90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, May 2, 2019

Freedom vs. Liberty: How Subtle Differences Between These Two Big Ideas Changed Our World

“I see the liberty of the individual not only as a great moral good in itself (or, with Lord Acton, as the highest political good), but also as the necessary condition for the flowering of all the other goods that mankind cherishes: moral virtue, civilization, the arts and sciences, economic prosperity. Out of liberty, then, stem the glories of civilized life.” Murray Rothbard

The terms "freedom" and "liberty" have become clichés in modern political parlance. Because these words are invoked so much by politicians and their ilk, their meanings are almost synonymous and used interchangeably. That's confusing – and can be dangerous – because their definitions are actually quite different.

"Freedom" is predominantly an internal construct. Viktor Frankl, the legendary Holocaust survivor who wrote Man's Search For Meaning, said it well: “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way (in how he approaches his circumstances).”

In other words, to be free is to take ownership of what goes on between your ears, to be autonomous in thoughts first and actions second. Your freedom to act a certain way can be taken away from you – but your attitude about your circumstances cannot – making one's freedom predominantly an...

Bernie Sanders Loves The Venezuelan Way...

Caravan Update: Africans, Bangladeshis, Syrians, Afghans in Mexico Awaiting U.S. Asylum

The chronic onslaught of illegal immigrants heading to the United States isn’t just coming from Central America, the caravan includes large groups of Africans, Indians, Bangladeshis, Afghans, Pakistanis and Syrians that have made it all the way to Mexico. Africa is a hotbed of Islamic terrorism, according to the State Department, and Bangladesh is a south Asian Islamic country that’s well known as a recruiting ground for terrorist groups such as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and Al-Qaeda Indian Subcontinent (AQIS). “More arrive every day” from these countries, according to a mainstream Mexican newspaper report that cites the country’s immigration officials.

Mexican media reports that hundreds of illegal immigrants from Africa, India, Bangladesh and other non-Central American nations are currently in Mexico awaiting asylum in the U.S. Most are holed up in Tapachula, which is in the southeast Mexican state of Chiapas bordering Guatemala. One group featured recently in a Mexican newspaper article took nine months to reach Chiapas. They went from Angola to Brazil where they spent four months before traveling to Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica then Nicaragua. Once they reached Honduras, the African illegal aliens took three days to purchase a photo identification and bus ticket to Guatemala, where they say it was easy passage to Mexico.

Another group featured in the same story came from Cameroon, home of the extremist groups Boko Haram and the Islamic State West Africa (ISWA). The illegal aliens say they flew from Cameroon to Ecuador before traveling through Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Guatemala and finally Mexico. All of the Africans plan to continue into the United States where they expect to “achieve refuge,” according to the news report. Of interesting note is that the Africans accuse Mexican authorities of racism and discrimination, asserting that migrants from Honduras, Guatemala and Cuba eat first and receive better overall treatment and accommodations. The major Mexican newspaper cited earlier refers to the situation along that country’s southern border as a “pressure cooker” on the verge of an unprecedented migratory collapse. Besides tens of thousands of Central Americans and Cubans, around 800 migrants from Congo, Cameroon, Guinea, Pakistan, Syria, Nepal and Pakistan, among others, await U.S. asylum in Mexico.

A separate Latin American news report estimates that north of 1,000 migrants from those nations are currently in Mexico with the goal of gaining asylum in the U.S. “Mexican authorities restrict access to the shelters that activists calculate house more than...

Fishing When You Got Nothing...

The Fishing Expedition...

Clever Bird Goes Fishing

Hirono Trips Over Herself, Tells Dems Secret Plan For Trump

Hawaii Sen. Mazie Hirono had an eventful day that started with her tempter tantrum when she questioned Attorney General Bill Barr.

And her insane day on Wednesday continued as she headed to CNN to brag to anchor Wolf Blitzer about how she handled Barr.

But in the process of patting herself on the back she made a mistake that is going to anger the rest of the Democrats.

As she bragged to Blitzer she told him what the Democrats plans are to attack President Donald Trump nonstop until 2020, and beyond if he wins reelection.

The CNN host asked Sen. Hirono if she and her colleagues intend to start proceedings to impeach Barr and she answered more than she should have.

“I think that the house is going to have to go in that direction. I do think that the Mueller report is a lead up to impeachment proceedings.

“These are not normal times. In normal times...

When You Got NOTHING Else....


Venezuelan Interim President Juan Guaidó, who is fighting to gain control of the country, called for a military uprising against Maduro in an operation titled Operacion Libertad. Venezuelans have been protesting against Maduro for months, and the U.S. has declared support for what Omar referred to as a “regime change.”

Most other Western nations also declared Guaidó to be the legitimate leader of Venezuela after red flags arose during the 2018 election.

“This particular bullying and the use of sanctions to eventually intervene and make regime change really does not help the people of countries like Venezuela,” she continued. “It certainly does not help and is not in the interest of the United States.”

Interestingly, despite condemning America’s use of sanctions in Venezuela, Omar has been vocal in her support of sanctioning Israel. The Minnesota congresswoman has come out in favor of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which seeks to punish the nation-state of Israel by economically depriving the country for its alleged...

7 Big Moments in William Barr’s Senate Testimony on Mueller Report

Amid partisan clashes over the aftermath of the special counsel’s Russia report, Attorney General William Barr faced tough questions Wednesday from Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Barr will not testify as scheduled Thursday before the House Judiciary Committee, however, after the Democrat-controlled panel voted to have staff lawyers question him. The attorney general has insisted on taking questions only from committee members.

