90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, April 29, 2019

Libertarians Party For Hate Speech In New York City

Last Thursday night down on Bleeker Street in Manhattan, the libertarian entertainment company We The Internet gathered to throw a bash celebrating its latest mini-documentary, and the launch of its “The Funny Thing About Hate Speech” tour. The 15-minute film, “5 Reasons We Need Hate Speech,” is a full-throated defense of free speech that is well-produced, very clever, and often quite funny. Both the documentary and the party were hosted by Lou Perez, We The Internet’s jocular impresario whose straightforward and aw shucks style cuts straight to the heart of the matter.

The party in a downtown club space was fun and festive, a gathering of free thinkers and iconoclasts. Reason magazine’s Nick Gillespie was there (yes, he wore a leather jacket), and former American Civil Liberties Union head Nadine Strossen and author Zachary Wood joined Perez for a panel discussion. Among the questioners from the audience was journalist Jesse Singal, who appears in the film.

The documentary is now airing on YouTube and is linked below. The reasons it discusses for why we need hate speech, or more specifically need to not ban hate speech, are not particularly new. They focus mostly on how such bans not only make hate speech stronger, but that defining hate speech always winds up as a slippery slope that captures at its bottom a much wider range of speech than was ever intended.

What makes the film special, and is true of much of We The Internet’s work, is how difficult it is to pin down politically. Indeed one of the central focuses is European and to a lesser extent American efforts to criminalize or ban criticism of Israel.

In one of the film’s more humorous moments, Perez is on his way to interview a pro-Palestinian group at Fordham University that had been denied the right to organize. Before he arrives, he receives an email from them, explaining that in light of his previous controversial work, they were declining the interview. The irony was amazing. Those demanding free speech were declining this opportunity to engage in free speech.

While We The Internet is not conservative, and Perez insists the group attacks all sides, in this case the libertarian value of free speech overlaps considerably with...

Cancelling College Loan Debt Would Be A Costly Disaster

How do you repay all the people that worked their way through college, paid off their debt and how do you repay all the parents that paid for their children's college?

You can't, the cost would be astronomical.

Free college would be worthless college, the current low quality of a college education would simply become an extension of the low quality, mal-education our children currently receive in public schools.

If you want to improve colleges and universities, fire communist indoctrination professors, and deport them to Venezuela.

President Trump Scores Another Economic Victory

Consumer spending increased by the most in more than 9-1/2 years in March, but price pressures remained muted, with a key inflation measure posting its smallest annual gain in 14 months.

The surge in consumer spending reported by the Commerce Department on Monday sets a stronger base for growth in consumption heading into the second quarter after it slowed sharply in the first three months of the year. Tame inflation, however, supports the Federal Reserve’s recent decision to suspend further interest rate increases this year.

Fed officials are scheduled to meet on Tuesday and Wednesday to assess the economy and deliberate on the future course of monetary policy. The U.S. central bank in March dropped forecasts for any interest rate increases this year, halting a three-year policy tightening campaign. The Fed raised borrowing costs four times in 2018.

The US economy grew at a rate much better than expected in the first quarter of 2019, the Commerce Department reports.@AlisonKosik explains why: https://cnn.it/2VwvcLW 
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Consumer spending, which accounts for more than two-thirds of U.S. economic activity, surged 0.9 percent as households stepped up purchases of motor vehicles and spent more on healthcare. Consumer spending edged up 0.1 percent in February. Data for January was revised up to show...

Rape Fantasy Essayist Bernie Sanders Has A New Idea!

New York Times Reduces Ocasio-Cortez To A Sex Object And It Is Hilarious

New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was just treated like nothing more than a sex object by the most unlikely of sources.

The New York Times published an op ed on Sunday that reduced all of the 29-year-old’s, admittedly bonehead ideas, to her looks.

“The men at Fox News have a sickly obsession with AOC, partly because they resent her cleverness, charisma and moral vitality, but mostly because they suspect that in high school she was one of those girls they had no hope of getting a date with,” The Times wrote in a tweet.

“I realize that this has become axiomatic on America’s excitable right. I know also that in this country we employ terms like ‘socialism’ with wanton indifference to historical details and conceptual distinctions.

“I grasp too that many among us truly believe that, say, a higher marginal tax rate or a public subsidy for poor children’s dentistry is only a step away from the gulags.

“And I am painfully aware that the male Fox commentariat nurtures its sickly obsession with Ms. Ocasio-Cortez partly because they resent her cleverness, charisma and moral vitality, but mostly because they suspect that in high school she was one of those girls they had no hope of getting a date with (though, really, she comes across as someone who could look past a face of even the purest suet if she thought she glimpsed a healthy soul behind it),” the author wrote.

The worst part about it was that the op ed itself managed to somehow be worse than the tweet which got destroyed.

She May Look Clean But...

If You Get Infected With This Disease, It Will Lead To Income Confiscation, Tyranny, Starvation, And Finally: Mass Murder.

