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Thursday, May 24, 2018

Girls With Guns

Winning Means You Can Have Two Scoops Anytime You Want Mr. President!

Two Scoops Of Winning Please!

I'm Renaming My AR-15's To MS-13's So Democrats Will Protect Them...

My Undocumented Tools Of Defense Live In My Sanctuary Home Inside Their Safe Space. They Are All Black In Color So Please Don't Discriminate Against Them. This Is My Trigger Warning...

The Difference Between A Spy And A Person Described In Other Terms Than "SPY"

SPYGATE - Special Edition!

Desperate Eric Holder Pushes DOJ To Defy President’s Order To Investigate FBI

During a Tuesday appearance on the View, no less than the former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper described what was done by the Obama administration to Donald’s Trump campaign as “spying.”

Although Clapper said he does not like the word “spying” (considering how the disclosure of this spying has blown up in the Obama administration’s face, who can blame him?), he still used the word twice — because there is no other word.

Sounding rattled and defensive, even though he was among friends, Clapper, a left-wing partisan who served as DNI during the Obama administration, attempted to spin the “spying” into something that was for Trump’s own good and the good of the country.

“With the informant business, well, the point here is the Russians,” Clapper volunteered. “Not spying on the campaign but what are the Russians doing? And in a sense, unfortunately, what they were trying to do is protect our political system and protect the campaign.”

View co-host Joy Behar asked, “Trump … claims it’s spying. Other people say it’s a whistleblower or informant — he says it’s spying, it’s bigger than Watergate. So I ask you, was the FBI spying on Trump’s campaign?”

Again describing what happened as “spying,” Clapper said the “spying” was done on the Russians, not on the Trump campaign (as I will explain below, this is simply not true).

“No, they were not,” Clapper replied. “They were spying on, a term I don’t particularly like, but on what the Russians were doing. Trying to understand were the Russians infiltrating, trying to gain access, trying to gain leverage or influence which is what they do.”

It is fascinating watching the anti-Trump media attempt to hurl semantics as a means to smear Trump as a liar for calling straight-up spying spying.

This social media back-and-forth between Aaron Blake, an anti-Trump activist for the far-left Washington Post, and Fox News’s Brit Hume, shows you just how foolish the media are willing to look to pretend the...

‘Tap peoples’ emotion.’ Obama WH emails plotting strategy two days after Sandy Hook revealed

Former President Barack Obama’s education secretary and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel were planning how to turn a national tragedy into a legislative victory for the administration two days after the 2012 mass shooting in Newtown, Conn.

That’s according to emails obtained under a Freedom of Information request from a reporter from the Baltimore Post.
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On the morning of Dec. 14, 2012, a 20-year-old man killed his mother in their home then traveled to Sandy Hook Elementary School — a semi-automatic rifle and two pistols in tow. He broke into the school and killed another 26 people — 20 of them first-grade students. The gunman committed suicide after authorities arrived on the scene.

Two days later, on the evening of Dec. 16, former-Education Secretary Arne Duncan emailed Emanuel under the subject line, “CT shootings,” seeking advice on pushing gun reform legislation, according to The Baltimore Post.

The complete exchange took place between 6:57 p.m. to 7:08 p.m. It follows as first reported by The Baltimore Post:

Duncan: “What are your thoughts?”

Emanuel: “Go for a vote this week before it fades. Tap peoples’ emotion. Make it simple assault weapons.”

Duncan: “Yup- thanks.”

Emanuel: “When I did Brady bill and assault weapons for Clinton, we always made it simple. Criminals or war weapons.”

Duncan: “Gun show loophole? Database? Cop-killer bullets? Too complicated?”

Emanuel: “Cop killer maybe. The other no.”

Duncan: “Got it.”

At the time of the shooting, Newtown was the second most deadly mass shooting on a school campus after a 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech where 32 students and teachers were killed.

