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Friday, August 5, 2016

Morning Mistress

Child bride in Yemen dies of internal bleeding on wedding night: activist

An eight-year-old Yemeni girl died of internal bleeding on her wedding night after marrying a man five times her age, a social activist and two local residents said, in a case that has caused an outcry in the media and revived debate about child brides.

Arwa Othman, head of Yemen House of Folklore and a leading rights campaigner, said the girl, identified only as Rawan, was married to a 40-year-old man late last week in the town of Meedi in Hajjah province in northwestern Yemen.

"On the wedding night and after intercourse, she suffered from bleeding and uterine rupture which caused her death," Othman told Reuters. "They took her to a clinic but the medics couldn't save her life."

Othman said authorities had not taken any action against the girl's family or her husband.

A local security official in the provincial town of Haradh denied any such incident had taken place. He did not want to be identified because he was not authorized to speak to the press.

But two Meedi residents contacted by Reuters confirmed the incident and said that local tribal chiefs had tried to cover up the incident when news first broke, warning a local journalist against covering the story.

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Thursday, August 4, 2016

Girls With Guns

DOJ Rewards Law-Breaking Sanctuary Cities, States with $342 Million in “Grants”

The Obama administration rewards sanctuary states, counties and cities that shield violent illegal immigrants from deportation with hundreds of millions of dollars in federal grants and one of the biggest recipients recently made headlines for protecting a serial criminal who murdered a young woman. The money flows through the Department of Justice (DOJ), the agency responsible for enforcing the law and defending the interests of the United States. The DOJ is also charged with providing federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime, according to its mission statement, and seeking just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior.

Apparently this doesn’t apply to local governments that support the president’s broad open borders policies, even when they violate federal law. The DOJ doled out $342,168,401 to 10 sanctuary states and cities that proudly reject federal claims for criminal illegal aliens earmarked for removal, according to the agency’s independent watchdog. Among them is Connecticut, a trailblazer in the sanctuary movement that received more than $69 million in grants from the DOJ. Connecticut has long protected illegal immigrants with sanctuary policies and even offers them special drivers’ licenses, known as Drive Only. The state also gives illegal aliens discounted tuition at public colleges and universities and authorities work hard to restrict the feds from deporting illegal immigrants. Last year an illegal immigrant who had spent 17 years in prison for attempted murder stabbed a 25-year-old woman to death in Norwich, a city of about 40,000 residents. The murderer had been earmarked for deportation at least three times.

California, also a renowned sanctuary state that offers illegal immigrants a number of taxpayer-funded perks, topped the list with $132,409,635 in DOJ grants. Judicial Watch has investigated the state’s illegal sanctuary policies for years and back in 2008 launched a California public records request with the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department to obtain the arrest and booking information on Edwin Ramos, an illegal alien from El Salvador who murdered three innocent American citizens. Ramos was a member of a renowned violent street gang and had been convicted of two felonies as a juvenile (a gang-related assault on a bus passenger and the attempted robbery of a pregnant woman) yet he was allowed to remain in the country. Last year Judicial Watch obtained records showing that violent crime—including murder and rape—in the Bay area has skyrocketed since...

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Empowerment Series: Women With Weapons #87

LOU DOBBS: Koch Bros, Paul Ryan, Hillary Clinton on Same Side – It’s Globalists Against Americans (VIDEO)

Lou Dobbs: And let’s be clear, whether it is Charles and David Koch, whether it is Hillary Clinton, whether it is Paul Ryan, whomever, they’re working on the same side of a divide. And that is a divide between globalists and Americans and everybody better understand that as we move forward from this point.

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Bolton: Payment to Iran ‘Absolutely’ A Ransom, Hostage Release, Payment, and Nuke Deal ‘Part of a Package’

On Wednesday’s “Varney & Co.,” on the Fox Business Network, former UN Ambassador John Bolton said that the payment of $400 million to Iran as four Americans were released from the country back in January was “Absolutely” a ransom and that “the release of the hostages by Iran, the payment of a $1.7 billion settlement, of which the 400 million in cash was just the first installment, and the Iran nuclear deal were part of a package.”

Bolton said, “There’s no doubt in my mind whatsoever, that the release of the hostages by Iran, the payment of a $1.7 billion settlement, of which the 400 million in cash was just the first installment, and the Iran nuclear deal were part of a package. Now, were they considered separate agreements? Sure. Look, I’ve done this myself, but the notion that they were purely coincidental, utterly unrelated, is false.”
