90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, April 23, 2018

NATALIYA VASILYEVA, The Russian lawyer questions why Mueller hasn’t contacted her

MOSCOW (AP) — A Russian lawyer who discussed sanctions with Donald Trump Jr. in New York during his father’s 2016 campaign for the U.S. presidency said Sunday that special counsel Robert Mueller has not contacted her yet.

In an interview with The Associated Press, Natalia Veselnitskaya also detailed her recent meeting in Berlin with investigators from the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee. Like Mueller, the committee is investigating allegations of Russian interference in the U.S. presidential election.

Veselnitskaya met in June 2016 with then-candidate Donald Trump’s son, his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort, his campaign chairman at the time, Paul Manafort, after Trump Jr. was told the Russian lawyer had potentially incriminating information about Hillary Clinton.

Mueller, a former FBI director, is leading a federal probe of possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. He has filed charges against multiple former Trump campaign aides.

Veselnitskaya alleged in her interview with the AP in downtown Moscow that if Mueller’s team never questions her, it would mean that it “is not working to discover the truth.”

Veselnitskaya is a well-connected Moscow lawyer who has worked with a company called Prevezon Holdings Ltd. The company’s owner is the son of a former Russian government official and a fierce advocate for rolling back U.S. sanctions on Russia.

At the time of her 2016 meeting at Trump Tower, she was defending Prevezon against charges it had engaged in money laundering from a $230 million Russian tax fraud scheme.

Trump Jr. and others in attendance have downplayed the meeting, saying nothing came of it. Trump has denied that he or his campaign coordinated with any Russian attempts to interfere in the election.

The Senate Intelligence Committee has expressed interest in determining whether Veselnitskaya’s appointment with Trump Jr., Kushner and Manafort was part of a Russian government effort to help President Donald Trump’s campaign for the White House. It was described that way in emails to Trump Jr. before it took place.

Several congressional committees are looking into whether Russia interfered in the 2016 election and whether there were collusion by Trump’s campaign. The House Intelligence Committee has finished its investigation and said it found no evidence of collusion or coordination with Russians.

The Senate Intelligence Committee approached Veselnitskaya earlier this year, but she refused to go the United States, saying she feared for her safety. The lawyer and the committee’s investigators instead met in a Berlin hotel on March 26 and talked for three hours.

“That was essentially a monologue. They were not interrupting me,” Veselnitskaya said. “They listened very carefully...Their questions were very sharp, pin-pointed.”

The investigators mainly wanted to know about Trump Tower meeting, she said. Veselnitskaya said she repeated her previous statements about it, insisting that she was not linked to the Russian government and merely wanted to discuss sanctions against Russia.

Veselnitskaya’s said the Berlin interview also focused on information in memos compiled by a former British spy whose work was funded by the Democratic National Committee and Clinton’s campaign. The dossier contains numerous allegations of Russian ties to Trump, his associates and the Trump campaign.

Veselnitskaya dismissed the dossier as “absolute nonsense.” She insisted that Glenn Simpson, whose firm Fusion GPS was...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #235

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Primitive Technology: Mud Bricks

Sunday, April 22, 2018

#NationalWalkout: stop skipping class.

Girls With Guns

On Cuba's New President....

Socialism = Repression.

Trump Is The Toughest SOB In Politics...

Romney Handed Shock Defeat by Own State’s GOP

Mitt Romney is back in state politics, this time in Utah instead of Massachusetts. However, conservatives in The Beehive State aren’t exactly warming up to the 2012 Republican standard-bearer quite the way many people expected they would.

After finishing second in votes at the state GOP convention, Romney will now face a primary in his run for the Senate seat being vacated by Orrin Hatch, Fox News reported.

At the convention in West Valley City on Saturday, Romney polled just behind state lawmaker Mike Kennedy.

Kennedy captured 50.18 percent of the delegate vote compared to Romney’s 49.12 percent.

That means the two will face off in a primary on June 26 to determine who will represent the GOP this fall.

Romney, the first Mormon to head a major party ticket, is considered an extremely popular figure in Utah and was widely expected to have an easy path to the upper chamber.

In a hypothetical matchup with Democrat Jenny Wilson, at least one poll showed Romney up by 46 percent. That’s, uh, slightly more than the margin of error.

However, among party loyalists, Romney isn’t exactly viewed with unalloyed fondness.

The 2012 presidential nominee was always known for being decidedly moderate, particularly on issues of immigration and global trade. There was also the fact that he ran a campaign so bumbling that it almost made Michael Dukakis look good.

