90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, February 16, 2018

How Gun Control REALLY Works...

CDC Gun Research Backfires on Obama

No One Would Have Known We Wiretapped Trump If....

Muslim Attacks continue on Belgian octogenarian kicked unconscious

A 87-year-old Belgian man was almost kicked to death because he dared to criticise Islam. Since the elderly gent started voicing his concerns about how Islam treats animals, he appears to be no longer safe in his own house.

A youth from a “migrant background”, attacked Hendrik Keuleers and left him for dead last year.

Keuleers, who lives in the Belgian city of Ghent, is known for his window posters against bull fights, Spain’s prime minister and Islam’s treatment of animals.

It is not the first time that Keuleers is being singled out. Belgian media say his house has been terrorised for years after he started criticising Islam with self-made window posters.

Last year it resulted in the vicious attack, during which he was kicked off his bicycle. After the violent incident it did not stop some from reporting Keuleers for encouraging “racism and violence”.

The 87-year-old was even charged for “provoking violence” and “incitement to racism” but the case was soon dropped. The threats to Keuleers and the destruction of his property have however continued unabated.

He lives in a quiet street on the edge of the Prinsenhof district in Ghent. Many years ago he owned the Tap en Tepel catering business.

His little posters speak out against everything that annoys Hendrik: Animal suffering, especially the ritual slaughter of animals, is invariably denounced. Even tourists come to look at his windows.

But because of his opinions, Hendrik’s windows were smashed, flower boxes were destroyed, and last year he was kicked unconscious in front of his door. The perpetrator of that violence was put in an institution for a while, after he was caught on closed circuit camera but soon released.

“This is the world upside down”, his neighbours say. “This is also supposed to be progressive Ghent. But free speech is restricted here if it concerns sensitive issues.

“Every week, groups of Arab youths come to stone Hendrik’s windows. That remains unpunished. What is the next step then? What needs to...

Tucker: Psychiatric Drugs, Social Alienation, Broken Families, War On Men More Relevant Than Gun Control

Tucker Carlson said Thursday on Fox News that psychiatric drugs, social alienation, the destruction of the nuclear family and the war on men are far more relevant topics to discuss than gun control if our goal is to stop mass shootings.

This man is the number one voice of reason on TV.

From Fox News:

In the wake of the Florida school shooting, many on the left have renewed their calls for stricter gun control legislation.

Tucker Carlson suggested the attack on the Second Amendment isn't about protecting American citizens, and it's actually "a kind of class war."

He said it's important for our country to get to the bottom of what is actually causing the mass shooting epidemic, but that's not happening.

"That vital conversation has been drowned out and made impossible by mindless screeching about gun control, led by blustery charlatans in the media ... and in Congress, whose only real agenda is moral preening," Carlson said. "They aren't trying to solve the problem. Their aims are darker."

He argued that many liberals want a landmark gun control bill like the one Australia passed in 1996, which amounted to "gun confiscation."

He said the liberals' goals are gun seizures, ammunition regulation and disarming the American population, resulting in a country where only the people in charge have guns, and everyone else obeys.

"The calls you're hearing today for gun control have nothing to do with...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #169

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Girls With Guns

The Entire Media Establishment Is Leftist Propaganda Pure And Simple...

The Way Things Ought to Be...

BREAKING: Photo Emerges Of Trump With Two Prostitutes:

When You Play The Race Card And Then Fail Miserably...

When a coin toss is deemed racist, the charge has lost all meaning. Every time you think there’s nothing left, no area or topic, where race can’t be injected into the conversation, you’re wrong. An African-American skater on the U.S. Olympic team refused to attend the opening celebration because of the results of a coin toss that decided whether he or a white female skater would represent the United States at the ceremony. The skater, Shani Davis, said the coin toss was “dishonorable,” even though it was the previously agreed-upon method for breaking a tie vote among U.S. athletes. Davis included the hashtag #BlackHistoryMonth2018 in his tweet along with a list of his accomplishments that he said should have made him the flag-bearer. It seems as if Davis is alleging the first racially motivated coin toss in...