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Friday, March 23, 2018

Major red flags surround Citi Group’s egregious gun control move

Citi Group just positioned itself for major backlash as it is the latest in the growing list of companies caving in to demands by anti-Second Amendment advocates.

In a statement condemning gun violence and the lack of gun control policies, the bank announced Thursday that it would start requiring clients to place some restrictions on gun sales. Fox News’ Tucker Carlson noted the alarming new trend as the “left is now colluding with large companies to roll back your rights to bear arms without any legislation at all.”

Although the company stated that the new policy is “not centered on an ideological mission to rid the world of firearms,” the announcement concluded with Citi showing non-conformers the door.

“We know our clients also care about these issues and we have begun to engage with them in the hope that they will adopt these best practices over the coming months,” the statement read. “If they opt not to, we will respect their decision and work with them to transition their business away from Citi.”

Free Beacon writer Stephen Gutowski summed up the bank’s decision.

Citi Bank just announced it doesn't want anybody to be able to buy magazines of an unspecified "high capacity" or buy a gun if they're under 21. https://blog.citigroup.com/2018/03/announcing-our-us-commercial-firearms-policy 
The bank will cease doing business with anyone that sells any firearms to anyone under 21 years old and any business that sells "high capacity magazines." It does not specify what constitutes a "high capacity magazine" in their estimation.
Perhaps, Gutowski’s most disturbing observation comes for a passage that insinuates Citi Bank might be trying to put pressure on other financial institutions to do the same.

This passage is particularly ominous. Sure sounds like they want to pressure other financial institutions into instituting similar policies to deny consumers the right to purchase the legal protects Citi Bank doesn't like.

“You may remember Citi group because about 10 years ago they got 45 billion of your taxpayer dollars to get bailed out. That’s why they still exist,” Carlson said on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on Thursday. “Now they turn around and work to undermine the constitutional rights of...

The Left's Hypocrisy On Female Appointees...

Intersectionality, Tribalism and Farrakhan

A funny thing happened on the way to the intersectional future. The proverbial knapsack was unpacked in the Women’s March and inside wasn’t just racial tribalism, but racial and religious supremacism.

Why do Tamika Mallory and Linda Sarsour of the Women’s March like Farrakhan and his hate group?

The Nation of Islam preaches that black people are the master race. It doesn’t just hate white people, Jews and a whole bunch of other folks. It hates them out of a conviction in its own superiority. According to its teachings, “the Blackman is the original man” and lighter skinned people were “devils” created by an evil mad scientist to rule over black people until they are destroyed by UFOs.

Intersectionality promises to package tribal identity politics into a utopia of social justice

It even teaches that monkeys are descended from white people.

Progressive media essays defending Obama, Rep. Keith Ellison, Rep. Danny Davis, Mallory and other black leaders for their Farrakhan links have urged concerned liberals to look at the positive aspects of the Nation of Islam, its love for black people, not the negative, its hatred for white people.

But it is the “positive” that is the problem.

Intersectionality promises to package tribal identity politics into a utopia of social justice. But the essence of tribalism is the superiority of your people and the inferiority of all other groups. Tribalism doesn’t have to be violent, hostile or hateful. Most peoples are tribal after all. But when you combine the most radical identity politics elements, as the left does, then bigoted supremacism is certain.

The clown car of identity politics runs smoothest when it has a common enemy: white people. Coalitions like the Women’s March assemble an array of groups who are united by their hatred of Trump, white people, Israel and root beer. And it works as long as no one lifts up the hood and looks at the engine.

Black nationalism is racist, sexist, anti-Semitic and homophobic. The Nation of Islam isn’t an exception. From Jeremiah Wright, “Italians… looked down their garlic noses”, to Eldridge Cleaver, “rape was an insurrectionary act” to Amiri Baraka, the ugliest possible supremacist bigotry is...

The Nobel Peace Prize Will Be Won If North Korea Gives Up Its Nukes....

Make No Mistake, The Nobel Peace Prize Is A Totally Corrupt Leftist Tool To Promote World Government.

The Nobel Peace Prize Is A Tool Of The Left..


The U.S. Border Patrol is reportedly fighting back against California’s openly seditious statewide sanctuary laws by refusing to hand over illegal aliens with felony warrants to police in California.

This makes perfect sense, according to the law of unintended consequences. It is an appropriate, tactically innovative way to counter California’s ridiculous laws that seek to nullify federal immigration legislation.

California now largely forbids cooperation with federal immigration authorities, a violation of the U.S. Constitution’s Supremacy Clause

Rodney Scott, the chief patrol agent in the Border Patrol’s San Diego sector, previously said that the Golden State’s sanctuary laws were making normal cooperation between his agency and local law enforcement difficult.

This is because California now largely forbids cooperation with federal immigration authorities, a violation of the U.S. Constitution’s Supremacy Clause. State law there now imposes draconian restrictions on communication between local police and federal immigration enforcement, including information regarding when criminal aliens are scheduled to be released from local jails.

