90 Miles From Tyranny

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Saturday, May 26, 2018

New Book: My Teacher Is A Democrat...

My Teacher Is A Communist Indoctrination Specialist...

Uh Oh! Presidential Grades Just Came Out!

Proud To Be "EXTREME"

Our Bill Of Rights...

Why Is This Dumb Ass Blind To All Of Trump's Accomplishments?

Because "Forward" Only Means Forward Towards Totalitarianism Communism...
The Lady Is A Tramp For Communism...

Donald Trump Waits For 90 Minutes To Shake The Hand Of EVERY Naval Academy Graduate (VIDEO)

What a cool moment and what a contrast to his presidential predecessor. After delivering the commencement address President Trump stands for 90 minutes so he can shake the hand of each and every Naval Academy graduate. Don’t count on the Establishment Media showing this. That means it’s up to all of you to share.

Ummm.... About Those "Unrealistic" Depictions...

Fighting The Leftists In Game Journalism - #gamergate


A Nigerian man was deported Thursday after his U.S. citizenship was revoked in April following his conviction for indecency with a 7-year-old girl, a felony offense which he committed before he was naturalized.

Deportation officers with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) removed Emmanuel Olugbenga Omopariola, 61, to Nigeria May 24. He had been in ICE custody in the Dallas area since his arrest on April 18, 2018, when he surrendered himself at the ERO Dallas Field Office. He departed Dallas May 23 under ICE escort to Nigeria via JFK International Airport in New York City. He arrived in Ikeja, Nigeria, about 2:20 p.m. local time (9:20 a.m. CDT).

“This deportation ends this U.S. chapter for Omopariola who sabotaged his own future and opportunities through his heinous crimes against a child, and his lies on his naturalization application and in interviews,” said Simona L. Flores, field office director of ERO Dallas. “By effecting such removals, ICE helps improve public safety and enforces U.S. immigration law.”

Omopariola originally legally entered the United States on March 25, 1983 at the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport on a nonimmigrant student visa.

According to the April 11, 2018, Consent Judgment by the U.S. District Court, Northern District of Texas, Omopariola was naturalized as a U.S. citizen July 1, 2004. During his naturalization proceedings, Omopariola withheld that he unlawfully engaged in sexual contact with a 7-year-old girl in 2002. This crime, even though he had not yet been arrested or convicted, “…rendered him unable to demonstrate the requisite good moral character for naturalization and, thus, ineligible for naturalization when he took the oath of allegiance. He therefore illegally procured his naturalization.”

After he was naturalized, Omopariola pleaded...

No Shame: Protesters Shout as Trump Meets with Families of MS-13 Victims [VIDEO]

President Donald Trump has a knack for exposing Democrats and liberals for their tendency to stand in defense of criminals, murderers and terrorists, all in an effort to oppose Trump at every turn.

This was recently on display after the president referred to brutal MS-13 gang members as “animals,” prompting many elected Democrats and liberal media figures to defend the gang members as those worthy of dignity.

It was no surprise then that when Trump traveled to Long Island, New York, for a round-table discussion about how to confront and defeat the criminal gang, his visit was met by liberal protesters, according to WABC.

Those protesters accused Trump of inflaming and spreading “xenophobia and racism” and declared the president “not welcome” in Long Island or New York City, despite having been invited by many local politicians who attended the discussion, as well as families of the gang’s victims.

Organizers of the protest declared they were “resisting Trump’s assaults on immigrant families and communities and call on elected officials across the region to stand with them in solidarity and reject Trump’s visit.”

One organizer, Sergio Argueta of the group Strong Youth, said, “As law enforcement departments from both counties stand next to this man, let’s remember that his type of hatred and rhetoric only fuels gang recruitment.”

One elected Democrat, however — Nassau County executive Laura Curran — rejected the reflexive opposition to Trump and welcomed the opportunity to receive assistance in battling the ruthless gang members.

“It’s the president of the United States. He’s coming to Nassau County,” Curran said. “Perhaps we can get some resources and federal help, and I am open to having that bi-partisan conversation.”

Evelyn Rodriguez, a mother of a young girl slain by MS-13 gang members and an honored guest at Trump’s State of the Union address in February, attended the discussion.

“You said the other day that these individuals are animals,” Rodriguez said. “You’re correct. They are animals in how they kill, how they get these kids and they torture them. No child should ever, ever have to suffer.”

Trump took the opportunity to once again double-down on his “animals” remark, reiterating that the murderous thugs are “animals” and he would continue to describe them as such.

“I called them animals the other day, and I was met with rebuke. They said, ‘They’re people.’ They’re not people, these are animals, and we have to be very, very tough,” Trump said to applause from the audience.

The WABC report noted that MS-13 is believed to be responsible for at least 25 murders on Long Island alone in just the past 18 months, a shocking statistic that reveals the homicidal nature of the gang that has recently vowed to “take out a cop” in response to...

ORWELLIAN NIGHTMARE: Free Speech Activist Arrested In Britain For Reporting On Muslim Rape Trial

Tommy Robinson, a controversial British free speech activist, was arrested today for livestreaming video outside of a court house where alleged Muslim rape gangs were facing trial. He faces 13 months in prison for his thought crime of illegal free speech.

“I’m being arrested for a breach of the peace. You’ve all watched this. Can you get me a solicitor?” Robinson asked the police who were beginning to arrest him.

A policeman fired back: “Do I understand what I’ve just told you? You’ve been arrested on suspicion of causing a breach to the peace.”

Robinson continued to rant about the apparent injustice of his situation: “I’m inciting people. How have I incited people? This is free speech; this is where we’re at. You’re not even allowed to.

“This is ridiculous. Lads, do you feel right about what you’re doing here? I haven’t said a word.”

Robinson will now have to spend 13 months in jail due to a suspected sentence for a previous charge related to court filming. This follows the jailing of British First leaders Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen in March for handing out leaflets. Other right-wing activists have been denied entry into the country. Robinson’s supporters fear that considering his bold public stance against radical Islam, this may be a death sentence for the right-wing activist.

Dutch right-wing leader Geert Wilders jumped onto Twitter to express his dismay with what has taken place in Britain.
Arrested for “breaching the peace” while reporting on a Islamic grooming gang trial?

Is this Saudi-Arabia?

Has the United Kingdom become a police state?

Jail = a death sentence for Tommy Robinson.

Come to your senses United Kingdom! https://twitter.com/lauren_southern/status/1000026509380280320 
Journalist Mike Cernovich made a video showing the bizarre and disturbing lengths in which the UK government is going in order to silence this story: HERE

It’s now impossible to deny: The Orwellian nightmare is live and in full effect in Britain.

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #268

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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