90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, November 26, 2018

Is The Deep State Feeling The Heat?

Bad as it may have been, the worst of the Russia Hoax was not the abuse of the FISA electronic surveillance regime for political purposes. Nor is the worst even the patent involvement of our intelligence agencies -- and in particular the FBI and CIA -- in electoral politics. No, the worst aspect of the Russia Hoax is that our intelligence agencies, including elements of DoJ and the State Department cooperating with the Clinton campaign, enlisted the intelligence services of foreign powers -- first in their effort to defeat the candidacy of Donald Trump and, when that effort failed, turning their efforts to what can only be described as an attempted coup against the elected President of the United States.

Shockingly, these later stages of the Russia Hoax have included members of the Legislative Branch who, in the face of clear evidence that the true collusion with foreign powers was that of the Clinton campaign, have worked to delay and to ultimately obstruct Congressional oversight and investigation of the entire Russia Hoax.

So, faced with this determined stonewalling of Congressional oversight by DoJ and the FBI, the President played what has always been his trump card: he ordered the declassification of most of the documents that are central to the Russia Hoax. Led by DAG Rosenstein, the forces of the Deep State were able to delay the release of the documents, but President Trump made it clear that he favors declassification -- and sooner, rather than later.

Three weeks later, an uneasy stalemate persists. DoJ and Team Mueller have claimed that release of the documents would constitute "obstruction" -- a patently bogus claim, but Trump has extracted the resignation of Jeff Sessions and his replacement with Matthew Whitaker as the Acting AG, who also replaces Rosenstein as the supervisor of Team Mueller. The anti-Trump forces are currently attempting to stymie Trump's latest move with attacks on the Whitaker appointment, while declassification hangs fire. And Democrats, newly empowered by their capture of the House, are threatening to tie Trump up with investigations of his finances, on the pretext of the Russia Hoax.

Nevertheless, there is evidence that the Deep State forces of both the US and the UK are feeling Trump's pressure. The Daily Telegraph, in a surprisingly little remarked-upon article, informed the world that MI6 is battling Donald Trump to stop him from releasing documents linked to the "Russia probe."

The article itself is an interesting mix of special pleading and disinformation, clearly reflecting the views and interests of the British and US Deep State. Perhaps it's a measure of Deep State alarm at the threat of declassification that the article coyly offers a glimpse of what we all know to be true--that the British were deeply involved in the Russia Hoax almost from the start--while attempting to maintain deniability with transparent euphemisms. For example, we read that:

The UK is warning that the US president would undermine intelligence gathering if he releases pages of an FBI application to wiretap one of his former campaign advisers.
However Trump allies are fighting back, demanding transparency and asking why Britain would oppose the move unless it had something to hide.

Yes, well, that's a very good question, isn't it? Exactly why are the British concerned about the release of an FBI application for FISA coverage against a US citizen? What could possibly be the British angle concerning such a purely US matter? Unless ... the British really do have something to hide. And who would they be hiding it from? Everyone who's anyone already has a very good idea of what could be revealed. The only people being kept in the dark are the British and American public.

And this goes on throughout the article. The Telegraph, we are told, has spoken to "more than a dozen" officials, "including in American intelligence." And those officials tell us, through the Telegraph, that the British spy chiefs have "genuine concern" that Trump could expose "sources" if he releases the FISA application. "Sources"? As in super-secret technical capabilities? No. Sources as in "It boils down to the exposure of people," as a "US intelligence official" helpfully explained.

But if release of the documents would expose sources, i.e., "people," doesn't that mean there are people to be exposed? And why do the British care about this American concern -- unless those "people" are connected to...

AP Exclusive: First gene-edited babies claimed in China

HONG KONG - A Chinese researcher claims that he helped make the world's first genetically edited babies - twin girls whose DNA he said he altered with a powerful new tool capable of rewriting the very blueprint of life.

If true, it would be a profound leap of science and ethics.

A U.S. scientist said he took part in the work in China, but this kind of gene editing is banned in the United States because the DNA changes can pass to future generations and it risks harming other genes.

Many mainstream scientists think it's too unsafe to try, and some denounced the Chinese report as human experimentation.

The researcher, He Jiankui of Shenzhen, said he altered embryos for seven couples during fertility treatments, with one pregnancy resulting thus far. He said his goal was not to cure or prevent an inherited disease, but to try to bestow a trait that few people naturally have - an ability to resist possible future infection with HIV, the AIDS virus.

He said the parents involved declined to be identified or interviewed, and he would not say where they live or where the work was done.

There is no independent confirmation of He's claim, and it has not been published in a journal, where it would be vetted by other experts. He revealed it Monday in Hong Kong to one of the organizers of an international conference on gene editing that is set to begin Tuesday, and earlier in exclusive interviews with The Associated Press.

