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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

200+ Violent Rioters INDICTED on FELONY Rioting Charges from Inauguration Day

Early Wednesday morning (EST) CNN reported that so far a total of 214 violent rioters have been indicted on felony rioting charges.

From CNN:
A total of 214 people have been indicted so far on felony rioting charges in connection with the Inauguration Day protests in downtown Washington.
On the morning of January 20, protests over Donald Trump’s inauguration turned violent when black-clad “anti-fascist” protesters smashed storefronts and bus stops, hammered out the windows of a limousine and eventually launched rocks at a phalanx of police.
Officers responded by launching smoke and flash-bang devices into the street to disperse the crowds. Six police officers were injured and 230 protesters were arrested that day.
A felony rioting charge carries a maximum of 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $25,000.

Earlier this month we reported on the 231 far left thugs arrested during the Inauguration day riots in Washington DC. On Wednesday they were...

ICE Calls Out CNN, NBC, Etc., For “False, Dangerous & Irresponsible” Fake News Reporting

President Trump told a gathering of news media yesterday, namely the Mainstream Media that is not accustomed to having its status questioned, that they were constantly perpetrating fakes news to create an intended reaction from the American people.

ICE, the nation’s largest immigration enforcement agency, just did the very same thing, calling out the media for its fabricated/highly slanted coverage of recent immigration raids and reminding everyone that under previous administration these raids were far more numerous – and the media then said NOTHING.

What the media is doing in creating a false narrative of sweeping Trump-initiated immigration raids is creating hysteria – hysteria which in turn puts law enforcement at further risk. The media doesn’t care about that, though. The safety of law enforcement has always been a low priority for them when it comes to the work of highly biased media spin as was so clearly outlined by...

Morning Mistress - Can I Dry That Off?

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

A Visit To Dearborn Michigan U.S.A.?

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Girls With Guns

Underreported: How Gun Silencers Became a Health Issue

Most people only know about silencers from what they see in the movies—a stealthy gun accessory that helps criminals more easily kill by suppressing the sound of the gunshot. But silencers, some say, is a misleading way to describe these firearm accessories. Why? Because they don’t actually silence the sound of a gunshot.

In a brand new video series, “Underreported,” The Daily Signal digs into the controversy surrounding silencers—or “suppressors,” as gun advocates prefer to call them. We explore why firearm suppressors are...

Women Are Like Bacon...

And Well Worth It!

More critical issues about bacon:

Bacon - This Blog's Radical Muslim Repellent

Not A Peep From The Media When Obama Made Slimy Promises To Putin...

The Tale Of Two Narratives...

The Leftist Media Is The Enemy Of The American People, And It Is Our Very First Amendment Rights That Keep Anyone From Preventing Us To Call Them Out On It. 

The Notion That The Media Is Free From Any Criticism Is To Cede All Power To Them. Hell No.

Irony: Migrant Riots in Sweden day after 'Outrage' over Trump Comment

It would appear the fakestream media (along with several celebrities and Swedish politicians) is going to be apologizing to US President Trump once again. As a reminder, Trump this weekend mentioned Sweden has turned into a security mess due to their out of control muslim migration.

Having spent the entire news cycle trying to ignore the massive immigrant crisis facing Sweden, and pin the ignorant tail on Trump, the biggest Swedish daily newspapers, Dagbladet and Expressen report riots breaking out in the highly immigrant concentrated Stockholm borough of Rinkeby, with police firing warning shots as 100s of young muslim migrants threw stones and burned cars.

During the evening hundreds of people gathered in the center of Rinkeby, well known for its high concentration of immigrants and people with immigrant ancestry.

The Swedish leftists politicians who were "outraged" by Trump's statement, claimed Sweden had no issues with migrants and offered their usual...

Is There Any Mental Illness In Your Family?