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Tuesday, February 6, 2018

EPIC! Katie Hopkins gives an OUTSTANDING speech, gets a standing ovation

Girls With Guns

Dear FBI: Time To Clean House...

Who Was Responsible For The Chattanooga Massacre?

Why Do Leftists Insist On Committing Suicide?

This Will Be Soooo Amazing!

Papal Crony Praises Communist China, Denounces America

Recently back from his very first trip to China, Archbishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo is waxing ecstatic. “Those who best realize the social doctrine of the Church at this time are the Chinese.” So Sorondo gushed to the Italian newspaper, La Stampa, on Friday. “They seek the common good, subordinating all things to the general good.”

That reminds me of Lincoln Steffens’ awestruck assessment of the Soviet Union. He said: “I’ve seen the future, and it works!”

China is morally superior because it pays lip service to Global Warming? Really?

As we all know, Stalin’s USSR turned out to be one of the great killing fields of the Twentieth Century. Mao’s China was another.

China: A New Paradise?

Sorondo serves as the Chancellor of the both the Pontifical Academy of Science and the Pontifical Academy of Social Science. He’s not a reporter. “I found an extraordinary China,” he continued breathlessly. “You do not have shantytowns. You do not have drugs, young people do not have drugs. There is a positive national consciousness. They want to show that they have changed, they already accept private property.”

Archbishop Sorondo surely rode in a chauffeured limousine from the airport to his five-star hotel. He probably did not see any shantytowns. The route, after all, got carefully Potemkinized. Foreign visitors get a splendid first impression.

His government handlers didn’t hesitate to lie to him about politically sensitive topics. They may have assured him that China’s youth are drug-free. But the country’s National Narcotics Control Commission recently said otherwise: “China’s drug problem is severe and growing, with sharp rises in the abuse and production of synthetic drugs.”

China, for Sorondo, has “positive national consciousness.” It relentlessly “seeks the common good.” It’s also the main manufacturer of opioids such as fentanyl. Such drugs, illegally exported by China to the rest of the world, have led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of young Americans, Canadians, and Filipinos.

How about China’s respect for “private property”? See the ongoing destruction of Catholic and other Christian churches in China. These churches stoof on “private” land. With the written permission of the Communist-dominated state. Which turned out to be worthless.

Chinese Communism Saving the Planet?

Sorondo’s most extravagant claim? That Beijing is “defending the dignity of the person.” How? By “following Laudato Si on the care of our common home [to limit CO2 emissions. . . China] is here assuming a moral leadership that others have abandoned.”

China is morally superior because it pays lip service to Global Warming? Really?

Is Beijing defending the “dignity of the human person” by forcibly aborting women who conceive children outside the Communist Party’s birth plan? Is the Party showing “moral leadership” by executing more people each year than the rest of the world combined?

Does Sorondo even know that China’s workers can’t organize free labor unions along the lines of Poland’s Solidarity? Or that workers who strike for higher wages — or for any wages at all — often face deadly force?

America: The Enemy

Of course, no interview with Archbishop Sorondo is complete without a little America-bashing. He said: “The economy [in China] does not dominate politics, as it does in the United States. How is it possible that the petroleum multinationals control Trump, when we know that this is bad for the earth.”

No, Your Excellency, the economy in China does not dominate politics. But that is only because China is a bureaucratic totalitarian state. The Chinese Communist Party — and its politics — dominate not just production, but reproduction as well.

Sorondo’s slur that the oil companies, or anyone else for that matter, control President Trump is simply laughable. If anyone is his own man, it is Donald Trump.

Some of this nonsense is pretty much what we have one to expect from an anti-American Argentinean socialist. Especially one who thinks that...

What Do They Call A Quarter Pounder With Cheese In France?

Jim Jordan Reveals Key Figure Involved In Benghazi Involved In Steele Dossier

Republican Rep. Jim Jordan accused key Clinton allies of helping craft a second anti-Trump dossier and accused them of “rigging the game,” Tuesday on “Fox & Friends.”

Jordan was asked about a possible second dossier and said Clinton operatives Sidney Blumenthal and Cody Shearer had paid Christopher Steele to do opposition research, but then told Steele which specific details to include.

“The names we keep hearing are Sidney Blumenthal and Cody Shearer — people who have been around the Clintons as being a part of this. But I also think it’s kind of interesting because what it looks like is, they paid Steele to put together the dossier and told him what to put in,” Jordan said. “Talk about rigging the game and putting together a document that will serve your purposes as an opposition research document.”

“That is what the Clinton team did and then when you see names like Sidney Blumenthal coming up. We deposed this guy during the Benghazi hearings,” Jordan continued. “He has been with the Clintons forever. He was knee deep in the whole Libya, Benghazi story, particularly the story where they weren’t square with the American people about what was the actual catalyst of the attack, and they tried to blame it on video.”