"I feel a strong responsibility that it's not just to make a first, but also make it an example," He told the AP. "Society will decide what to do next" in terms of allowing or forbidding such science.

Some scientists were astounded to hear of the claim and strongly condemned it.

It's "unconscionable ... an experiment on human beings that is not morally or ethically defensible," said Dr. Kiran Musunuru, a University of Pennsylvania gene editing expert and editor of a genetics journal.

"This is far too premature," said Dr. Eric Topol, who heads the Scripps Research Translational Institute in California. "We're dealing with the operating instructions of a human being. It's a big deal."

However, one famed geneticist, Harvard University's George Church, defended attempting gene editing for HIV, which he called "a major and growing public health threat."

"I think this is justifiable," Church said of that goal.

In recent years scientists have discovered a relatively easy way to edit genes, the strands of DNA that govern the body. The tool, called CRISPR-cas9, makes it possible to operate on DNA to supply a needed gene or disable one that's causing problems.

It's only recently been tried in adults to treat deadly diseases, and the changes are confined to that person. Editing sperm, eggs or embryos is different - the changes can be inherited. In the U.S., it's not allowed except for lab research. China outlaws human cloning but not specifically gene editing.

He Jiankui (HEH JEE'-an-qway), who goes by "JK," studied at Rice and Stanford universities in the U.S. before returning to his homeland to open a lab at Southern University of Science and Technology of China in Shenzhen, where he also has two genetics companies.

The U.S. scientist who worked with him on this project after He returned to China was physics and bioengineering professor Michael Deem, who was his adviser at Rice in Houston. Deem also holds what he called "a small stake" in - and is on the scientific advisory boards of - He's two companies.

The Chinese researcher said he practiced editing mice, monkey and human embryos in the lab for several years and has applied for patents on...

WHOOPS!: Mexico to deport migrants who stormed U.S. border on Sunday


Mexico is reportedly set to deport up to 500 of the migrants who stormed the U.S. border today and attacked Border Patrol agents with rocks:
Via Mexican media:
“El Instituto Nacional de Migración va a actuar y proceder a la deportación inmediata de personas” que participaron en estos altercados, dijo Alfonso Navarrete, titular de la Segob http://bit.ly/2RdVXQ3 
See Sin Embargo MX's other Tweets

Translation: “The National Institute of Migration will act and proceed to the immediate deportation of people” who participated in these altercations, said...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #452

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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Inside the Fuel Protests in Paris

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Sunday, November 25, 2018

China's TERRIFYING Social Credit System

Girls With Guns

New Mars Lander, InSight is set to touch down on Mars Tomorrow Morning...

Animation of InSight's Landing on Mars: InSight is the first mission dedicated to studying the deep interior of Mars. Full caption ›

Mars Landing

InSight is set to touch down on Mars at around noon Pacific (3 p.m. Eastern) on Nov. 26, 2018. The lander will plunge through the thin Martian atmosphere, heatshield first, and use a parachute to slow down. Then, it will fire its retro rockets to slowly descend to the surface of Mars, and land on the smooth plains of Elysium Planitia.
Read more about the Entry, Descent and Landing.

Why is InSight Landing at Elysium Planitia?

InSight's goal is to study the interior of Mars and take the planet's vital signs, its pulse, and temperature. To look deep into Mars, the lander must be at a place where it can stay still and quiet for its entire mission. That's why scientists chose Elysium Planitia as InSight's home.
Read more about InSight’s landing site, Elysium Planitia.

Proposed New York Gun Law Violates Five Constitutional Amendments

One of the downsides of leftists controlling social media is they can use your social media history to violate your human rights. In the case of New York, they are planning a gun law that allows law enforcement to peruse your social media history going back three years to subjectively decide if they think you are fit to exercise your Second Amendment right to own firearms.

We know that Facebook, Google, Twitter, and YouTube do conspire together against the right-wing and this is another example of how they can use their power to cooperate with law enforcement.


According to ABC Action News, legislation drafted by Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams and State Senator Kevin Parker, both Democrats, allows up to three years’ worth of search history on social media to be reviewed in consideration for a gun license.

A person applying for a gun permit will have to give their password to the officials who will then violate the person’s privacy.

Senate Bill 9191 states: “…social media and search engine reviews prior to the approval of an application or renewal of a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver; requires a person applying for a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver or a renewal of such license to consent to having his or her social media accounts and search engine history reviewed and investigated for certain posts and/or searches over a period of 1-3 years prior to the approval of such application or renewal; defines terms.”

Under the proposed legislation, law enforcement officials could investigate your words and the thoughts behind them: “…commonly known profane slurs used or biased language used to describe race, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, disability or sexual orientation; threatening health or safety of another person, or an act of terrorism.”

The left will do anything to violate legal gun owners rights while protecting the rights of criminals.

The bill violates the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 14th Amendments and there is no empirical evidence to support this law.

Who gets to make these decisions and what are the...