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Thursday, May 9, 2019

Jim Acosta Makes A Fool Of Himself At Trump Florida Rally

CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta has become a poster child for The Resistance and that does not appear to be stopping anytime soon.

New York Rep. Jerry Nadler ridiculously claimed that the United States was now in a Constitutional crisis after holding Attorney General Bill Barr in contempt of Congress.

He did not mentioning that he created the crisis, and many analysts on CNN said that he was incorrect and that there was no crisis.

That is, other than Acosta who, again, beclowned himself by pushing a narrative to attack President Donald Trump as he often does.

“President Trump has just added another obstacle to Democrats effort to see the full Mueller report by exerting executive privilege.

“Let’s go to Jim Acosta. The president and his team seem to be defying Democrats at every turn,” CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer said on “The Situation Room.”

“That’s right. As for the news on Donald Trump Jr., the White House at this point is not expected to comment on that news.

“We don’t expect that to happen. You never know what will happen at a Trump rally as the president will be on stage in a couple of hours from now.

“We’ll have to wait and see if he wants to comment on the latest developments regarding his eldest son. The president does appear to be heading toward a constitutional crisis with House Democrats.

“The White House is defending the White House use of executive privilege as the president appears to be turning the art of the deal into the art of the conceal.

“Playing a game of hide and seek, President Trump is pulling out all the stops to keep the full Mueller report out of the hands of Democrats,” he said from the President Trump rally in Panama City, Florida Wednesday.

What is frightening is that Jim probably thought that he had hit a hum dinger of a line with the “art of the conceal” but the Internet did not see it that way:

That ONE Guy!


And Thank Goodness For Him!!

Joe Biden says the U.S. is obligated to provide healthcare to illegal aliens

Former vice president and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden told a California audience that the United States has an obligation to provide healthcare to illegal immigrants, according to

Biden, who has a significant lead in the Democratic primary polls, was campaigning in Los Angeles when he got on the topic of healthcare and immigration.

"I think that anyone who is in a situation where they're in need of healthcare, regardless of whether they are documented or undocumented, we have an obligation to see that they are cared for," Biden said. "That's why I think we need more clinics around the country."

Biden went on to disregard the idea that illegal immigration is a problem primarily about illegal border crossings, pointing to the number of illegal immigrants that are visa overstays.

"A significant portion of undocumented folks in this country are there because they've overstayed their visas," Biden said. "It's not people breaking down the gates coming across the border. And so, the biggest thing we've gotta do in this is tone down the rhetoric. We know why it's happening. It's to create fear and concern.

'Why is your job in danger? Because of that—' And then he describes them in very graphic, unflattering terms—that other, that immigrant. It's ridiculous," Biden continued, presumably referring to President Donald Trump.

While the other Democratic presidential candidates are racing each other left with single-payer healthcare proposals, Biden has not detailed what he plans to do on the...

BREAKING, Establishment Republicans Betray President, Subpoena Donald Trump Jr

The Republican establishment  in the Senate has stabbed President Donald Trump in the back and gave in to Democrats again.

The Senate Intelligence Committee, led by Republicans, has subpoenaed Donald Trump Jr. to answer more questions about the Russia investigation, Axios reported.

It’s the first congressional subpoena — that we know about — of one of President Trump’s children. The subpoena sets up a fight that’s unprecedented in the Trump era: A Republican committee chair pit against the Republican president’s eldest son.

It’s also a sign that the Russia investigations in Congress aren’t over despite the conclusion of special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe and despite Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell saying it’s time to move on from the Russia probe.

A Senate Intelligence Committee spokesperson told Axios: “We do not discuss the details of witness engagements with the Committee. Throughout the investigation, the Committee has reserved the right to recall witnesses for additional testimony as needed, as every witness and witness counsel has been made aware.”

“Don and Senate Intel agreed from the very beginning that he would appear once to testify before the committee and would remain for as long as it took to answer all of their questions. He did that. We’re not sure why we’re fighting with Republicans,” a source close to Trump Jr. told Axios.

Between the lines: Mueller, whose investigation did not find a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia, did not indict Trump Jr., despite speculation that he would.

Unlike many congressional investigations in the Trump era, the Senate Intelligence probe — led by Republican chairman Richard Burr and Democratic vice chair Mark Warner — has been largely bipartisan.

The fact that they’re subpoenaing Trump Jr. is a strong signal that he declined a request to appear before the committee again.

The backstory: Trump Jr. testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee in September 2017 that he was only “peripherally aware” of proposed plans for the Moscow project. His testimony was released. He testified for a total of more than 25 hours with three different committees, per a source familiar with the situation.


I Omit Tom Cotton, He's A Good Guy...

Senate Intelligence Committee Members

North Carolina
Vice Chairman
New Mexico

Morning Mistress