90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, April 20, 2017

Girls With Guns

Sarah Palin, Kid Rock, Ted Nugent Visit Trump; Troll Hillary

President Donald Trump welcomed Sarah Palin for dinner at the White House on Wednesday, and she brought rockers Ted Nugent and Kid Rock with her.

The trio were photographed in the Oval Office with President Trump, and they even took a photo in front of the Hillary Clinton portrait:

The Real Reason Why Academia Is Filled With Leftists...

More Sowell:

Islam And Acid Attacks...

This Does NOT Belong In America...

I Am An American...

..And Damn Proud Of It!

Harboring Fugitives Is Not Sanctuary, It Is Breaking The Law...

Buddhists Have A Long History With Islam...

...And They Know Better...

German Censorship is Giving Some Former East Germans Flashbacks

BERLIN -- The Stasi Museum in Berlin is a monument to the ultimate surveillance society. It is housed in the old Stasi headquarters. The Stasi were the state police of communist East Germany; whose job was to spy on the population.

On display is every type of spy gadget imaginable for a pre-internet era.

One in six East Germans were either full time spies or informers for the Stasi, watching their neighbors.

When the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 and East Germany collapsed, East Germans looked forward to living in freedom. But now, some are beginning to wonder just how free the new Germany is.

Germans Fear Speaking the Truth

Last year a married couple was convicted for creating a Facebook group that criticized the government's open door migration policy.

At the trial, the man complained that Germans cannot be critical of refugees without getting labeled 'Nazi.'

And 60 others accused of writing so-called hate speech online had their homes raided by...

REPORT: Antifa “U-Lock” Attacker From Berkeley Identified as College Professor Eric Clanton

There is an interesting report going around Twitter and it can be sourced to the sleuths over at 4chan’s /pol/ board. According to this report, the guy who was violently attacking free speech supporters at Berkeley (with a fucking gigantic metal lock, by the way) is none other than a college professor.

Here’s videos from one of the brutal lock attacks…

Yes, I know you all will be just as shocked as I am to learn that academia has a violent thug in a professorial position. That’s pretty much unprecedented! 

Meet Eric Clanton, who has a degree from San Francisco State University (SFSU), although the only proof I see of him teaching there is this professor rating page. It’s been trolled to hell, so I wasn’t able to reach back and find real reviews. I’ll work on that. He does teach at Diablo Valley College for sure, because here’s his faculty page from that institution. His alumnus page at SFSU has curiously been scrubbed since...


GREENE COUNTY, MO (KOLR) – Two men, one who is an undocumented resident living in the United States illegally, have been charged with kidnapping, rape, and sexual abuse after a missing 22-year-old woman with autism was found in Greene County.

25-year-old Luis Arnold Lopez-Lara, an illegal alien, and 23-year-old Helmer Alexander Erazo were charged with two counts of rape, one count of sexual abuse, and two counts of kidnapping. Two other men involved also have pending charges.

According to court documents, the 22-year-old autistic woman walked away from her home the morning April 15 because she was...

Judicial Watch Sues State Department For Giving Controversial Leftist George Soros Taxpayer Money

Judicial Watch alleges USAID colluded to topple Macedonian government with leftist NGO

A conservative watchdog has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the State Department and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in order to obtain “records and communications relating to the funding and political activities of the Open Society Foundation – Macedonia,” the group announced Wednesday.

Open Society Foundation – Macedonia is one of the many tentacles of billionaire leftist activist George Soros’s Open Society Foundations (OSF) organization, a network of global NGOs that work to promote liberalism, globalization, and the erosion of traditional values.

“We’ve witnessed the takeover of the entire civil sector and its abuse and instrumentalization to meet the goals of one political party. That is unacceptable and goes beyond the principles of civic organizing.”

“The Obama administration seemed to bust taxpayer budgets in an effort to fund the Soros operation,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton in an official statement. “The Trump State Department and USAID should get their act together and disclose the details of the Obama-Soros spigot,” Fitton said.

The lawsuit follows a February 16 FOIA request into the funding that went unanswered by both ...

Morning Mistress