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Thursday, April 18, 2019

Mueller Report PROVES Media Is A Fake News Trash Fire

Girls With Guns

When Your Best Response To Free Speech Is Violence...

Guess What?

The FBI Made 11 Payments To Fake Dossier Author, Christopher Steele...

The Gift That Keeps On Giving...

NEVER Mix These Two Ingredients:

More on Socialists, Idiots, Mental Defects and Democrats:

What Is A Few More Millions?

What Do People Who Live In Socialism Think About Socialism?

Don't Claim To Love The U.S.A. While Trying To Make It A Socialist Nation...

Remember That Time When Trump Pulled Us Out of The Honda Accord?

...me neither..

Typical Politician:Do As I Say Not As I Do...

Deep Thoughts With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez #7...

Deep Thoughts With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez #5...

Deep Thoughts With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez #4...

When a Hamas Front Group Lobbies Congress

Mere days after the United States Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO, an Islamist umbrella coalition), descended upon Capitol Hill for National Muslim Advocacy Day, one of USCMO’s founding groups, the virulently anti-Semitic American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), returned to lobby Congress yet again. AMP and its partner organization, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), claim to be motivated by universal human rights, but the truth is more alarming; as a recent court case has made clear, AMP is the direct successor organization to the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), which was sued into oblivion for being a propaganda front for the terrorist group Hamas.

While the USCMO lobby day focused on domestic issues of concern to Islamists, AMP’s fifth annual Palestine Advocacy Day focused on eroding American relations with Israel — complete with two days of training, and presentations from Rep. Rashida Tlaib and Arizona state representative Athena Salman — and an entire day of Hamas-connected activists holding meetings with members of Congress.

Ms. Salman is a relatively new addition to the AMP scene. She was first elected to the Arizona legislature in 2016 and is already serving as minority whip. Salman is an avowed atheist, but her father is Palestinian and Salman publicly defended the movement to Boycott, Divest and Sanction the state of Israel (BDS) during a contentious debate on an anti-BDS bill in the Arizona legislature in early April. (She had voted against the earlier version of the bill as well in 2016, which earned her the endorsement of the Arizona State chapter of SJP.)

Participants in the event seem to be more extreme. One example of excellence is Joe Catron — a blogger at the viciously anti-Semitic site Electronic Intifada — who calls himself a “reluctant citizen of the American empire.” Catron maintains a Twitter account emblazoned with images glorifying terrorists from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PLFP), such as a map of Israel inside crosshairs, with an Arabic caption that reads, “Hell awaits you.”

Unfortunately, Mr. Catron fits right in with AMP. As has been established in court and in Congressional testimony, AMP’s board is composed of alumni from not only the Hamas front IAP, but also the terror-finance charities KindHearts for Charitable Development (shut down by the Federal government) and the Holy Land Foundation (its executives convicted in court), both of which laundered donations to Hamas.

Indeed, one major player in the event was AMP’s National Policy Director, Osama Abu Irshaid. Abu Irshaid previously served as the editor of Al Zaytounah, the official newspaper of Hamas front IAP. Abu Irshaid has written that the terrorist group Hamas is “an army for liberation” whose fighters “rise up for the blood of martyrs.” In another post, Abu Irshaid praised Hamas’s “steadfastness and sacrifice.”At a May 11, 2018 AMP speaking engagement, he parroted an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory by telling his audience that most modern Jews are “not [real] Jews.”

Also looming large in the crowd were activists from the infamously Islamist Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), including Jinan Shbat, CAIR’s national outreach manager. Like Abu Irshaid, Shbat is an avowed supporter of the U.S.-designated terrorist group Hamas, having tweeted her preference for that organization over the Palestinian Authority. As a spoken-word performer, she has delivered her poems at several Islamist events — including a 2017 “Muslim Law Symposium,” where she claimed credit for violence against Israeli Jews with the line, “My first act of defiance — a rock thrown.”

Shbat’s Twitter feed is replete with openly anti-Semitic statements. In one instance, she responded to a simple news headline about Israel’s Holocaust remembrance day with outrage, tweeting, “Wow. The nerve! Palestinians are now in a Holocaust!” In another instance, she responded to a photo of the Emirati cycling team’s training in Israel by tweeting, “You should burn in hell along with Israel.”

