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Monday, March 6, 2017

Yes, Obama did try to wiretap Trump Tower, and here are the details

By Dan Calabrese
I don’t really know why Donald Trump decided yesterday to tweet about the Obama Administration trying to wiretap Trump Tower. But what was weird about it was not the content of the tweet. It was the timing. That this happened is not only beyond dispute, but it’s been in the public’s eye for weeks.

On January 17, Andrew McCarthy discussed it extensively in National Review. He referenced it again this past week in a piece about this whole Russian nonsense and Jeff Sessions:

To rehearse briefly, in the weeks prior to June 2016, the FBI did a preliminary investigation, apparently based on concerns about a server at Trump Tower that allegedly had some connection to Russian financial institutions. Even if there were such a connection, it is not a crime to do business with Russian banks — lots of Americans do. It should come as no surprise, then, that the FBI found no impropriety and did not proceed with a criminal investigation.

What is surprising, though, is that the case was not closed down.

Instead, the Obama Justice Department decided to pursue the matter as a national-security investigation under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). In June, it sought the FISA court’s permission to conduct surveillance on a number of Trump associates — and perhaps even Trump himself. It has been reported that Trump was...

DHS Pauses Fast-Track H-1B Approvals for Six Months

Officials at the Department of Homeland Security have announced they are temporarily closing a fast-track process for companies seeking to hire foreign professionals via the controversial H-1B outsourcing program.

The decision by officials working for DHS chief John Kelly to shut the “premium processing” loophole for six months will likely delay approval of H-1B visa requests for months, say employers and some immigration lawyers who make their living by importing foreign replacement workers into the United States.

The bureaucratic maneuver is not a full reform of the program, which now allows at least 650,000 lower-wage foreign professionals to work throughout the United States in jobs sought by young American graduates and by experienced professionals trying to get their own teenagers into college.

The maneuver may not even reduce the annual inflow of foreign workers, but it buys time for President Donald Trump, who repeatedly promised to reform the program during the 2016 campaign. “I will end forever the use of the H-1B as a cheap labor program, and institute an absolute requirement to hire American workers first for every visa and immigration program,” he said in a March 2016 statement. “No exceptions,” he added.

The new decision comes a four weeks before April 1, when Trump’s deputies were required by law to quickly distribute roughly 65,000 more H-1B visas to U.S. and foreign companies eager to import cheap white-collar contract-workers into the U.S. labor market.

The H-1B program is politically unpopular among ...

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Sunday, March 5, 2017

Girls With Guns

On Free Speech...

Without free speech no search for truth is possible... no discovery of truth is useful:

Judge Jeanine: The Left Will ‘Stop at Nothing to Prevent Free Speech’

Obama Appointee Inplementing Change...

Vlad The Impaler Of Muslim Invaders Discovers Marshmallows..

I Wonder If This Will Work On Snowflakes...

Vlad The Impaler Of Muslim Invaders Has A Question For Europe:

This Is Way Worse Than Termite Infestation...

The Mental Illness Of Liberalism/Leftism

Miscreant Liberals Don’t Believe ‘Death to America’ Means Death to America

No So Deep Thoughts...

More Deep Or Not So Deep Thoughts...

Deep Thoughts - How To Identify A Douchebag...

Russian Roulette...

Back In The USSR:

Myth Trump called for Russian hack started with Katy Tur

Mark Levin PROVES Obama Wiretapping on President Donald Trump | Fox & Friends 3/5/17

And Likely Confirmation:

Sounds like the Obama Administration went on an illegal fishing expedition to try to sabotage an American election.

This example suggests that this is not the only illegal activity committed by the ideologues in the Obama Administration. Everyone involved needs to be investigated and room in Federal prisons need to be allotted for them.