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Sunday, January 7, 2018

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Why Mexicans need the wall

Girls With Guns

Brett Decker: ‘Trump in One Year Is Already Better Than 16 Years’ of Bush, Obama ‘Put Together’

“Trump in one year is already better than sixteen years of [George W. Bush and Barack Obama] put together,” said former Wall Street Journal editor Brett M. Decker, pointing to a current 17-year high in consumer confidence.

Decker, an expert on Asia and the bestselling author of Bowing to Beijing: How Barack Obama Is Hastening America’s Decline and Ushering a Century of Chinese Domination, joined Friday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with Breitbart News’s Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon and Senior Editor-at-Large Rebecca Mansour.

“The leading indicator, when you dig into the data on why consumer confidence is high, is because people are anticipating higher wages,” said Decker. “The economy and consumer, they work logically. … What you’re seeing [are] the consequences of positive policy.”

President Donald Trump’s economic policies incentivize economic investment in America, said Decker, noting the mobility of capital in the modern era. “Businesses and consumers are [responding] logically” to the Trump administration’s economic policies, he added.

Decker rejected narratives crediting former President Barack Obama’s economic policies with recently developing economic figures during Trump’s presidential tenure, framing such assertions as “absolutely crazy”: “You look at the unemployment numbers, and it’s 4.1 percent. I look at Obama and Bush kind of combined, when I look at their block of sixteen years. Anyone that says this is inheriting some kind of Obama economy, he had eight years, and in 2010, the unemployment rate was 9.6 percent, absolutely crazy. … This idea that it has anything to do with Obama is absolutely crazy.”

Dropping unemployment rates, said Decker, will not be welcomed by all persons or interests. “Big business” interests, he said, prefer higher rates of unemployment given their depressive effects on wages. He also praised Trump’s emphasis on expanding domestic manufacturing. “When there are fewer people looking for jobs, you have to pay those few people more to take those jobs. What scares me about this is big business … seeing the unemployment numbers go down, and they’re like, ‘Oh, no. We’re going to have to pay these people more. We better call Paul Ryan and get him to flood us with cheap immigrant labor.’ So not everybody who looks at these numbers gets excited. There are different kinds of reactions.”

Decker went on to say that “one of [his] favorite things that Trump has done [was when] he was with some of the automakers, and he pointed to the head of Toyota of America, he said, ‘You have to build plants here.’ Within a short period of time, Toyota canceled a factory they were building in Mexico and said they were going to put it in the U.S., instead. What is that, a few thousand extra...


So much for those ballyhooed new social media rules implemented at ESPN. The sports/leftist politics network came under fire last year for inflammatory comments made against President Trump.

In particular, there was unapologetic racist Jemele Hill’s tweets that the president was a “white supremacist” and her subsequent refusal to show contrition. If anything, she was proud of it.

Hill doubled down mere weeks later by going rogue and calling for a boycott of the NFL’s Dallas Cowboys because of owner Jerry Jones’ tough stance on the kneelers. That one earned her a brief suspension but not a termination that a repeat offender could expect.

ESPN President John Skipper then announced a revamped social media policy and a statement that the network’s product was sports and not radical leftist politics. A mandatory all-staff meeting was held in which the law was laid down.

Shortly thereafter, Skipper resigned due to substance abuse issues and the leaderless network was once again a playground for Trump-hating, race-baiting troublemakers.

Like host Katie Nolan who promptly went on a talk show and blasted Trump as a f*cking stupid person. The kicker? She only received a slap on the wrist with a wet noodle from the suits at ESPN.

Via The Hill “ESPN says it has ‘addressed’ host’s ‘inappropriate’ comments on Trump”:

An ESPN spokesman said Friday that the network has addressed the “inappropriate” comments made by host Katie Nolan after she called President Trump a “f-king stupid person.”

Nolan made the comments in an appearance on...

California: Muslim migrant murders his two daughters following custody dispute

West Sacramento, California. That’s where this happened. Not Egypt. Not Pakistan. California. This is the culture the alt-left multiculturalists are foisting on Western societies. The #metoo movement hears, sees and speaks no evil when it comes to real misogyny and basic women’s rights. Much of their whining about ogling and lost movie parts are phony metoo-ism and vicious exploitation for some semblance of fame.

