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Thursday, February 7, 2019

Democrats All Wearing White?

We've Seen That Before...

Shooting Survivor Steve Scalise: Democrats Will Not Let Me Testify Against Gun Control

Shooting survivor and U.S. Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) says the Democrats refused his request to testify against the gun control currently being pushed in the House.

Steve Scalise says Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) asked Democrats to let Scalise give testimony before the House Judiciary Committee and they told him no.

Fox News reports that Scalise decided to make public the testimony he would have given, testimony that explains why universal background checks will not reduce gun violence or make Americans safer.

Scalise referenced the June 14, 2017, Congressional baseball shooting in which he was nearly killed. He noted that the gunman acquired his guns via background checks, just as nearly every mass shooter of the 21st century has done. Because of this means of acquisition, Scalise notes that universal background checks would not have stopped the shooting from taking place.

The same can be said about the November 5, 2009, Fort Hood shooting; the July 20, 2012, Aurora movie theater shooting; the May 23, 2014, Santa Barbara shooting; the October 1, 2015, Umpqua Community College shooting; the June 12, 2016, Orlando Pulse shooting; the October 1, 2017, Las Vegas shooting; and the February 14, 2018, Parkland high school shooting, to name but a few. In each of these crimes, the guns used were acquired via background checks.

Would-be mass shooters can pass background checks because they have no criminal record. They have criminal intent, but background checks look backward not forward.

As for career criminals, they do not shop for guns in a retail store. Rather, they buy them on the black market or steal them. Scalise pointed out that “a DOJ study of federal inmates found that only seven percent who possessed a firearm while committing the crime they were serving time for purchased it legally from a firearms dealer under their own name.”

Again, universal background checks would do nothing to deter such criminals because they are avoiding the places where...

Socialists Who Support Human Trafficking...

Panera Bread’s ‘pay what you can’ socialist program ends in abject failure as freeloaders cause stores to go broke

In another example proving that socialist economic models don’t work, Panera Bread is closing the last store that was part of the chain’s socialist “pay what you can” program because they’ve all become financially unsustainable.

The chain announced this week that it would be closing its Boston store Feb. 15 after it, too, failed to turn a profit. In fact, it wasn’t even close.

On Tuesday, Eater reported that none of the restaurant’s five “non-profit” locations was able to generate sufficient revenue to remain open.

The program was called “Panera Cares,” and it was designed to serve food to low-income people when it was launched nine years ago. The ‘pay-what-you-want’ business model allowed patrons visiting the locations to eat for a donation — or not.

In 2010 when the program was launched Ron Shaich, Panera founder and CEO, said it was to serve as a “test of humanity.”

“Would people pay for it?” he asked during a TEDxStLouis talk. “Would people come in and value it?”

Judging by the closure of all five locations, the answer would have to be a resounding “no.”

The retail chain also noted that throughout the nine-year existence of the program, Panera Cares locations were “mobbed” by homeless people and students, all of whom ate without donating a penny. In fact, because of the existence of a “mob,” one of the locations was forced to limit homeless people to just a few meals every week.

“The Portland-based Panera Cares was reportedly only recouping between 60 and 70 percent of its total costs,” Eater’s Brenna Houck wrote. “The losses were attributed to students who ‘mobbed’ the restaurant and ate without paying, as well as homeless patrons who visited the restaurant for every meal of the week. The location eventually limited the...

Drugs Coming Over The Border Are Killing A Generation Of Americans...

Stop the insanity. Build the Wall.

Apple Gives Deep State Access To Roger Stone’s iCloud Account, After Refusing To Violate Privacy of San Bernardino Jihad Terrorists

Traitors and totalitarians. We know that the social media giants have been at war with those who oppose jihad for quite some time, and are actively committed to banning and blocking counter-jihad accounts and imposing sharia blasphemy restrictions. But this is a step even farther. After stouting defending the privacy rights of the San Bernardino jihad mass murderers, Apple turned on a dime and handed over access to all of Roger Stone’s data. This shows what they think is a worse crime: not jihad mass murder, but dissenting from the left’s agenda and supporting President Trump. Apple is evil.

Three years after Apple refused to give the federal government access to the devices used by the San Bernadino terrorists who killed and injured dozens in a mass shooting event, the company has given the office of the Special Counsel complete access to Trump advisor Roger Stone’s iCloud account, reports Apple Insider.

According to the Washington Post, Apple objected to giving the federal government backdoor access to the shooters iPhones, claiming it would “set a dangerous precedent.”...

The Lying Media Gets Caught Lying Again...Consistency Is Their Strength...

The Media’s 9 Worst ‘Fact Checks’ of Trump’s State of the Union

The establishment media fact checkers had it pretty tough Tuesday night.

To begin with, they went into the State of the Union knowing they no longer have any credibility with the public, and they came out of it forced to lie or pound out a series of tedious nit-picks. Or, in the case of the far-left Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler, had to pretend the sexual assault of migrant women isn’t as bad as Trump made it sound.

Here are the nine worst media fact checks of President Trump’s State of the Union speech:

1. New York Times Caught Fake Newsing:

The New York Times labels as “false” Trump’s statement about illegal border crossings being an “urgent national crisis.”

But it’s only after a paragraph of pedantic blah, blah, blah that the far-left Times finally admits a “record number of families have tried to cross the border in recent months, overwhelming officials at the border and creating a new kind of humanitarian crisis.”

In other words, Trump told the truth but the Times is counting on you not making it through all the blah, blah, blah to find that out.

2. New York Times Caught Fake Newsing Again

Although border apprehensions plummeted by 91 percent after fencing was completed in San Diego, the Times labeled it “misleading” when Trump said a border barrier in San Diego “almost completely ended illegal crossings.”

You see, it was just a coincidence.

3. New York Times is Caught Fake Newsing Yet Again

Trump said we have been fighting in the Middle East for almost 19 years.

Because it’s been “almost 18 years,” the New York Times calls Trump a liar because the New York Times will decide what “almost” means.

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #525

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Salt of the Union 2019 - A Rant

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Venezuelans Send Message To Americans Who Want Socialism