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Sunday, January 6, 2019

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: "Call me a radical"

Girls With Guns

Who Did The Democrats Shut Down The Government For?

Coming In 2020 - SHITTALKERS...

When You Are Too Stupid To Be Free...


WILKES-BARRE, PA (The Times Leader) – A man in the country illegally was sentenced Friday to spend a maximum of four decades in prison for a brutal Hazleton stabbing.

Nelson Hernandez Rivera, 36, originally of the Dominican Republic, pleaded guilty in October to a count of attempted criminal homicide, admitting he repeatedly stabbed former romantic partner Evelyn Almonte-Diaz on March 19, 2017. A charge of aggravated assault was withdrawn after his guilty plea.

He appeared in court before Luzerne County Judge Michael T. Vough on Friday for sentencing.

While Assistant District Attorney Brittany Quinn pushed for the upper sentencing range, defense attorney Joseph F. Sklarosky Sr. asked for leniency, noting the standard range of sentencing was a “long time.”

“Life’s a long time,” Judge Vough countered, referencing the mandatory sentence of a first-degree murder conviction. “He’s lucky she didn’t die.”

Through an interpreter, Almonte-Diaz recalled being stabbed in the chest repeatedly by Hernandez Rivera. Investigators said he attacked Almonte-Diaz inside Crystal Barbeque at 44 E. Broad St.

A security guard shot Hernandez Rivera in the leg during...

The Dramatic Difference Before And After The Government Shutdown...

Don’t Listen To The Media. President Trump Had A Strong 2018

Despite the media’s unyielding obsession with Russian-collusion conspiracies, tax returns, Stormy Daniels, and any other scandal conjured through sophistry, President Donald Trump has accrued a slew of accomplishments in 2018 that deserve recognition.

From the economy to the Supreme Court to foreign policy, this past year has been replete with home runs for the 45th president.


Defying skeptics in the media, reputable economists, and Paul Krugman, Trump achieved GDP growth of 4.1% in 2018.

Trump helped stimulate the fastest economic growth since 2014 by reducing the corporate tax rate from 35% (the highest in the developed world) to a far more competitive 21%. In September, the national unemployment rate fell to 3.7% – the lowest it’s been since 1969. Furthermore, over the last year, businesses and corporations saw tremendous growth in profits fueled by Trump’s deregulation and tax cuts.

Some skeptics may point to the stock market’s feeble performance over the past few months – the biggest annual decline in a decade – as an indication of economic turmoil. That claim, however, erroneously conflates market performance with economic performance. Strong jobs numbers, wage and labor force participation increases, and GDP growth all indicate vigor, not volatility, in the economy.

The S&P 500 index may have taken a beating in 2018 (falling 6.2 percent), but so did the unemployment rate, dropping to a five-decade low. And the latest economic news reveals a massive hiring surge. The economy added 312,000 new jobs in December, far exceeding tepid expectations, and the average number of new jobs being created each month in 2018 increased 20 percent. Manufacturing jobs – a policy pillar of Trump’s presidential campaign – grew 714% faster under Trump than Obama. Moreover, average hourly wages increased by 3.2% from the previous year.


Through the entirety of his run for the presidency, Trump railed against the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), vowing to renegotiate it and leverage more favorable terms for the U.S. economy. This year, he accomplished just that, renegotiating NAFTA with Canada and Mexico.

As part of the deal – called the USMCA – Trump opened Canada’s nineteen-billion-dollar diary industry to American markets, eliminating prior provisions that gave Canadian milk products an edge over their American competitors. Trump’s negotiations with Mexico and Canada also helped boost the domestic production of automobiles.

Over in the East, China capitulated to mounting pressure from Trump, agreeing to crack down on the production and trafficking of fentanyl. In 2017, the lethal, synthetic opioid was responsible for nearly 30,000 deaths in the US – 60% of all opioid overdoses in the country.

Foreign Policy

In stark contrast to every past president since Bill Clinton, Trump not only promised to move the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, he actually moved it, recognizing the historic Jewish city as the capital of Israel.

Under Trump’s tutelage, the U.S. withdrew from the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC). The nominal human rights organization long eschewed its own title, filling its board with egregious human rights violators such as Egypt, where dissidents and journalists are imprisoned, and Cuba, where political opposition has long been stifled into oblivion.

