90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The NeverTrump Movement Is on Life Support

With the over-hyped but underwhelming conclusion of the Mueller investigation, whatever dreams NeverTrumpers within the GOP had of removing the president from office have vanished. Their last flicker of hope lies in mounting a Republican primary challenge in 2020—a strategy doomed to fail.

NeverTrumpism is not dead, but it is on life support with no possibility of returning to the vitality it displayed in 2016. Were it not for the news media’s eagerness to amplify the voices of those who hate the president, the movement would have long since been relegated to the more obscure corners of the internet.

NeverTrumpism only still exists because the left finds it useful to add a sprinkling of “conservative” anti-Trump vitriol to its progressive anti-Trump vitriol. At this point, it is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish the NeverTrumpers who claim to be on the right from the anti-Trumpers on the left.

Among conservatives, NeverTrumpism is already a fringe and irrelevant movement, its ranks having been decimated by countless defections.

Most onetime NeverTrump commentators—like Ben Shapiro, Rich Lowry and Erick Erickson—have long since rejoined the ranks of fair-minded conservatives who simply judge President Donald Trump the way they would any other Republican president, praising him when warranted, criticizing him when necessary. A handful, led by Max Boot, have abandoned conservatism altogether. They are not missed.

The leading NeverTrumpers in Congress have either retired (Sens. Jeff Flake and Bob Corker), become irrelevant (Sen. Ben Sasse), or died (Sen. John McCain). The flagship publication of their movement, The Weekly Standard, folded at the end of last year. Its online reincarnation, The Bulwark, has none of its clout or reach.

The right has tuned out the few lingerers. The president’s approval rating with Republican voters now stands at 89%. By comparison, Barack Obama’s was at 80% with Democratic voters at the same time in his presidency.

The conservative case against Trump was strongest during the 2016 Republican primary, when there were many qualified candidates to choose from. Once Trump became the Republican nominee, however, the reasonable conservative case against Trump became the indefensible NeverTrump case for Hillary Clinton.

Our presidential elections are, for better or for worse, binary propositions. The known unknowns of a Trump presidency should have been preferable for conservatives to the known knowns of a Clinton presidency. Still, there was no way to fully refute the apocalyptic predictions NeverTrumpers made during the 2016 race, however implausible or silly they were.

Now, two and a half years into the Trump presidency, the case for NeverTrumpism has completely collapsed. Not one of the overblown doomsday scenarios that Trump was supposed to unleash on humanity has panned out. The economy hasn’t collapsed. Fascism hasn’t come to America. And we aren’t at war with the world.

The president, in fact, has an impressive record of...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #608

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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Coup Attempt in Venezuela

Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido said on Tuesday he had begun the “final phase” of his plan to oust President Nicolas Maduro, calling on Venezuelans and the military to back him to end Maduro’s “usurpation.”

A Reuters journalist later saw Guaido near the La Carlota air force base in Caracas, surrounded by a group of men in uniform.

Venezuelan Information Minister Jorge Rodriguez tweeted that the government was confronting a small group of “military traitors” seeking to promote a coup.

Guaido, in a video posted on his Twitter account, spoke in the company of men in military uniform and opposition politician Leopoldo Lopez, who is under house arrest.

“The national armed forces have taken the correct decision, and they are counting on the support of the Venezuelan people,” Guaido said.

Guaido, the leader of Venezuela’s opposition-controlled National Assembly, in January invoked the constitution to assume an interim presidency, arguing that Maduro’s re-election in 2018 was illegitimate.

He has been traveling outside the capital, Caracas, more and more in recent weeks to try to put pressure on Maduro to step down.

Protests are planned for Wednesday, May 1, including what Guaido has said will be “the largest march in Venezuela’s history,” part of what he calls the “definitive phase” of his effort to take office in order to call fresh elections.

Reuters journalist sees ’s @jguaido standing near an Air Force base in surrounded by a group of men in uniform
Information Minister says government is confronting a small group of military traitors seeking to promote a coup
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