And then there was Romney’s war of words with Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign, which likely led many to perceive he secretly wished Hillary Clinton would take the Oval Office.

Trump would later...

Gorka Call to Arms: Grassroots, ‘You Have a Job To Do’

RICHMOND, Virginia–National security strategist and former Trump administration official Dr. Sebastian Gorka encouraged 200 grassroots activists this week to trust President Donald J Trump, but also remember “You have a job to do.”

The Middle Resolution hosted Gorka for the Richmond, Virginia event where the former deputy assistant to the President gave the crowd a look behind the veil of Trump as well as encouragement to get behind 2018 candidates and be part of the solution.

“It’s compassion that drives this President because he didn’t do it for the money. Nor did he run for President for fame,” Gorka told the crowd. “There’s no public persona and then a private persona,” he continued, “just the two of you in the Oval Office is exactly the same as he is on the campaign trail.”

Gorka recounted the November 8 election, the transition, and his first day of work for the administration on January 21, 2017. He identified January 21 as the date of “the most leveraged hostile takeover in world history,” backing up his claim by noting that the federal government is the largest employer in the world with several million employees. “And then we come in and we are what? We are the antibodies to the swamp,” said Gorka.

“Donald J. Trump won the presidency to become the most powerful man in the world despite the GOP, not because of the GOP,” explained Gorka. “This is something the GOP needs to understand, especially before November.”

“Donald Trump is a reaction to the failure of both parties,” said Gorka, who evidenced this by recounting a trip on Air Force One to Youngstown, Ohio last summer. On the twenty minute drive from the airport to the rally stadium, the motorcade passed disused steel plants, mills, and factories on one side of the road for miles. On the other side of the road stood men and women waving their “stars and stripes.” Candidate Trump and wife Melania saw a stadium teeming with many former Democrats “erupt” in cheers as the couple took the stage. “USA, USA, drain the swamp” they chanted, according to Gorka.

“Donald J. Trump has broken the political rulebook,” Dr. Gorka told the crowd gathered Tuesday night. “He took the political rulebook, he shredded it, burnt it, buried it, and then jumped up and down on it,” he added, eliciting laughter from the crowd.

“One thing I wish you to take home—have faith, be patient” he petitioned the crowd. He reassured the audience not to worry about issues surrounding Attorney General Jeff Sessions or Syria. “The President will never give up on us,” he said.

Speaking of the President’s abundant stores of energy, Gorka said he never saw the President yawn, even on three hours sleep. “The guy is a Mack Truck. He is unstoppable.”

He called the President’s accomplishments in the first year of his presidency “stunning,” even in the midst of relentless attacks on Trump and his family. Gorka listed a few of those accomplishments:

FLASHBACK: Earth Day Co-Founder Killed, Composted His Girlfriend

Here’s an inconvenient truth about a self-described co-founder of Earth Day: he murdered and composted his girlfriend.

Environmental activist and self-proclaimed Earth Day co-founder Ira Einhorn had a dark side. Einhorn was found guilty of murdering his ex-girlfriend and stuffing her “composted” body inside a trunk, NBC News reported in 2011.

After five years of being together, Helen Maddux broke up with Einhorn. Enraged, he threatened to throw Maddux’s belongings onto the street if she didn’t come by to get them. She went to Einhorn’s apartment to retrieve them on Sept. 9, 1977, but was never seen again.

Maddux went missing after going out to the neighborhood co-op to buy tofu and sprouts, Einhorn told police several weeks later. However, 18 months later, authorities searched his apartment after neighbors complained that a “reddish-brown, foul-smelling liquid was leaking from the ceiling directly below Einhorn’s bedroom closet,” NBC News reported.

In the closet, police found Maddux’s “beaten and partially mummified body stuffed into a trunk that had also been packed with Styrofoam, air fresheners and newspapers,” according to NBC News.

Einhorn jumped bail and spent 23 years evading authorities and hiding out all over Europe. Finally, he was caught and extradited to the U.S. from France, where he was put on trial and convicted of murder. He is currently serving a life sentence.

“Taking the stand in his own defense, Einhorn claimed that his ex-girlfriend had been killed by CIA agents who framed him for the crime because he knew too much about the agency’s paranormal military research.” NBC News reported.

Earth Day was created in the spring of 1970 to raise awareness of and take action on the pressing environmental issues of the time. Einhorn was master of ceremonies at the first Earth Day celebration at Fairmount Park in Philadelphia on April 22, 1970. The holiday was Einhorn’s idea and he was responsible for...