And then there was the Iran deal — the zenith of Obama’s foreign policy. The Iran nuclear deal was signed hastily, and with many shortcomings. It removed a bevy of financial and military sanctions that could be used as bargaining tools; it provided no clear method to verify Iran’s adherence to the deal; it provided no means to stop the rogue regime from funneling its unfrozen asset to terrorist organizations; and it even admitted that in 10 years, Iran could begin development of nuclear weapons.

Consequently, Trump withdrew the U.S. from the Iran Deal (another campaign promise kept), and in 2018, reinstated all economic sanctions against the Iranian regime. Trump restored essential non-military options for dealing with Iran in the event that they...

I Like Where This Bulldozer Is Going...

Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren Lies About Trey Gowdy - He Destroys Her In The Most Exquisite Way...

Former Rep. Trey Gowdy (R., S.C.) on Friday chided Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) for falsely claiming that he retired from Congress to collect a "fat lobbyist paycheck."

Warren, who has railed against lobbyists and special interests, tweeted out a Daily Caller article highlighting Gowdy's next career move after retiring from Congress.

"The former Republican South Carolina representative will join Nelson Mullins, the South Carolina-based law and lobbying firm announced," the Daily Caller reported. "Gowdy, 54, worked at Nelson Mullins through 1994, when he left the firm to become an assistant federal prosecutor."

Warren, who announced earlier this week that she is forming a 2020 exploratory committee for president, responded by tweeting that it is clear Gowdy "just wanted a fat lobbyist paycheck."

Warren's tweet prompted Gowdy to respond, "I'm not lobbying. Not now. Or ever. Perhaps you were cracking open a beer when that was announced." Gowdy's line about "cracking open a beer" was a reference to Warren's viral Instagram live video during which she opened a beer.

"Don't mind your criticisms. Just be more sensitive to facts," Gowdy added.

.@TGowdySC foamed at the mouth with power in Congress, then retired because he claimed he didn't enjoy it. Now it’s clear: Trey Gowdy just wanted a fat lobbyist paycheck. That should be illegal. https://dailycaller.com/2019/01/03/trey-gowdy-leave-congress/m=Social 
.@ewarren I’m not lobbying. Not now. Or ever. Perhaps you were cracking open a beer when that was announced. Don’t mind your criticisms. Just be more sensitive to facts.
11.5K people are talking about this

Warren went on to call for a "lifetime ban on lobbying for members of Congress," arguing that Congress should not be...


Foul-Mouthed Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Was Funded by George Soros

The foul-mouthed Congresswoman who referred to President Trump as a “motherf—-r” this week, rose to power via globalist billionaire George Soros.

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) failed to disclose her financial ties to Soros – as required by the House ethics committee – and also disclosed a lesser amount than what she actively received, according to a review of tax forms.

Freebeacon.com reports: The Washington Free Beacon obtained the most recent copies of tax forms for a number of Soros’s organizations, including the Open Society Institute, the legal name for the Open Society Foundations, the entity in which Soros pushes millions in funding to a number of liberal causes and organizations.

An expenditure of $85,307 to Rashida Tlaib in Detroit, Mich., from 2017 is shown on page 97 of the 321-page report to “to increase involvement of disenfranchised urban communities of color with their local governance process by creating a community benefits strategy for equitable development and creating a leadership training for impacted residents focused on negotiation skills and identifying leverage at the local level.”

Tlaib did not report any income in the amount of $85,307 on financial disclosure forms submitted as she was running for office, which identified the names of the sources that provided her income in three of four cases. Tlaib received compensation from the Maurice & Jane Sugar Law Center, Wayne State University, and Metro Solutions, the forms show.

However, the fourth reported source of earned income is marked as a “Leadership in Government Fellowship,” but does not identify who provided the payment.

A press release from 2016 shows that Tlaib was chosen for a “leadership in government” fellowship by Soros’s Open Society Foundations along with seven other individuals.

“The eight fellows, chosen from the senior ranks of federal, state, and local government, will work on a wide variety of issue areas: devising new ways to bring criminal justice reform to local prosecutors’ offices; developing new strategies for helping school children exposed to trauma; improving life outcomes for low-wage workers, immigrants, and boys and men of color; and...