90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, May 1, 2019

For That Moment When Revolution Becomes Necessary...

The Discriminating Uterus....

A Picture Of The First Race I Ever Won...

The New Hate Speech: Quote Harassment...

Poster Girl For The Hate America Leftist Narrative...

When Your Record Pales In Comparison...

Biden Releases New Book!: The Audacity of Grope...

MSNBC’s Venezuela Reporter Illustrates Reason for 2nd Amendment Rights

After years of deterioration under Bolivarian socialist rule, it appears that the Venezuelan people have finally had enough. Protests and clashes have broken out in Caracas.

In situations like this, sometimes eternal truths reveal themselves in some of the strangest places. During its coverage of the situation, MSNBC reporter Kerry Sanders stated the following:
“You have to understand, in Venezuela gun ownership is not something that’s open to everybody. So if the military have the guns, they have the power and as long as Nicolás Maduro controls the military, he controls the country.”

I couldn’t have said it better myself. Reminder: the Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting.

I noted previously that, as the economy inevitably failed and the government asserted ever more control, Venezuelans came to regret supporting gun control. My Uncle Mario taught me a similar lesson based on what happened to our family in Cuba.

HORRIFIC! Maduro's regime forces running over protesters in .

Why is the UN Human Rights Council silent? I stand with the Venezuelan people.
194 people are talking about this

A disarmed populace is at the mercy of its government. An armed populace can resist a government that becomes...

"..The First Target Of Every Revolution Is Language...."

Springtime Ammo Giveaway

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Commie Pope is trying to destroy America: Finances SIX CARAVANS of Illegals to Migrants on US Border, Sends Them $500,000

News broke from the Vatican over the weekend that Pope Francis had donated $500,000 to assist the plight of migrants massed on the U.S.-Mexico border. The funds — raised from the Catholic Peter’s Pence Collection — will fund 27 projects sponsored by 16 Mexican dioceses that will provide food, shelter and other necessities to approximately 75,000 stranded migrant families and individuals.

But the Pope’s philanthropy is perceived suspiciously by Michael Hichborn, president of The Lepanto Institute.

“I’m not sure, exactly, what Pope Francis is hoping to achieve,” he wrote in an email to Church Militant. “The money was ostensibly sent to ‘house and feed’ the 75,000 ‘stranded migrants.’ But $500,000 divided among them is $6.66, which is just enough to buy everyone there a single Whopper meal at Burger King.”

Hichborn continued: “This has all the appearance of an expensive publicity stunt aimed at poking the United States in the eye, but all it will really accomplish is proving that you can’t just throw money at a problem and expect it to fix things.”

An outspoken critic of current U.S. immigration policies, the Pope has made pointed barbs against President Donald Trump’s goal to construct a barrier on the border separating the United States and Mexico.

For example, the Pope supported the 14,000-member caravan initiated in Honduras last November, which required the United States to deploy an additional 800 soldiers on the border to maintain control. The number of immigrants has proven tremendously burdensome on the Mexican border towns and has caused a humanitarian crisis.

This has all the appearance of an expensive publicity stunt aimed at poking the United States in the eye.Tweet

Last month, Francis went even further. After making veiled comparisons of Trump to Adolf Hitler, the Pontiff declared, “Builders of walls, whether they are of razor-wire or brick, will become prisoners of the walls they build. That’s history.”

If Russia Is A Hostile Foreign Country.....

Our Leftist Propaganda Media Does Not See The Duplicity Of Narrative They Sow...Or Will Not See....

6 Key Elements in Understanding the Tangled Uranium One Scandal

Trump Lays Groundwork To Designate Muslim Brotherhood A Terror Group

Such a designation will make the Muslim Brotherhood and its partners and supporters vulnerable to harsh economic and travel sanctions imposed by the US.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders has confirmed that the Trump administration is pushing for the Muslim Brotherhood to be considered terrorists. In a statement to the Times she said:
“The president has consulted with his national security team and leaders in the region who share his concern, and this designation is working its way through the internal process,” Sanders said.

CBN reports: Trump told CBN News during an interview in 2017 that he was holding meetings about the Muslim Brotherhood’s terror status.

Senior officials are reportedly divided over the decision.

National Security Advisor John Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo support the decision, while others argue that the Muslim Brotherhood is more of a loosely organized movement than a unified group and therefore does not fit the criteria for designating it a terror organization.

Another concern is the impact such a designation would have on the rest of the Middle East. The move would increase US tensions with Turkey, whose president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan is a vocal supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Others believe the measure would allow el-Sisi to crack down on his Muslim Brotherhood opponents in Egypt. El-Sisi led a coup in 2013 that challenged and removed former president Mohamed Morsi from power. Morsi was a former leader in the Muslim Brotherhood.

Some advisors suggest designating another group linked to the Muslim Brotherhood as a terror organization, which will ultimately make the Muslim Brotherhood subject to harsh sanctions.

The consideration comes weeks after the Trump administration designated Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps a...

...And magically You See Commies Appear...

Paint It Black.

Diversity-Hire Somali Killer Cop Convicted of 3rd Degree Murder

Former Minneapolis police officer Mohamed Noor was convicted Tuesday on charges of third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter in the killing of 911 caller Justine Ruszczyk [Damond].

The jury acquitted him of second-degree intentional murder. Noor was led out of the courtroom in handcuffs following the verdict. Sentencing is scheduled for June 7.

It’s believed to be the first time a police officer in Minnesota has been convicted of murder for shooting someone while on duty. Nationwide, such convictions are extremely rare.

Will there be an investigation of the higher-ups who recruited and coddled this obvious walking time-bomb? There’s plenty of evidence that everybody knew Noor was unfit to be a policeman, but they covered up for him because they were so desperate for a Somali on the Force.

Did anybody do an investigation into the killing of Philando Castile nearby by another Diversity Hire? As you’ll recall that shooting caused President Obama to make a speech about police shooting black men, which was immediately followed by that BLM terrorist murdering 5 Dallas cops. Or maybe you won’t recall it because it’s...