Open Society Foundation, the mainstream media as a whole has largely downplayed this connection, instead opting to shame the people of Europe and the United States into supporting what amounts to the literal destruction of their society.

Now, as multiple European countries have begun to fight back against this wholesale assault on their countries very foundation, Soros and his groups have come under attack and their response to these attacks has revealed why exactly he is funding various groups helping to facilitate the introduction of hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of Muslim “refugees”.

Hint. It has little to do with saving people fleeing war-torn countries.

In the midst of most European countries being guilted by the media into accepting an untold number of refugees, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has been a lone voice of sanity, refusing to allow the destruction of his country despite widespread pressure from the media and various international organizations and governing bodies.

In a report published by Bloomberg Business, Orban, who for months has been under attack by Soros funded activists over his stance on the refugee crisis, completely exposed the real intent of Soros and his allies.

“His name is perhaps the strongest example of those who support anything that weakens nation states, they support everything that changes the traditional European lifestyle,” Orban said in an interview on public radio Kossuth, according to Bloomberg Business.

“These activists who support immigrants inadvertently become part of this international human-smuggling network.”

Stunningly, in an email response given to Bloomberg, Soros literally admitted that his work and money are being put towards destroying the national borders of Europe. That’s right, Soros explicitly admitted that he sees the refugee crisis and the needs of the refugees as more important than the very identity of any country.

“His plan treats the protection of national borders as the objective and the refugees as an obstacle,” Soros said in response to the comments made by Orban.

“Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle.” (emphasis mine)

There you have it. The wholesale destruction of each and every European nation in order to make way for millions of Muslim refugees is the stated goal and is being helped along with funding by the very man who exerts an already untold amount of influence on the mainstream left leaning media.

This admission by Soros, seen in the context of his widespread support for both liberal causes throughout the world and the media that covers them, helps to explain why the media has attacked anyone who doesn’t support an unlimited numbr of refugees being allowed into their country as hateful, racist people.

At this point, especially with numerous liberal commentators in the United States calling for up to 1 million refugees to be allowed into the country, the people of the world must stand up to what literally amounts to the wholesale destruction of their way of life before it is too late.

A Picture Of The Founding Fathers Of ISIS...

The Pick-Up Truck Of Truth...

Ready To Build The Wall...

Hillary Clinton BULLIED Vince Foster Before Suicide, Said Ex-Clinton Friend in Final Interview

Jim McDougal said Bill married Hillary after ‘cold-blooded search’ for political wife

Hillary Clinton relentlessly browbeat her clinically depressed former law partner Vince Foster shortly before he committed suicide in 1993, according to notes from a final jailhouse interview with a former close business partner of the Clintons.

Jim McDougal, a long-time member of the Clintons’ Arkansas inner circle and a central figure in the Whitewater scandal, passed away from a heart attack in prison in 1998. But he said in a final interview before his death that Hillary Clinton had a “hard, difficult personality” and was “riding [Vince Foster] every minute” about Whitewater before Foster took his own life.

McDougal also described his ex-friend Bill as a “master con artist” who married Hillary after a “cold-blooded search” to find himself a politically beneficial wife. Bill, according to McDougal, also privately wanted to prevent Hillary from succeeding in her own political career.

McDougal, who was convicted of fraud in 1996 in connection to the controversial real estate partnership with the Clintons, sat for a number of jailhouse interviews with former Boston Globereporter Curtis Wilkie before his death. Many of his statements were reported in his posthumous 1998 book with Wilkie, Arkansas Mischief: The Birth of a National Scandal.

Hillary And Vince Foster
But some of the interviews, housed at the University of Mississippi’s special collection library, were not included in the book and have not been previously reported. They include McDougal’s personal observations of the Clintons’ relationships and their close confidantes during some of the major White House scandals of the 1990s.

At the time of the conversations, McDougal was cooperating with prosecutors investigating the Clintons’ involvement in the Whitewater deal.

“When I saw Vince Foster to put Clintons out of Whitewater, he was clearly depressed, a clinical thing. He was star[t]ing conversation talking about aging, eyesight going, asked me to sign something,” said McDougal, according to Wilkie’s transcript.

“Then Vince Foster committed suicide,” continued McDougal. “He had so much of their shit on his head and Hillary was riding him every minute.”

Foster, one of Hillary Clinton’s closest friends and advisers, was found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound in a Virginia park in 1993. Friends said the White House attorney had been...