Shbat doesn’t reserve her ire for only the Jewish state. After the judge ruled in favor of Florida police in the case of the mismanaged Parkland shooting response, Shbat tweeted simply, “I hate my country.” That doesn’t stop her from maintaining a friendly relationship with some of its leadership, at least if you count Rep. Rashida Tlaib. Shbat was recently the subject of some internet buzz when a CAIR video showed her in an altercation with Muslim reformer Asra Nomani, who was attempting to record a group of Islamists visiting....

Buttigieg Looks Just Like...

Andrew Cuomo Looks Just Like...

Intentionally unidentified man with gas cans arrested at St. Patrick’s church in NYC

NEW YORK (AP) — A New Jersey man was arrested after entering St. Patrick’s Cathedral carrying two cans of gasoline, lighter fluid and butane lighters, the New York Police Department said, just days after flames ravaged the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris.

The unidentified 37-year-old man had pulled up Wednesday night in a minivan outside the landmark cathedral on Fifth Avenue in midtown Manhattan, walked around the area, then returned to his vehicle at 7:55 p.m. and retrieved the gasoline and lighter fluid, said NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence and Counterterrorism John Miller.

“As he enters the cathedral he’s confronted by a cathedral security officer who asks him where he’s going and informs him he can’t proceed into the cathedral carrying these things,” said Miller. “At that point some gasoline apparently spills out onto the floor as he’s turned around.”

Security then notified officers from the counter-terrorism bureau who were standing outside, Miller said. The officers caught up to the man and arrested him after he was questioned.

“His basic story was he was cutting through the cathedral to get to Madison Avenue. That his car had run out of gas,” Miller said. “We took a look at the vehicle. It was not out of gas and at that point he was taken into custody.”

“It’s hard to say exactly what his intentions were, but I think the totality of circumstances of an individual walking into an iconic location like St. Patrick’s Cathedral carrying over four gallons of gasoline, two bottles of lighter fluid and lighters is something that we would have great concern over,” Miller said. “His story is not consistent.”

Miller said the suspect is known to police, who are currently looking into his background.

St. Patrick’s Cathedral was built in 1878 and has installed a sprinkler-like system during recent renovations. Its wooden roof is also...

Remember That Time In 1989.....

But when I woke up this mornin', could've sworn it was judgment day 
The sky was all purple, there were people runnin' everywhere 
Tryin' to run from the destruction, you know I didn't even care 
Say say two thousand zero zero party over, oops, out of time 
So tonight I'm gonna party like it's nineteen ninety-nine

Are Chase Bank’s Account Decisions Motivated by Politics?

I have been a Chase Bank customer for years. Who knows how much longer it’ll be? Will the company’s thought police come for me next? How about you? If you are a non-leftist who does business with the financial giant owned by JPMorgan Chase & Co., you need to ask questions and get answers.

On Tuesday, investigative journalist James O’Keefe and his Project Veritas team released a disturbing new video on the runaround that Chase officials gave Texas conservative entrepreneur Enrique Tarrio about his canceled account. Big business may very well be enabling America’s very own version of the Chinese social credit system in which political dissent is flagged, shunned, punished, and eradicated.

First, some background:

Tarrio is a young, peaceful, Afro-Cuban freethinker and chairman of the Proud Boys organization. In February 2019, the Texas Trump supporter received a letter from Chase Bank informing him that “after careful consideration,” the financial institution could “no longer support” his banking account.

The notice followed a hit piece against minorities who support the president by The Daily Beast, a reliable echo chamber for the discredited Southern Poverty Law Center smear machine.

Tarrio was subsequently kicked off Chase’s payment processor, which he used to sell patriotic and pro-Trump T-shirts. Next, he was deplatformed from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Airbnb, First Data, Square, Stripe and PayPal before losing his bank accounts.

When I asked on Twitter in February why we can’t have just one financial institution that doesn’t cave to social justice warriors, the official Chase Twitter account tweeted me back:
Hi Michelle, this article is inaccurate. We did not close his personal account. We do not close accounts based on political affiliation.
I pointed out that Chase’s letter clearly stated that the company had closed his account. “So if not for political reasons,” I asked, “why, ‘after careful consideration,’ did you close his account?” The social media manager of Chase’s corporate Twitter account, previously so eager to spill the tea, replied: “For privacy reasons, we can’t say more.”

Thanks to Project Veritas, we now know more. Undercover audio and video exposed...