90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, April 21, 2017

Girls With Guns

How Many Brain Surgeons Does It Take To...

More Ben Carson:

Ben Carson On The Goal Of Community Organizers...

Dr. Ben Carson On Socialized Medicine...

Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?

Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?

Car Wraps Around Pole...WOW, That;s One Strong Pole!

More Great Gifs!

The Biological Weapon Has Been Procured..


Biting Off More Than You Can Chew...

More Amazing Animated Gifs HERE

Paris Had Another Terrorist Attack?

There Is A Solution...

Vote Marine Le Pen Or Your Children Will Curse You As They Are Murdered...

The Watergate Style Break-In That Covered Up Shocking Wave Of Clinton State Department Scandals

Security camera footage showing break in at Schulman & Mathias, The Law Firm Holding
 Incriminating Evidence Against Clinton's State Department...
In 2013, it was first reported that the Clinton State Department had called off eight separate internal investigations into alleged misconduct by the diplomatic corps. When whistleblowers attempted to highlight the wave of coverups, they were subjected to a harassment campaign by the State Department. The law firm representing the former State Department employee who publicized the misconduct was broken into and key evidence stolen in an apparent effort to further obfuscate efforts to ensure a proper investigation into the crimes was carried out. The event was not given widespread attention by the media when it...

Marine Le Pen As Joan Of Arc - The Savior Of France!

A True 21st Century Hero To Save France From Barbarian Hordes!

Stop federal funding for universities and police that tolerate left-wing violence

When I first saw the video of the Berkeley riots from this past weekend, I thought to myself, well, it’s good that those on the Political Right are fighting back. After a few minutes, though, I realized that unless the police and the courts stop this, someone will eventually get killed.

It’s hard to blame folks on the Right for showing up prepared for a fight, especially in radical whack-a-doodle Berkeley. The authorities there – if you can even call them that — seldom do anything about the Lefties who engage in violence. Indeed, the police in Moscow-by-the-Bay are always ready to accommodate the Leftists.

This from the “Event Planning Checklist” portion of the Berkeley Police Department’s website shows police offering to perform “symbolic arrests”: (See Below)

That sentiment is also reflected in what the Berkeley police did when the fighting broke out on Saturday, namely..

Australia Makes Massive Move Against Immigrants, Muslims

Australian politicians plan to pass a bill that would make immigrants take an “Australian values” test and have a higher level of English proficiency as a precondition to citizenship, Reuters reported Thursday.

“What we are doing is strengthening our multicultural society and strengthening our values,” Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said in the Australian capital of Canberra. “Australian citizenship should be honored, cherished. It’s a privilege.”

The bill is expected to pass through Parliament and become law.

As part of the initiative, the multiple-choice test that quizzed applicants on “Australian laws, national symbols and colors of the Aboriginal flag” would be replaced with a more thorough test on Australian values.

“If we believe that respect for women and children and saying no to violence … is an Australian value, and it is, then why should that not be made a key part, a fundamental part, a very prominent part, of our process to be an Australian citizen? Why should the test simply be a...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Steven Crowder addresses Black Lives Matter "hero" Korryn Gaines