Emanuel served as an advisor to former-President Bill Clinton from 1992 to 1998. Emanuel worked with Clinton to push Congress to pass the 1993 Brady billthat imposed a five-day waiting period for purchasing a handgun. Emanuel also worked in the White House when Congress passed the 1994 federal assault weapons ban that...

According To The Left....

Donald Trump is right. MS-13 members are 'animals.'

Informant Halper accused of making ‘false’ & ‘absurd’ allegations about Russian infiltration at Cambridge

  • FBI informant Stefan Halper said Russians infiltrated the Cambridge Intelligence Seminar
  • He flagged interactions between a Russian researcher and Mike Flynn
  • People involved called Halper’s claims “false” and “absurd”

The FBI informant who made contact with members of the Trump campaign has made allegations of Russian spy infiltration at the University of Cambridge that people involved in the matters have called “false” and “absurd.”

A Russian academic who worked at Cambridge with the informant, Stefan Halper, said he made “false allegations” about her interactions with former national security adviser Michael Flynn at an event the Cambridge Intelligence Seminar (CIS) hosted in February 2014.

Halper’s claim in December 2016 that Russians infiltrated CIS has also been called “absurd” by Christopher Andrew, the official historian for MI5 and head of CIS, the Financial Times reported.

Halper toldthe Financial Times that he was resigning from CIS because of “unacceptable Russian influence on the group.” The evidence of Russian penetration was scant, with news reports citing a nearly $2,700 contribution to CIS from a Russia-based company called Veruscript.

Meanwhile, Halper made contact with Trump campaign advisers Carter Page, George Papadpoulos and Sam Clovis during the campaign to gather intelligence about their involvement with...

I Wish The FBI Was Half As Good At Protecting Our School Kids As They Are With These Two Miscreants...

Watch Congressman Jim Jordan Lay Out The Spygate Crimes Committed By Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, & The Deep State

The Establishment Media is attempting to ignore what appears to be the single most important political scandal in U.S. history. It’s up to you to share the truth with others.

The FBI Used Its Secret Spy Program To Protect Killers, Jail Innocents, And Screw Victims

Following reports that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) used at least one spy to secretly surveil members of the Trump campaign, fired former FBI director James Comey lashed out at critics of his agency’s activities during the 2016 election.

“Facts matter. The FBI’s use of Confidential Human Sources (the actual term) is tightly regulated and essential to protecting the country,” Comey tweeted on May 23. “Attacks on the FBI and lying about its work will do lasting damage to our country.”

While Comey’s record on truth-telling is decidedly mixed, he is correct that facts matter and that the FBI’s use of informants is governed by strict guidelines. How and why many of those guidelines came to be are important facts that the American public deserves to know as it considers revelations that the FBI used wiretaps and spies to surveil Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, his transition, and perhaps even his presidential administration.

Those guidelines, many of which the Government Accountability Office found were not being followed as recently as 2015, were put in place after rogue FBI agents working in the Boston field office routinely worked to cover up murders committed by their informants. You might say they were the direct result of justifiable attacks on the FBI for unconscionable violations of the public trust.

In fact, years-long violations of the rules about the FBI’s use of secret spies have led to massive investigations across every branch of government, including a multi-volume, 3,528-page congressional investigative report in 2003, a scathing 314-page report from the Department of Justice (DOJ) inspector general in 2005, and even a scathing 228-page, $102 million ruling against the government in 2007 after a federal judge ruled that the FBI deliberately withheld evidence, leading to the wrongful convictions of four men, in order to protect a mob informant. (Three of the men were originally sentenced to death; two died in prison awaiting justice for a crime they didn’t commit.)

The 2007 ruling from U.S. District Court Judge Gertner, which the federal government chose not to appeal, reads more like a John Grisham novel than it does a legal dictum. In her introduction, Gertner made clear that the horrific miscarriage of justice perpetrated under the guise of the FBI’s confidential spy program wasn’t the result of innocent missteps by a few bad apples, but was instead a coordinated conspiracy involving the rogue agents, their supervisors, and even...

Morning Mistress