Jordan expressed outrage at how the government omitted information about the dossier while seeking a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant and said it was vital for the American public to have seen the ...

The Disastrous Path Of Voting For Democrats...

Kimmel Tried to Shame Trump Supporters, But They Turned the Tables

Liberals were fawning over Jimmy Kimmel last week after he pulled a stunt in which a group of President Donald Trump’s supporters were shamed in an encounter with a family who was affected by the president’s immigration crackdown. The encounter, as Kimmel’s political antics tend to do, led to an outpouring of love from the left.

However, in a piece published Monday at Townhall.com, Arthur Schaper — one of the Trump supporters Kimmel mocked during the segment — is urging ABC to release raw video of the encounter, which was aired in truncated form on “Jimmy Kimmel Live.”

If what he says about the interview is true, that could end up being a huge problem for the late-night host.

In his piece, Schalper claims the liberal Kimmel called him an “a**hole,” was dismissive of conservatives of color, and was generally rude to the right-leaning participants.

Schaper says he was originally contacted by ABC casting to appear on the show for a segment about voters who oppose former President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhool Arrivals program for illegal immigrants.

“At first, I was reluctant,” he writes. “Kimmel uses every shame-inducing prop imaginable to attack President Trump and conservatives in general.”

However, he reached out to a friend with a Trump-friendly PAC for advice. “She encouraged me to go with her and four others: Chanell Temple, Wes Parker, Lorie Masonas, and Celeste Grieg,” Schaper says. “All of us know each in other conservative circles throughout Southern California.”

Schaper described arriving at the studios to see a litany of pictures of Kimmel’s guests and other ephemera, the most prominent being his appearance at a state dinner with Barack Obama. (Schaper “fixed” the picture by taking a photo of it with his MAGA cap in the foreground.)

“After a brief ‘rehearsal,’ we finally met Jimmy Kimmel who interviewed each of us about the program,” Schaper wrote. “I told him that nearly 50% of DACA recipients are fraudulent, and illegals commit proportionally more crime than Americans. He finished our brief interview with: ‘I want you to meet somebody.’

“After the interviews, our team waited in the Green Room. I pondered who Kimmel was going to have us meet. ‘He’s going to present a child who is in this country illegally,’ I imagined.

“Lo and Behold, Kimmel introduced us to Esmeralda, a DACA recipient brought into this country by her law-breaking illegal parents. She was seated with a baby girl in her lap. Kimmel staged the most compassionate scenario, hoping to shame us into silence.”

Yes, Schaper’s premonition had come to pass. And things were about to get a lot more pathetic, as well.

Schaper describes being silenced by Kimmel five times. “Right away, I opened up about our need to put Americans first, including our homeless veterans and foster children,” Schaper writes. “‘OK, Arthur, that’s enough.’ And why couldn’t I finish? ‘Because this is my show!’ Kimmel fired back. He would say that three more...

What's That? The Sweet Frown Of Victory!

Former open-border activist denounces mass immigration

In 2015, Rebecca Sommer “wanted to help everyone and truly believed that all these people were fleeing hell and were in a state of complete distress”, she toldthe Polish weekly magazine Do Rzeczy.

The refugee aid association Arbeitsgruppe Flucht + Menschen-Rechte (AG F+M) [Working Group Asylum + Human Rights] she founded in 2012, had almost 300 volunteers who were giving German courses to the new arrivals in 2015.

…”I thought their medieval view was going to change with time…but after having seen these situations occur repeatedly and observing what was happening around me, as a volunteer, I have had to recognise that the Muslim refugees have grown up with values that are totally different, they have undergone brainwashing from childhood on and are indoctrinated by Islam and absolutely do not intend to adopt our values. Worse, they regard we infidels with disdain and arrogance.”

She also speaks of her great disappointment when she realized how a group of “refugees” she had personally helped and believed to be her friends practiced taqqiya with her. “I suddenly realized that those people I had helped, who ate, drank, danced and laughed with me, who did not pray, who did not go to the mosque, who did not respect Ramadan, who did not care about religion and deeply religious people, did not call me anything other than “the stupid German whore” when they ate my food and enjoyed my garden.”

There are several forms of deception used against non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, the best known being taqiyya. Taqiyya is an Islamic juridical that means when a Muslim is allowed, under Sharia law, to lie.

These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause of Islam – in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them.

Although not called taqiyya by name, the Muslim prophet Muhammad used deception when he signed a 10-year treaty with the Meccans (known as Hudaibiya) which allowed him access to their city while he secretly prepared his own forces for a takeover. The unsuspecting residents were conquered in easy fashion after he broke the treaty two years later. Some of the people in the city who had trusted him at his word were executed.

Sommer says she is not the only one confronted with the open-border reality, and said that many other volunteers also ultimately had to face the obvious.

There are now far fewer volunteers ready to work with the new arrivals in Germany. She warned that these Muslim immigrants posed a threat to...