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Monday, May 28, 2018

Tommy Robinson Arrested Outside UK Court, Jailed For 13 Months As Judge Orders Orwellian Media Blackout

UK activist and English Defence League founder Tommy Robinson was arrested on Friday outside of Leeds Crown Court for reporting on a pedophile grooming trial. Within six hours of his arrest, Robinson was handed a 13 month prison term for violating a prior suspended sentence for a similar offense, while media outlets were banned from covering the incident by the court - with several removing reports which had already been published.

Footage shows Robinson, 35, being arrested while livestreaming to his Facebook page outside the courthouse. He can be heard shouting to a friend "Please, George, get me a solicitor, I’m on a suspended sentence, you see."

Tommy Robinson has been arrested in Leeds court for reporting on grooming gangs. More updates to follow
“A big police van with about seven police officers pulled up and arrested [Robinson] and told him to stop live streaming,” Robinson’s producer told RT (before their article (archived) was scrubbed from the internet). “They said it was incitement and a breach of the peace.

“No peace has been breached – there were two other people there and he’s been perfectly quiet talking into his phone. [The police] said nothing about the court proceedings. It’s very strange.”

Disturbingly, the judge who sentenced Robinson, Geoffrey Marson QC, ordered an Orwellian media blackout - which resulted in several publications deleting their articles from the web covering Robinson's arrest.

It has been made clear to us if we put any more information out than we have that we ourselves face a very real risk of arrest. So thank you to everyone standing up for the truth and for freedom of the press at this moment. Thank you, thank you.
I won't stop. Here's the gag order & here's the judge smiling as Tommy is about toget arrested with one of the officers involved pic.twitter.com/iKjtT6Amwe

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Robinson was admonished last year by Judge Heather Norton for filming outside a gang rape case in Canterbury, who slapped him with a three month suspended sentence on the condition that he cease his coverage of the trials.

you should be under no illusions that if you commit any further offence of any kind, and that would include, I would have thought a further contempt of court by similar actions, then that sentence of three months would be activated -Judge Heather Norton

“This is not about free speech, not about the freedom of the press, nor about legitimate journalism, and not about political correctness,” the judge told Robinson at the time.


In response to Robinson's arrest, a large group of protesters gathered outside Downing Street - while the hashtag #FreeTommy has been used to coordinate a response, express outrage and share information about the situation.

I have been handed this update on the Tommy Robinson situation. It includes a point of contact if you wish to send your support. pic.twitter.com/2mbVy6IjMt

Robinson's arrest has also sparked a free speech debate over social media, with supporters and detractors alike standing up for the controversial activist's right (or lack thereof) to express his opinion.
Tommy Robinson has just been sentenced to jail for 13 months. There is a UK reporting ban. No one there is allowed to talk about it.

I don’t agree with everything he says, but being arrested for filming a news story outside a courthouse, and imprisoned within 6 hours sounds dystopian

Tommy Robinson was [REDACTED] for reporting on [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] to [REDACTED] months in [REDACTED]. Reporting on [REDACTED] in the United Kingdom is illegal until [REDACTED].
Pedophile grooming gangs

A group of 29 defendants are being tried for historical sex offences against children, split into three trials. Robinson was arrested at the second trial, while the first is ongoing.

For more on the grooming gangs which have abused over 700 women and girls, click here.

Meanwhile, enraged Britons have been harassing the defendants as they make their way to...

How You Can Honor the Fallen This Memorial Day

This extended weekend marks the 150th anniversary of that first “Memorial Day” remembrance, when Congressman James Garfield—who would later become president—addressed a crowd of more than 5,000 at Arlington Cemetery.

The tradition continues to this day at national cemeteries across the nation, with the president of the United States most often delivering the address and laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

To millions of Americans, Memorial Day symbolizes the unofficial start of summer—the opening of the local community pool, baseball games, concerts, barbecues, and trips to the beach.

Regrettably, a Gallup poll in 2000 revealed that only 28 percent of Americans knew the true meaning of Memorial Day, and 40 percent confused it with Veterans Day.

So, what is the meaning of Memorial Day?

Memorial Day is the day to remember those men and women who died while serving in our nation’s armed forces, whereas Veterans Day is a day to celebrate the service of all U.S. military veterans.

Why have so many Americans lost sight of the true meaning and observance of Memorial Day? Some would argue it began with the Uniform Monday Holiday Act of 1968, which moved Memorial Day from its traditional date of May 30 to the last Monday in May.

Many veterans organizations, such as the Veterans of Foreign Wars, still oppose that move, stating that the creation of the three-day weekend has diluted the focus of the day from solemn reflection on, and tribute to, those who sacrificed their lives in defense of our nation and led to the general public’s nonchalant observance of Memorial Day.

Memorial Day began at the national level on May 30, 1868, as Decoration Day, with a ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery to honor fallen Civil War soldiers. This tradition continued to grow, and following World War I, Decoration Day became a day of remembrance of all soldiers, sailors, and Marines who died in service to their nation, not just the Civil War.

It was not until after World War II that the holiday became more popularly known as Memorial Day.

In his 1868 call to celebrate Decoration Day as a national holiday, Maj. Gen. John Logan stated eloquently:

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #270

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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Girls With Guns - Bonus Memorial Day Edition..