Speaking to the Senate committee, Barr addressed his release of a lightly redacted version of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on his 22-month investigation. That probe concluded President Donald Trump and his associates did not conspire with the Russian government to win the 2016 election.

More relevant to the hearing, where Mueller left open the question of whether Trump tried to obstruct the probe, Barr and his top deputy decided that the evidence did not support criminal charges.

Several Democrat senators on the Judiciary Committee demanded that Barr resign.

The attorney general also talked about the Justice Department’s ongoing review of the Obama administration’s move to spy on the Trump campaign in 2016.

Here’s a look at seven of the biggest moments from the hearing.

1. Barr on Mueller’s Letter

The day before Barr’s testimony, a letter from Mueller to Barr leaked.

The special counsel’s letter, first reported by The Washington Post, stated that he didn’t think Barr’s four-page letter to Congress on March 24 characterizing Mueller’s main conclusions captured the context of the full report.

Pointing to previous House testimony in which Barr said he didn’t know whether Mueller objected to the letter, Democrats Mazie Hirono of Hawaii and Kamala Harris of California demanded that Barr resign.

Barr had sent the letter to Congress on a Sunday, two days after the Mueller team delivered its report.

“I offered Bob Mueller the opportunity to review that letter before it went out, and he declined,” Barr said. “On Thursday morning I received—it probably was received at the department Wednesday night or evening—but on Thursday morning I received the letter from Bob, the letter that has just been put in the record.”

At one point, Barr told Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn.: “The letter is a bit snitty, and I think it was probably written by one of his staff people.”

The attorney general went on to explain that he disagreed with Mueller’s suggestion that he quickly release summaries of the report’s Volume 1, about Russia’s meddling in the election, and Volume 2, about evidence of obstruction of justice:
I called Bob and said, ‘What’s the issue here?’ I asked him if he was suggesting that the March 24 letter was inaccurate, and he said no, but that the press reporting had been inaccurate and that the press was reading too much into it. And I asked him specifically what his concern was. He said his concern focused on his explanation of why he did not reach a conclusion on obstruction. He wanted more put out on that issue.

[Mueller] argued for putting out summaries of each volume, the executive summaries that had been written by his office. … I told Bob that I was not interested in putting out summaries. I wasn’t going to put out the report piecemeal. I wanted to get the whole report out.
Barr explained that the Justice Department needed time to review the 448-page Mueller report to redact certain grand jury information, national security information, and information relevant to pending cases.

So, he said, he wanted to make public “bottom-line conclusions” as quickly as possible in the four-page letter:
The body politic was in a high state of agitation. There was massive interest in learning what the bottom-line result in Bob Mueller’s investigation was, particularly as it related to collusion. Former government officials were confidently predicting the president and members of his family were going to be indicted. There were people suggesting that if it took anytime to turn around the report and get it out, it would mean that the president was in legal jeopardy. So, I didn’t feel that it was in the public interest to allow this to go on for several weeks.

Barr said that’s why he issued the letter about the “bottom-line conclusions” of the report, “which is what the department normally does, make a binary determination: Is there a crime or isn’t there a crime.”

“I analogize it to after a trial; reading the verdict of the trial, not reading the full transcript of the trial,” he said.

Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., noted that in his testimony to a House Appropriations subcommittee ahead of the report’s release, Barr said he didn’t know whether Mueller disagreed with the wording of his letter.

“Why did you say you were not aware of concerns when weeks before your testimony, Mr. Mueller had expressed concerns to you?” Leahy asked.

Barr said he considered only his discussion with Mueller himself in answering that question at the time.

“The question was relating to unidentified members [of Mueller’s team] who were expressing frustration over the accuracy,” Barr said. “I talked directly with Bob Mueller, not members of his team.”

“Mueller had never told me that the expression of the findings was inaccurate,” the attorney general said.

Barr repeatedly has said that Mueller is free to testify before Congress himself.

Asked during a White House press gaggle whether Mueller should testify, presidential adviser Kellyanne Conway said, “If he wants,” and expressed no objections.

2. Investigation of Spying on Trump

In response to questions from several Republicans on the Judiciary Committee, Barr said he eventually would make his findings available to Congress after he reviews the pre-election government surveillance of a Trump campaign official and the origins of the counterintelligence operation against the Trump team.

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., argued that the word “spying”—which Barr used in a previous hearing to describe what happened—isn’t commonly used by government agencies.

“My first job was in the CIA, and I don’t think the word spying has any pejorative connotation at all,” Barr said. “To me, the question is always whether or not it’s authorized and adequately predicated spying.”

The attorney general continued:
I think spying is a good English word that in fact doesn’t have synonyms because it is the broadest word incorporating all forms of covert intelligence collection, so I’m not going to back off the word spying.

Frankly, we went back and looked at press usage and, up until all the faux outrage a few weeks ago, it’s commonly used in the press to refer to authorized activity. It’s commonly used by me.

Barr said he shared senators’ concerns about potential misuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act by the FBI, and said Justice Department staff are working on the review of how the department began a counterintelligence operation against a presidential candidate.

Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., asked Barr whether he would share his findings on spying with Congress.

“At the end of the day, when I form conclusions, I intend to share them,” Barr replied.

3. Lindsey Graham’s Colorful Language

In his opening remarks, Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., read text messages from FBI officials that suggested improper conduct within the Justice Department during the 2016 campaign, as Trump became the...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #609

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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Wednesday, May 1, 2019

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