Hero Army vet instinctively ran right toward shooter in synagogue, made him drop gun: ‘I scared the hell out of him’

A good guy with a gun.

Heroes are emerging in the aftermath of the tragic shooting at the Chabad of Poway synagogue in San Diego last weekend. One of them is U.S. Army veteran Oscar Stewart, who served in the Navy from 1990 to 1994, then enlisted in the Army in 2001 after the September 11 terrorist attacks.

While worshipers took cover when shooter John Earnest started gunning people down inside the synagogue, Stewart leaped into action — fueled by a rage and an inner courage he didn’t know he had.

‘I Ran Toward the Gun Shots’

Oscar Stewart — now a construction worker — stood up and yelled at the shooter during his rampage, according to the Daily Caller.

“Get down!” Stewart yelled, according to several witnesses. “You motherf*cker! I’m going to kill you!” Stewart recounted:

“I knew I had to be within five feet of this guy so his rifle couldn’t get to me. So I ran immediately toward him, and I yelled as loud as I could. And he was scared. I scared the hell out of him.

Looking back, it was kind of a crazy idea to do, but I did it. I heard gunshots. And everybody got up and started trying to get out the back door, so I — for whatever reason — I didn’t do that. I ran the other way. I ran towards the gun shots.

When I came around the corner into the lobby area, I saw the individual with a gun, and he fired two rounds. And I yelled at him and I must have yelled very loud.

When I yelled at him he turned and looked at me, and he like froze. He saw me coming, and I was ready to do whatever I had to do to stop him.

He looked at me, and I must have had a really mean look on my face or something because he immediately dropped his weapon and turned and ran. And then I gave chase.”

‘It Takes a Good Guy with a Gun to Stop a Bad Guy with a Gun’

Stewart ran after the shooter into the parking lot and punched hard on his car.

That’s when a Border Patrol agent who’s a member of the synagogue ran toward the two, yelling for...

Joe Biden On Anita Hill In 1998: ‘She Was Lying’

It's true that Joe Biden did his best to help Anita Hill, including concealing witnesses who would have been a disaster under examination. But even he admitted to his colleague that Hill was lying.

Former vice president Joe Biden repeatedly said on The View on Friday that he believed Anita Hill from the moment he heard her tale of sexual harassment by Clarence Thomas. But he previously told Sen. Arlen Specter that it was clear her testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee included lies.

“Not only didn’t I vote for Clarence Thomas, I believed her from the beginning. I was against Clarence Thomas, I did everything in my power to defeat Clarence Thomas and he won by the smallest margin anyone ever won going on the Supreme Court,” Biden told “The View’s” Joy Behar.

But in 1998, Biden admitted to Specter that “It was clear to me from the way she was answering the questions, [Hill] was lying” about a key part of her testimony. The exchange was published in Specter’s 2000 memoir, “Passion for Truth: From Finding JFK’s Single Bullet to Questioning Anita Hill to Impeaching Clinton.”

The issue is important, as the media and other partisans rewrite the historical record about Hill and her accusations. The widely watched hearings revealed inaccuracies in Hill’s various versions of events and ended with 58 percent of Americans believing Thomas and only 24 percent believing Hill. There was no gap between the sexes in the results. In the intervening years, activists have relentlessly attempted to change the narrative, writing fan fiction about Hill, bestowing honors on her, and asserting that her disputed allegations were credible.

On “The View,” Biden claimed, “If you go back and look at what I said and didn’t say, I don’t think I treated her badly. I took on her opposition. What I couldn’t figure out how to do — and we still haven’t figured it out – how do you stop people from asking inflammatory questions?”

Prominent media partisans attacked Specter for asking tough questions of Hill. Or really, just for asking simple questions she struggled to answer. He began by noting that many people had reported Hill had praised Thomas and his nomination to the Supreme Court. These included a former colleague at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, where both Hill and Thomas had worked years prior. Another person corroborated the colleague’s claim.

Hill disputed their claims. She also disputed the former dean of her law school, who said she had praised Thomas as a “fine man and an excellent legal scholar.” Then she claimed she didn’t know a woman named Phyllis Barry, who had told The New York Times that Hill’s allegations “were the result of Ms. Hill’s disappointment and frustration that Mr. Thomas did not show any sexual interest in her.”

Under questioning from Specter, in which he mentioned that two colleagues had provided statements attesting that she knew Barry, Hill was forced to concede that she knew her and had worked with her at the EEOC.

Specter then asked about the major contradictions between her testimony to the Senate and her interviews with the FBI. Her testimony with the Senate was much more colorful and descriptive even though it took place just days after her FBI interviews.

Finally he asked Hill about a USA Today article that claimed, “Anita Hill was told by Senate staffers her signed affidavit alleging sexual harassment by Clarence Thomas would be the instrument that ‘quietly and behind the scenes’ would force him to...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #606

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick of The Late Night

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Girls With Guns