90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, April 24, 2017

Battle of Berkeley Recap - Free Speech Rally - Moldylocks and the U-Lock Professor

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Girls With Guns

Is Ann Coulter The Last Conservative With Guts?

There’s an important lesson for conservatives in the news this week, if they’re willing to learn from it. Appeasement always fails. Always.

Throughout history people have been desperate to avoid conflict. Many are willing to do anything to stave off a fight. In politics it is no different.

Corporations have spent untold millions in “donations” to radical environmental groups or hustlers such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton in the hope of buying some goodwill should any unexpected controversy arise. It’s never worked.

When something went wrong, as it always does, or some controversy (real or contrived) breaks, the very people they had cultivated were out in front of a bank of cameras demanding “justice,” which usually comes in the form of another, larger, check.

The same thing happens in the news business. Fox News let Bill O’Reilly go this week because people who never watch their network, who never would watch their network, pressured companies to pull their advertising from the top-rated show in cable news history.

That the companies caved isn’t a surprise -- caving to left-wing mobs is what companies do. But if Fox had not caved, advertisers would have come back to O’Reilly. It would be financial malpractice to avoid running ads to the largest audience possible, and companies don’t remain successful committing financial malpractice.

But bad publicity always trumps spine.

The mob that went after O’Reilly is the same mob that went after Glenn Beck and the same that always has gone after Fox. Letting Beck go, then Roger Ailes, did not appease them. Neither will O'Reilly.

To the fascistic left, Fox News can’t do right because its existence is wrong. As long as it exists, they will find something to be upset about and demand action on. And advertisers will cave.

I don’t know what Bill O’Reilly did or didn’t do, but I do know nothing was proven.

Companies pulled their ads not over proof, but over allegations. You’re supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, but conservatives are simply guilty. Meanwhile, Democrats such as Bill Clinton, who were proven guilty, are still praised as if they were innocent.

I have to wonder how many of the companies who pulled their ads from O’Reilly’s show have donated to the Clinton Foundation? How many executives of those companies donated to...

How British and American Spelling Parted Ways

Macron, Le Pen advance to France runoff

French centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron and far-right leader Marine Le Pen advanced to the presidential runoff, after major opponents conceded defeat Sunday.

For the first time in modern French history, no mainstream party candidate is advancing, upending the country’s political system.

Voters will choose May 7 between Macron, a former investment banker and ex-economy minister, and Le Pen, who has tried to scrub her National Front party of its history of racism and anti-Semitism.

France’s prime minister has called on voters to support centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron against far-right rival Marine Le Pen in the country’s presidential election.

Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve called for the defeat of Le Pen’s National Front party in comments just after polling agencies projected the two advancing to the presidential runoff.

Amid heightened security, French voters cast ballots for their next president Sunday in a first-round poll that’s being seen as a litmus test for the future of Europe and the spread of populism around the world.

More than 50,000 police and gendarmes were deployed to protect 66,000 polling stations for Sunday’s election, which comes just three days after a deadly attack on Paris’s famed Champs-Elysees Avenue in which a police officer and a gunman were slain. Another 7,000 soldiers are on patrol.

The presidential poll is the first ever to be held while France is under a state of emergency, put in place since the November 2015 attacks in Paris left 130 people dead.

Voters choose between 11 presidential candidates in the most unpredictable contest in generations. The current president, Socialist Francois Hollande, is not among them, having decided that his historic unpopularity would hurt his party’s cause.

Being Mohammed...

The Ridiculous Left Commits Intellectual Theft...

University Faculty are Moving Farther to the Left

MOAB Vs. Amy Schumer...

Tough Decisions With Amy Schumer...

Feminism Is Cancer

The Sickness Of Radical Feminism...

Venezuelans Protesting Their Socialist Government...

Hollywood Loved And Praised The Venezuelan Socialists. 
The Same Hollywood Who Thinks They Know Better Than The American People Who To Vote For... 

As Hollywood Leftists Sit Behind Their Walled Compounds, Eating Their Gourmet Dinner, And Wiping Their Leftist Asses With Abundant Choices Toilet Paper: Quilted, Two-ply, Or Extra-Absorbent; Do They Think About Socialist Venezuela Where There Is No Food And No Toilet Paper? Do They Think About Leftist Policies That Will Always Inevitably Lead To Shortages And Violence? 

 Top 10 Clueless Celebrity Statements about Hugo Chávez’s “Revolution”

1. Sean Penn 

Morning Mistress

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