90 Miles From Tyranny

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Saturday, April 7, 2018

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #219

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

China's Freedom-Crushing "Social Credit Score"

Friday, April 6, 2018

Girls With Guns

Democrats Do Not Want To Actually Solve Any Problems....

They Prefer To Use Issues Like Sticks And Carrots...

Bearing Arms - The Great Equalizer...

Somehow, They Didn't Get Injured By This Flying Debris...

More Unbelievably Good Animated Gifs:

The Kid Lived But Who Died?

The Clever Old Man...

More Interesting, Thoughtful And Funny Stories:

New evidence suggests Stone Age hunters from Europe discovered and colonized America

Dozens Of EPA Employees Caught With Encrypted Apps On Their Government Phones

At least sixty EPA employees installed encrypted messaging applications on their government-issued phones and tablets in violation of agency rules, according to newly released documents.

EPA employs installed encrypted apps Signal and WhatsApp, as well as sixteen other messaging applications, on government cell phones, documents obtainedby the Cause of Action Institute (COA) show.

Records show EPA employees also installed personal applications, including “email, sports betting, dating, and entertainment applications” that COA says “raise questions about the use of government-issued and taxpayer-funded mobile devices for personal purposes.”

“[I]t appears that most of these applications were never authorized for work-related business,” COA counsel Ryan Mulvey wrote. “To the extent they were used for personal purposes, the EPA should take its workforce to task for abusing the privilege of a government-furnished and taxpayer-funded phone.”

COA began its investigation in 2017 after Politico reported a small group of EPA employees were using the encrypted app Signal to strategize against the Trump administration. Employees reportedly wanted their conversations to be kept secret, sparking transparency concerns.

House Republicans demanded EPA’s Office of Inspector General (IG) investigate the matter and the the National Archives and Records Administration has an open investigation into potential mishandling of records.

EPA investigators did look into the matter and released their findings in a series of memos made public by COA as part of Freedom of Information Act requests and lawsuits. The IG found two EPA employees had Signal installed on their phones but determined they were not used to “purposefully circumvent the applicable Federal record retention rules.”

Those two employees, however, still violated EPA policy by downloading unapproved applications to government-issued devices, the IG claimed. Investigators also found fifty-eight other EPA employees had government phones with the encrypted messaging app WhatsApp.

Two officials admitted they used the app for...

He Doesn't Always Drink Beer...

But When He Does It Is Someone Else's...

Socialists - Masters Of Spending Other People's Money...

Bernie Sanders Is The Pied Piper Of The Mindless, Ignorant, Jobless, Self-entitled Youth Of Today...

You Are Probably A Bernie Sanders Fan If...

Leaving Mom's Basement To Yell At Capitalism...

Bernie Is Pretty Sure He Has A Winning Strategy Here...

The Problem With Bernie Sanders Supporters...

What Are Bernie Sanders Goals?

Taxation: how the sheep are shorn.

Old Man Yells At Capitalism...

Feel The Bern...

GENIUS MOVE: Trump Will Skip White House Correspondents Dinner - Again

Every year, the White House press corps throws itself a gaudy party oozing with excess. Known as the White House Correspondents' Association (WHCA) dinner, the event has turned into a week long party overflowing with booze and, weirdly, even corporate sponsorship.

And just like last year, President Trump wants no part of the mess.

"The White House has informed us that the president does not plan to participate in this year's dinner," WHCA President Margaret Talev said in a statement. Instead, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders will "represent the administration at the head table," Talev said.

The White House press corps is overpopulated by the heavily liberal mainstream media. And like in year's past, the MSM will laud and praise members of the MSM. At this year's dinner on April 28, the association will honor CNN with its biggest award for the liberal network's January 2017 report on how the intelligence community believed Russia had compromising information on Trump.


Lester Holt of NBC News will receive an award, as New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman -- who Trump has described on Twitter as a “Hillary flunky” who "knows nothing about me" -- will be honored with an award for showing “her deep understanding of what makes President Trump tick,” WHCA judges said.

No, really.

The dinner has a long history, and usually, the president of the United States roasts the media in a good-hearted way. But the event became more and more partisan during the two terms of George W. Bush, and then fell completely political during Barack Obama's presidency, turning into a liberal lovefest.

Meanwhile, the entertainment at the dinner has become highly partisan, as well. In 2017, the WHCA decided to pick comedian and “The Daily Show” correspondent Hasan Minhaj. He was predictably unfunny. He joked about...

Democrats: Masters Of Failed Policies...