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Friday, February 10, 2017

Everyone Loses Their Minds!

Chief Spreading Bull..

Sorry MS. Warren, Bolsheviks Are NOT An Indian Tribe...

90 Movie stars have decided: Elizabeth Warren should be your next President

Elizabeth Warren’s Endorsement of Hillary Clinton PROVES SHE’S A FRAUD

Connecticut Actively Trying to Price People Out of Their Second Amendment Rights...

Governor Dannel Malloy is facing a rather intimidating $3.6B deficit in Connecticut, but he thinks he knows how to fix it.

His plan, unfortunately, comes at the expense of those exercising their Second Amendment rights to bear arms. He intends to drastically raise the prices of concealed carry permits more than 420%, from $70 to $300. Also suggested was raising the “5-year pistol permit” fee from $140 to $370, or more than 250%

Background check fees may also see a modest increase from $50 to $75. Based on these numbers, the permits would....

How To Build A Great Wall...

Oops, Forgot The Big Beautiful Door!

Donald Trump: ‘The Wall Is Getting Designed Right Now’


Despite Pres. Trump’s promise to build a wall and tighten border security, Department of Homeland security (DHS) websites are still advertising safe zones for illegal aliens where they are sheltered from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

“This policy is designed to ensure that these enforcement actions do not occur at nor are focused on sensitive locations such as schools and churches,” ICE’s “Sensitive Locations” policy post still states.

CBP's "Sensitive Locations FAQ" list of safe zones is so extensive that just about any illegal alien can escape arrest as long as they follow these simple rules, as CBP explains - providing a virtual “how-to” guide for illegals

Locations covered by these policies would include, but not be limited to:

If We Give Kids Good Education Will Liberals Go Extinct?

Here's why Betsy DeVos will be a great Education Secretary

Andrew Napolitano: 9th Circuit Ruling ‘Intellectually Dishonest’

Thursday on the Fox News Channel, in reacting to the 9th Circuit Court ruling upholding the blocking of President Trump‘s executive order banning immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States, network senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano called the ruling “an intellectually dishonest piece of work.”

Napolitano said, “The statute specifically says the president on his own, by proclamation, meaning he doesn’t have to consult with anybody else, can make the decision. The decision to ban is not reviewable. Judges are incapable of second-guessing the president on it. For that reason, he may be thinking the Supreme Court is going to invalidate it.”

“I don’t know which way the Supreme Court is going to go and I don’t know which court he had in mind, but this is an intellectually dishonest piece of work the 9th Circuit has produced tonight because it essentially consists of substituting the judgment of three judges for the President of the United States when the Constitution unambiguously gives this area of jurisdiction, foreign policy, exclusively to...


A professor at Saint Joseph’s University claims that people will actually die due to the Trump administration and his supporters.

According to Campus Reform, Dr. David Perry (chair of the Communications Studies department) at Saint Joseph’s, went on a tirade condemning white voters and making outrageous claims.

The whole thing was caught on an audio tape, and kudos to the student for doing it because sometimes there are consequences to this kind of thing. Like this Orange Coast College student that faced the possibility of being punished for recording a professor’s anti-Trump tirade.

This of course is all following the fact that many professors were resorting to abandoning regular class time to protest Trump.
Perry started out by making it clear that he had disdain for white people that voted for Trump.

“As someone who fights for liberal values, I am not sympathetic to the white voters who make over $50,000 a year and said that ‘we are going to vote for Trump,’ those people, I am not sympathetic to and I do not believe that you have to open your heart to them.”
Perry went on to talk about how Trump voters have in some way dehumanized minorities:
“If you are a person of color in this room, if you are a woman in this room, you do not have to open your heart to them. They told you you’re not a person and it is okay to deal with that how you want.”

Morning Mistress - Leftist Repellent..

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

2 Minutes of Mainstream Media Backtracking Really Puts 'Fake News' In Perspective

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Girls With Guns