90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, August 1, 2016

Photo of Cop in Bikini Making Arrest Goes Viral

A Swedish police officer was sunbathing in her bikini when she and another woman pulled a suspected thief to the ground and she arrested him.

The event occurred in Stockholm, Sweden and the photo of Mikaela Kellner in her bikini and her female friend pinning the man to the ground has gone viral.

She said she would do it again if she had to. Kellner said she did not hesitate at all to make the arrest while she was in a bikini.

Kellner added, “If I had been naked I would have intervened as well.”

“My first intervention while wearing a bikini during my 11 years as a police officer,” she posted on Instagram.

As reported by the AP, Kellner and three of her friends were sunbathing in a park in the Swedish city when a...

Double Agent: Paul Ryan Races to Media to Join Hillary’s Attacks Against Trump

JANESVILLE, WI — Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan opted to join in on Hillary Clinton’s latest attack against his party’s nominee.

In recent days, the establishment media has devoted a great deal of coverage to Khizr Khan, a Muslim father whose son died serving in Iraq and who spoke at the Democratic National Convention. During his DNC speech, Khan attacked Donald Trump for wanting to curb the record-high rate of Muslim immigration into the U.S.

Following the media’s practically round-the-clock coverage of Khan’s attacks against Trump, Speaker Paul Ryan decided to join in on the pile on.

Ryan issued a statement on Sunday in which he, once again, disavowed the use of a religious test for admitting foreign migrants.

Ryan wrote: “As I have said on numerous occasions, a religious test for entering our country is not reflective of these fundamental values. I reject it. Many Muslim Americans have served valiantly in our military and made the ultimate sacrifice. Captain Khan was one such brave example. His sacrifice — and that of Khizr and Ghazala Khan — should always be honored. Period.”

In his statement, Ryan did not mention that Trump has recently made clear that his plan to curb Islamic migration will focus on geography and regions. Nor did Ryan mention that...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Girls With Guns

For The Bernie Fans...

Have You Recently Come In Contact With Any Clintons?

Number Of Days Since The Last Terrorist Attack...

It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again...

Michelle Finally Figures Out How To Help The Enslaved Christian Girls...

Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right...

The Hypocrisy Of The Democrats...


What Is Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome? (556 Killed As Of June 30, 2016)

VDARE.com began tracking Immigrant Murder Syndrome in 2007, after the Virginia Tech Massacre (perp: a Koreanimmigrant, Seung-Hui Cho, above). We define Immigrant Mass Murder as
A murder committed in America, by an immigrant—or member of an immigrant community.
But in any case, it’s a murder that would never have happened in America, but for mass, non-traditional immigration.

Note that, with this definition, we are scrupulously trying to exclude mass murderers who are just visiting—like, most controversially, the 9/11 hijackers, most of whom were abusing tourist visas. (This caused the fantical immigration enthusiasts at the Wall Street Journal to crow that 9/11 wasn’t an immigration problem—ignoring that it was still a Border Security problem [Immigrants and Terrorists | So Atta got his visa. That’s no reason to kick out Mexican workers. WSJ,March 18, 2002]).

On the other hand, after some thought, we do include some American-born children of immigrants such as Major Nidal Hassan, born to Jordanian immigrant parents, perpetrator of the 2010 Fort Hood Massacre. This is a question of judgment, but in several cases, for example the 2015 San Bernardino Massacre, the perpetrators actually include both immigrants and...