The numbers of honor killings are rising despite “increased awareness of the crime.” And why not? Honor killing and violence is in accordance with Islamic mores and tradition. Increased awareness would result in an increase in honor violence.

A recent survey showed that 91 percent of honor killings worldwide are committed by Muslims, and 84 percent of honor killings in the United States were done by Muslims. This is no surprise. A manual of Islamic law approved by Al-Azhar, the most respected authority in Sunni Islam, stipulates that “retaliation is obligatory…against anyone who kills a human being purely intentionally and without right.” However, “not subject to retaliation” is “a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring’s offspring.” In other words, Islamic law sets no penalty for a parent who kills his child. Also, the legal codes of Jordan, Syria, and other Muslim countries have substantially reduced penalties for honor murders as compared to other murders, and Islamic clerics have resisted efforts to...


MINNEAPOLIS, MN (LeoHohmann.com) -The tragic story of what happened to Morgan Evenson two weeks before Christmas is starting to gain traction in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Ignored by the city’s largest newspaper, the Star Tribune, a second local TV station picked up the story Tuesday about the brutal attack by a Somali migrant that left the 26-year-old woman in a hospital bed with 14 stab wounds and a lacerated kidney.

It’s been nearly three weeks since a man described as a Somali immigrant attacked Evenson while she was walking home from work in uptown Minneapolis, slashing and stabbing her relentlessly while trying to drag her off of a public street.

She did not know the man and has no idea why he attacked her.

Police still haven’t made any arrests in the case but say they are working multiple leads.

The fact that a Somali migrant targeted a young white woman while walking alone, and that he remains on the loose, has women watching their backs.

Several women told Fox 9 KMSP they are afraid to walk alone on the streets of this popular shopping district that they previously thought was safe.

And now the victim herself is speaking out, revealing new information about her attacker that cast doubt upon the official police narrative about what happened that night.

Minneapolis police said after the Dec. 13 attack that they considered it an attempted robbery.

Crime Prevention Specialist Jennifer Neale told the Southwest Journal on Dec. 20: “We’re still scratching our heads about it, because it’s just so brazen,” noting the level of violence used to “get a purse.”

There’s only one problem with that statement.

Evenson says the man made no attempt to snatch her purse.

She fought back with all she had as he continuously thrust his knife into her torso, wrists, arms and shoulders. She resisted long enough for a male pedestrian to hear her screams and come running to her aid, sending the Somali attacker fleeing.

After being released from the hospital Evenson immediately moved out of state and said she fears for the safety of her friends still living in uptown Minneapolis, where she worked at the Apple Store in a shopping district that includes Victoria’s Secret, high-end jewelry stores and coffee shops.

She said she got a clear look at her attacker, whom she described as a black man in his early 20s, thin build, low-cut afro and a slight Somali accent.

He sneaked up from behind and tackled her to the ground, then started stabbing.

“I would say it was two to three minutes of struggling with him as he was dragging me through the snow,” Evenson told Fox 9. “This person who did this to me is still out there. I don’t know if he intends to do this to someone else, or if this was a one-time thing. Was it because I was a woman? Was it the color of my skin? Was it the...

Sessions not invited to Trump meeting; EPA chief reportedly interested in attorney general post

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is one of the few Cabinet members who will not attend an inner-circle legislative meeting hosted by President Donald Trump this weekend, fueling speculation about growing tensions between the two men.

Meanwhile, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt, who will attend the meeting at Camp David, indicated this week that he’d be willing to lead the Justice Department, according to a report.

Pruitt has been telling close associates at the EPA that he would be up to fill Sessions’ shoes if Trump gives him the boot, one person familiar with the matter told Politico.

“Pruitt is very interested,” the person told the outlet. “He has expressed that on a number of occasions.”

Neither the White House nor the Justice Department responded to requests for comment from the New York Daily News.

But a Justice Department spokesman shed some light on why Sessions won’t attend the Camp David meet.

“We weren’t invited,” the spokesman told reporters Friday afternoon.

The relationship between Trump and Sessions has reportedly soured in recent months. Earlier this week, it was revealed that Trump dispatched his chief counsel to try to persuade Sessions to not recuse himself from the Russia investigation last year. But Sessions didn’t budge, and ended up recusing himself, sparking...

The Capitalist That Saved America

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #128

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night