According to the Daily Caller, Scott recently entered into evidence a declaration in support of the U.S. Department of Justice’s lawsuit aimed at California’s reckless sanctuary state laws.

In the declaration Scott recounted several instances in which San Diego sector border agents determined that they could not hand over custody of a criminal alien to local law enforcement because local officials could not be trusted to return the alien to federal custody after processing by the courts.

According to the news report:
“In each instance, the Border Patrol Agent determined it was not appropriate, consistent with his or her federal responsibilities to ensure the enforcement of immigration law, to release a criminal alien to the state and local law enforcement,” Scott said in a court declaration. “This was because, although the alien was subject to removal, if released to California law enforcement, the alien would ultimately be released into the public.”

For years jailers in California and other liberal states have been refusing to honor detainer requests

So now Border Patrol agents, unlike California officials, are putting the public interest first. This effort aimed at the lawlessness of sanctuary jurisdictions is something that patriotic Americans should applaud.

For years jailers in California and other liberal states have been refusing to honor detainer requests from U.S. Immigration and Customs and Enforcement (ICE), often with disastrous results.

Felon and serial deportee Jose Inez Garcia Zarate killed Kate Steinle, 32, on July 1, 2015, after then-San Francisco sheriff Ross Mirkarimi (D), a wife-beating, driver license-suspended, gun permit-revoked, illegal alien-loving radical leftist ignored a detainer notice and put the Mexican national back on the streets.

Since Steinle’s untimely death, others have been killed by illegal aliens freed by detention centers that refused to respect ICE detainers, according to a long list compiled by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa).

For example, in July 2016, Marilyn Pharis, 64, was raped, tortured, and murdered in her home in Santa Maria, Calif., allegedly by illegal alien Victor Aureliano Martinez Ramirez, a Mexican national, after a detainer was ignored and he was released from jail.

Two months later Danny Centeno-Miranda, 17, of Loudoun County, Va., was murdered by illegal alien Jose Espinosa De Dios, a citizen of Mexico, after the perpetrator was set free when a detainer was...

BREAKING: Declassified Docs Suggest Obama NSA Chief James Clapper Lied To Congress & Orchestrated Illegal CNN Pay-To-Play Scheme

James Clapper’s allegedly false testimony to Congress regarding illegal media leaks by the intelligence agency he led during the Obama administration is only the first of what appears to be many layers of lies, coverups, and collusion among Deep State operatives like Clapper and various Establishment Media outlets. This includes, but is not limited to, an apparent pay-to-play scheme involving Mr. Clapper and CNN whereby Clapper illegally provided CNN with classified information and was then later rewarded with a CNN contributor contract following his tenure as head of the Obama NSA.

A Newsbusters report describes it with the following:
…“Clapper was actually the guy leaking information” to CNN about the presidential briefing on the Steele dossier that served as the pretext for the media feeding frenzy over possible Russian blackmail of Trump.

One can only laugh at the utter fraudulence of CNN: it pads its panels with government officials who leak to it, then presents them to its audience as “nonpartisan” experts commenting on the aftershocks of the very stories they leaked.

…Clapper denounced his own leak in a press release on January 11: “I expressed my profound dismay at the leaks that have been appearing in the press, and we both agreed that they are extremely corrosive and damaging to our national security.”


So apparently the very thing Mr. Clapper described as ‘extremely corrosive and damaging to our national security’ (and highly illegal) was the very thing he was so repeatedly engaged in. To date, he hasn’t been punished. Just the opposite. Within months of resigning from his position at the NSA, James Clapper was getting paid a fat contributor contract by CNN – the news agency he is accused of leaking....

CENSORSHIP: YouTube Bans How-To Firearm Videos, Suspends Major Gun Manufacturer

This week, YouTube entered the fight against gun rights by implementing new policies that ban highly-popular videos that are enjoyed by millions of gun owners, enthusiasts, and people eager to learn about firearms.

Here's the new YouTube policy on gun videos. As written, it could even ban videos on how to safely clean a gun, since you have to disassemble/reassemble the firearm to clean it. https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/7667605 

YouTube also announced a new policy banning ALL videos on how to reload ammunition, a perfectly legal activity enjoyed by countless hobbyists, hunters, and competitive shooters. https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/7667605 
YouTube has also started banning the accounts of major gun manufacturers like Spike's Tactical which received a notification from the tech giant that said they've been suspended because "YouTube doesn't allow content that encourages or promotes violent or dangerous acts that have an inherent risk of serious physical harm or death."

Spikes Tactical was also told that they are "prohibited from accessing, possessing or creating any other YouTube accounts."

YouTube has started suspending the accounts of major gun and accessory manufacturers. But don't worry, videos on how to make bombs or meth are still available on @YouTube. https://www.facebook.com/spikestactical/photos/a.374278663663.161078.341592968663/10156198720438664/?type=3&theater 

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #204

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Facebook ZUCK'ing Itself into OBLIVION

Girls With Guns