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Sunday, April 28, 2019

It Wasn't Kavanaugh, It Was Joe Biden!

Go Low With Groper Joe...

If You Hold The Mueller Report Up To Your Ear...

...Sounds Like Music To Me....

The Hills Are Alive With The Sound Of Winning!

Trump And Hillary Walk Into A Bar...

Joe Biden Is An Old White Male - Leftist Democrats Hate Old White Males...

One of Joe Biden’s newly-hired senior advisers has seemingly had a very recent change of heart.

Symone Sanders, a prominent Democratic strategist and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., staffer in 2016, was announced as one of the big-name members of Team Biden on Thursday.

But Sanders, who has also served as a CNN contributor, is seen in resurfaced footage from November 2016 expressing her opposition to a white person leading her party after Donald Trump's election.

“In my opinion, we don't need white people leading the Democratic Party right now,” Sanders told host Brianna Keilar during a discussion on Howard Dean potentially becoming DNC chairman.

Ultra Leftist, Communist Pope Francis Sends Money to Migrants in Mexico, Vatican Scoffs at American sovereignty...

Pope Francis and the Catholic Church are now funding the migrants approaching the U.S. southern border while the Vatican scoffs at America’s border laws.

“Pope Francis has donated 500,000 dollars to assist migrants in Mexico. The funds, from the Peter’s Pence collections, will be distributed among 27 projects promoted by sixteen Mexican dioceses and religious congregations, which requested assistance in continuing to provide food, lodging, and basic necessities to the migrants,” according to Vatican News.

Peter’s Pence is a Catholic organization that collects and distributes donations. It is located in Vatican City. The charity scoffed at the United States for not allowing hordes of migrants to storm its borders.

“In recent months, thousands of migrants have arrived in Mexico, having travelled more than 4,000 kilometres on foot and with makeshift vehicles from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala,” the group said. “Men and women, often with young children, flee poverty and violence, hoping for a better future in the United States. However, the US border remains closed to them.”

The Catholic Church plans to use the money to house migrants in hotels, among other charitable works.

“All these people were stranded, unable to enter the United States, without a home or livelihood,” said a statement from the Vatican. “The Catholic Church hosts thousands of them in hotels within the dioceses or religious congregations, providing basic necessities, from housing to clothing.”

As the Catholic Church works to help migrants subvert American law, gridlock over border security persists in...

OMG. Is The Most Powerful Man In The World Really Doing This?!?

Yes, Yes He Is.

Keep America Great In 2020!!

Beto O’Rourke Gets Mercilessly Mocked After Pathetic Crowd Shows Up to Campaign Rally

The new-candidate smell has officially faded from Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke.

The former Texas congressman — whose primary claim to the Democratic nomination is almost, kind-of, getting close to unseating a Republican senator in Texas during a good year for Democrats in which he was sitting atop a pile of money — is down in recent polls.

Media attention has begun to focus on South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg’s story and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s policy proposals (insane as they might be). The Beto crowds on the campaign trail are getting a lot smaller.

And when I say a lot smaller, I mean that if they get any smaller than the crowd he drew at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas on Friday, you could have hosted the rally in a unisex campus restroom.

“Around 35 people here to see Beto O’Rourke at UNLV,” Bloomberg reporter Emma Kinery tweeted. “The rally was supposed to be held in the courtyard outside, but students told me no one is on campus on Fridays bc it’s mainly a commuter school.”

Around 35 people here to see Beto O’Rourke at UNLV. The rally was supposed to be held in the courtyard outside, but students told me no one is on campus on Fridays bc it’s mainly a commuter school.
676 people are talking about this
According to Kinery, O’Rourke didn’t even need amplification to speak to the crowd.

The O’Rourke campaign clearly had a bigger event in mind originally.

But, alas, that wasn’t to happen — and Twitter users had fun mocking O’Rourke over it.

Around 35 people here to see Beto O’Rourke at UNLV. The rally was supposed to be held in the courtyard outside, but students told me no one is on campus on Fridays bc it’s mainly a commuter school.
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Around 35 people here to see Beto O’Rourke at UNLV. The rally was supposed to be held in the courtyard outside, but students told me no one is on campus on Fridays bc it’s mainly a commuter school.
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Around 35 people here to see Beto O’Rourke at UNLV. The rally was supposed to be held in the courtyard outside, but students told me no one is on campus on Fridays bc it’s mainly a commuter school.
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wouldn't know what actually happens at a commuter school. He spent his years at an Ivy far far away from his home and before that, a boarding school in another state.
See my house's other Tweets
And yes, this may be a commuter school, but it’s also in a fairly

large metropolitan area. The fact that the O’Rourke campaign couldn’t rustle up more people to turn out is a problem for Beto, and not just because of the optics.

He’s supposed to be a rising star campaigning in a state that’s crucially important for...

On Building A Warship Out Of Steel From The Twin Towers...

Berlin poster campaign: Go home – the war in Syria is over

The Identitarian Movement has put up posters at underground stations and bus stops in the capital of Germany calling on Syrians to return to their homeland.

“A years-long civil war, which has brought with it much misery, horror and destruction, is nearing its end. The Islamic State has taken a whole region hostage. The military victory over the terrorist militia is now the time of reconstruction in Syria,” the movement on its blog.

In addition, the federal government was also asked to respond to the new situation in the region. “A policy of remigration must finally create incentives to make it easier for people to return to their homeland and force exit programs.” Syria needs every effort to return to peaceful normalcy.

The company on whose advertising space the posters were attached, condemned the action. “We are by no means giving this group a platform – it is purely illegal posters,” said a spokeswoman for Bild newspaper.

“Hundreds of thousands have come to Germany and Europe in particular since 2015 to apply for asylum here. But immigration does not solve problems in the countries of origin. In Syria, men and women are missing who are building up the destroyed infrastructure and are helping to shape economic and civilian life again.”

They urged the German government to “support local aid in Syria and communicate the need for reconstruction”, adding: “People need perspectives and a future in their own homeland. A policy of remigration must finally create incentives to make it easier for people to return to their homeland and force exit programs. For Syria now needs every commitment to return to peaceful normalcy.”

A website called “Remigration” features a petition which noted that assimilation has not been successful and called on the German government to start deporting failed asylum seekers.

“Cultural assimilation is only possible if the demographic majorities are also on the side of the indigenous population,” the petition stated, noting that Islamized “parallel societies” have been created in Germany instead.

“We need a reversal of the current migration flows coming to Germany. Instead of a net migration as before, there must be a net outflow,” it added.

The German Office for Migration and Refugees has reportedly begun halting asylum applications for Syrian refugees. “Migration authorities are postponing applications mainly of...

..And The Waitress Is Practicing Politics...

And the waitress is practicing politics 
As the businessmen slowly get stoned 
Yes, they're sharing a drink they call loneliness 
But it's better than drinkin' alone 

Sing us a song you're the piano man 
Sing us a song tonight 
Well we're all in the mood for a melody 
And you got us feeling alright